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Posts posted by Autonuaq

  1. 14 hours ago, motdaeng said:

    the big open question is, will the new tax law be enforced by the tax revenue department?



    They can enforce this easy, for example to show that you have paid your taxes when you have a visa renewal or at other applications the Government is involved with. They can do this when you are leaving the country or entering, there are many ways to enforce this in an easy comfortable way for the Government.

    • Agree 1
  2. Legal Age of Consent in Thailand (siam-legal.com)


    read this then you know more.

    the source of the text below is part of website Legal Age of Consent in Thailand (siam-legal.com)

    Understanding Age of Consent in Thailand

    The term ‘age of consent’ specifically refers to the minimum age at which a person is considered legally competent to provide consent for engaging in sexual acts. Individuals below this age do not possess the legal capacity to consent to sexual activities.

    In Thailand, the age of consent is set at 15 years old. This implies that individuals aged 14 or younger are not legally permitted to provide consent for any form of sexual activity. If an individual over the age of consent engages in a sexual act with someone below this age, it may be deemed ‘statutory rape,’ and the older person could face legal charges for violating the law.

    Unlike some jurisdictions, Thailand does not have a close-in-age exemption, commonly known as “Romeo and Juliet laws.” The absence of such an exemption means that even consensual sexual activity between two individuals under the age of 15 could lead to legal consequences.

    It’s important to understand that Thai law makes a distinction between laws regulating sexual activity, as outlined in the Penal Code, and laws governing marriage and family matters, detailed in the Civil and Commercial Code. The legal age for consenting to sexual activities is set at 15. Legal adulthood, on the other hand, is acknowledged from the age of 20 onward. While the minimum age for marriage consent is established at 17.

    Other Relevant Laws

    Beyond regulations concerning the age of consent, Thailand has specific laws targeting sexual offenses and rape cases, with penalties contingent on factors such as the victim’s age and the nature of the offense.

    Recent trends highlight an increase in rape cases throughout Thailand. Section 276 of the Criminal Code specifies that engaging in non-consensual sexual intercourse with an individual, through threats, violence, or exploitation of their vulnerable state, may lead to imprisonment for 4 to 20 years and a fine ranging from 80,000 to 400,000 Baht.

    For cases involving minors, penalties intensify. If the victim is under 15, irrespective of consent, the offender could face 20 years in prison and a fine of 80,000 to 400,000 Baht. If the victim is under 13, the imprisonment term varies from 7 to 20 years. Armed offenses against a minor may result in a life sentence.

    Regarding indecent acts, the procurement, seduction, or abduction of individuals for such acts may result in imprisonment for up to 10 years and a fine of up to 200,000 Baht. Offenses against those aged 15 to 18 or under 15 carry more severe penalties, including life imprisonment or death.

    Thailand’s legal framework also addresses issues such as child prostitution and pornography. The Child Protection Act and the Criminal Code include provisions dealing with sexual violence against children. Offenses like producing, possessing, or distributing obscene material can lead to imprisonment and hefty fines.

    Prostitution and the sale of sexual services are technically illegal in Thailand. Child prostitution carries even more severe consequences, emphasizing the moral and ethical implications of such actions. The intricate legal landscape underscores the importance of legal awareness to ensure compliance and protect individuals from sexual offenses and exploitation.

  3. This is not only the case for the British, the Dutch also start to have the same issues. When you read the media more European countries seem to adopt this policy too soon or consider this.


    People forget the international rules that apply to the income. and how this effect the overall life. The income location is based on where your life is and is based on the 3 months out 12 months, 4 months out of 12 months, 6 months out of 12 months and 10 year time periods.

    you can look all easy up.

  4. great initiative, and soon we are out of electronics and other western goods and service due to Thailand can be seen and an exporter of banned technology.

    Sadly, enough China is not the country that respect the West nor seems to respect the international agreement and borders.


    Thailand has better options when you look around, but sadly enough it seems that Thailand not want to learn from the Chinese submarine the ordered problem and the western diesel engine.


    • Confused 1
  5. Any border is safe when you apply with the right visa for the goal that you want to stay that is in match with the genuine intentions you have.

    Never have had any problem to enter Thailand, to leave Thailand or any other country border.


    Probably you and the others have forgotten the Visa covers the goals and purpose you want to stay, and you seem to want to stay live here. Apply for the right Visa all worries gone.


    • Agree 2
  6. I am very sorry for your loss.


    There is one item everyone seems to have overlooked and that is very important.

    the marriage itself.

    to your marriage also applies the international laws. and one of them is about the choice of rights that apply to the mariage.

    When you stay longer the 10 years in a country the automatically by law the laws of that country also apply to the mariage if the couple did not register legally the choice of rights they want to apply to the marriage.

    for example, you are married in Germany move for 3 year to France then move for 11 years to the UK and then after theh UK move back to Germany and for some reason the marriage ends.

    everyone thinks the German law applies. But this is not the fact. Due to the stay longer the 10 years in the UK the UK law automatically did apply to the mariage.

    To prevent this unexpected change of law that applies on must take action and that is to register the choice of law as soon as possible but before the day one stays 10 years in the country. 


    This also solves your problem about how to handle and when to do and expect about the house and other things as well.

    The ambassy can help you out.


    which you aal the strength needed in these strange times you are in now.



  7. Thailand and South Korea where about the same level when ASEAN started.

    We all seen what the development from the about same start what that did brought to South Korea and Thailand.


    If you cannot change then you can try to change in a different way. This is probably the reason why BRICS is chosen by Thailand when you read the news around this development.

    When you look into the list of countries that also explains what it is wiser to extend the Visa for Brics Members.


    I am just not sure if the Thai view on things on the long or short term also will fit with the other members. not sure because Thai governments come will bring changes.

    • Haha 1
  8. 5 hours ago, freeworld said:

    Probably if tax resident in Thailand one would need to submit a tax return and then the DTA would discount the tax already paid and evidence would be submitted or you pay the tax in Thailand and claim relief/refund in ones home country.


    I guess the accountancy profession is going to flourish.



    5 hours ago, connda said:

    Eventually someone is going to write, "Does that mean farang's pension income too."

    Short answer would probably be "No," at least for those countries with bilateral tax agreements with Thailand.  If you're paying income tax in your home countries, then Thailand has no claim to tax the income twice.



    all works and is depending on where your world income is defined. when you live and stay in thailand your world income ids in Thailand. Many Dutch have seen this problem with the Social Security Organization (SVB). The SVB (government) transferred lesser pension money to Thailand as you also could have red in the Thai media.

    The exact definition about where you have your world income you can find when you google.  

    Beware when you are married and stay out of the country longer than 10 years and the choice of rights that apply is not registered. After 10 years this becomes the right of your country you have stayed with your partner.  All does make that you think that the UK rights apply but due to that you stayed longer than 10 years the law of the country you stay become the one that governs.
    There is many more to take in account when you stay longer the 90 days outside your country of residence, when you are not staying abroad for your work.


    it is not tax or the social security there are many things to take in account that people are not aware of. 


    Bewise and make sure that you know which country it is that then one your world income. 

  9. Moved my son out of Thailand, at age 4 he was bullied at school and at a certain point 'start to fall often' and shortly after that was beaten up by the Thai teacher. All because he was Caucasian/Thai. The food and drinks were taken from him. Now he stays in my home country, and I have to make adjustment to work. is 8 years now and starting to become a happy child again. This was in the Bangkok area. Police and juveniele Department were involved and made it possible for him to get legally out of the country. His mother also helped him out followed later due to the needed visa for her to be able to stay long in abroad to make sure he got well again.

    In general the Thai children with a foreign parent they have it tougher to very worse.


  10. yes, it is very worthty to have the teeth implant at any age if that is recommended to do.

    Gums health is better they say, and they are fixed support for the other teeth. making overal better health in your mouth and with that in your body when you read the scientific study about this correlation.

    avoid to have teeth pulled and maintain good care of gums and theeths.

  11. 6 hours ago, topt said:

    Not really. Club in my local town in the UK the security refused entry to my then Thai gf who was in her mid 20's until we went back with her passport.


    I was refused service in a beachside/hotel bar in the US when I was in my 30's until I produced my passport. The US I believe is somewhat stricter than Europe generally.

    i am not so sure about what you say is a fact. Not so sure since I could enter as an under aged without questions. Mostly it is on the appearance impression that people are stopped. 

  12. On 7/27/2023 at 8:44 AM, CharlieKo said:

    I think you'll find that unless you have a UK address linked to your Bank account. There is no obligation for UK banks to keep your account open. 


    Even then I received a letter from my bank, saying they were aware I was living in Thailand and asking for my tax details here in Thailand. If I was not able to provide those details they would have closed my account. 

    I am a non native English speaker. and since this happened to me as well i can share with you the source on which the request is based on.  this request about the tax statement is based on the international agreement that tells where and in which area your world income falls. that areas/country is responsible and allowed to collect the taxes.


    Dual residence

    In some cases, two countries could consider you a tax-resident at the same time, and both could require you to pay taxes on your total worldwide income. Fortunately, many countries have double tax agreementsOpen as an external link, which usually provide rules to determine which of the two countries can treat you as a resident.

    If the tax treaty does not provide a solution or if your situation is particularly complicated, contact the tax authoritiesOpen as an external link of one or both countries and ask them to clarify your situation.


    Thailand is one of them who has the double tax agreement with many countries.


    Inkomstenbelasting in het buitenland - Your Europe (europa.eu)Income taxes abroad - Your Europe (europa.eu)


    Thailand: tax treaties - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

    International treaty
    Thailand: tax treaties
    Tax treaties and related documents between the UK and Thailand.

    • Thanks 1
  13. you hit your jackpot I am happy for you.

    they are all the same around the world,, only the package is different about the rest all is the same.

    just be aware of local customs and laws because local laws have funny unexpected surprises.

    like every were else do make sure she is not married, the Thai law has some funny things in mind when she is.

    with the girl you comes for free included the family, some work out well other not. Beside this it is also some families do see you as the free family TM.

    Anyway keep in mind that the grass looks always greener and more tasty at the other side of the fence.  still is the same

  14. 17 hours ago, steve187 said:

    same old same old, riding a m/cycle in Thailand without having the correct licence and or insurance to do so. she thought she was covered by her credit card.

    most people got an (travel) insurance, in the small print mostly is excluded of coverage extreme sports., intoxicated, alcohol, diving, and motorbikes, some have even more.

    the problem is that also these small prints can change by the premium paid.


    never the less is is never wise to drive on two wheels that have engine or motor as main drive or supporting the peddling due to that most insurances exclude this as they seen it an a high risk event to insure. 

  15. 9 hours ago, new2here said:

    I don’t think it’s the baht getting stronger per se.. i think it’s more to do with how the market views the USD going forward.

    Given Chairman Powells’ comments I suspect the market sees the dollar at perhaps topping out as the signal seems to be smaller FOMC upticks of perhaps 50bp and not the much larger 75bps they’ve done.


    So, i suspect the THB/USD issue is more to do with movement in the USD than it is the relative strength or weakness of the THB itself 

    Thai bath is also again other currency increasing in strength, which is a problem for a country that is depending on tourist from those areas of the currencies it it getting stronger against.


    When Thailand wants to become an importer it does make sense also to reform the total Thai economics and industry to reflect this and after than then Thaial can have a strong currency. now it is loosing more then it things it gains.. 

  16. the only time i have been bitten by dogs was by animals that where on a leash with the owner on the other end. mostly owners who are not people who should have any kind of animal.


    most people that I have seen being bitten by animal are those joggers and runners who are running and then run towards an animal. which makes the animal thinks it will be attacked. or running away from the animal which triggers another thing in the animal. 


    most animal remember people who treated them badly and they wait for the moment that the animal can doing bad to the people.


    animals that are labeled as false are animals that have learned how people are and actually show nothing more than copied human behavior  


  17. Covid or not a total forgotten fact is the ongoing war in the Ukraine and that the Russians are preparing to use (tactical) nuclear weapons.

    when they start to use these weapons all around the globe will suffer, get sick and the changes are that the world as we know it will have ended.


    The action to stop this is done by something we all have in our power and that is also to make that we have a life after Covid. The action is a buyers boycott by stopping to buy Chinese goods, products and services. There is not direct way to put pressure on Russia to stop. But when the media is correct about this boycott it seems that that this pressure works in the Countries, they are doing this. China is now more and more putting pressure on Russia not to use NBC as well to release all land back to Ukraine.


    We also see many countries refuse Russians to enter and tell them to solve the problem in Russia to end the war. Because that also makes an end to go abroad. Tourists are also not allowed to enter and have to stay in Russia to celebrate their vacations as long as there is the War against Ukraine.


    As long a Russian are able to leave the country the Russian who are leaving make that the once who are left behind will become more extremer. Become more extremer because they have no other opinion that counters the stories and do things we cannot prevent. When they stay in Russia, they will provide the counter vision as well will make that all gets to an end and stopped.


    When Governments do not allow then to come and have to stay in Russia for as long as the War is going on and the territory of Ukraine that has been occupied is returned to Ukraine and under Ukraine control. When the Consumers stop buying until there is peace again and Ukraine has got back all of its territory then we will have an end of this Russian started war soon as well that we hopefully not have to face the Bacterial, Chemical and Nuclear (NBC) problems when these kinds of weapons are used by Russia.


    Post war and then have the NBC problems to deal with this. one can better prevent them from happening.


    Therefore a Post Covid society will mean nothing when once has to face and solve the problems caused by NBC weapons Russia started used

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