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Everything posted by Ebumbu

  1. I don't need to. Trump always tells the truth. If he said it, it's true. Just like Jesus.
  2. So, it's all about gay and trans people? Are they forcing you to march in gay pride? That's terrible! So, woke has to do with trans and operations and gay. Anything else?
  3. He's clinically obese and eats junk food. He believes exercise shortens your life. He will not release his medical records. His official doctor listed him as 220 pounds. Not even his sons are 220 pounds. Have you seen him with the jacket off? You can't be nearly 80 and be that big. Why not release the medical records? His White House doc said, "He is the most vibrant and healthy president who ever lived." Very convincing.
  4. Evidence isn't necessary. Well, maybe there are more grainy videos of people putting something in boxes. Good enough for me!
  5. What is "woke"? I really want to know. Is it stuff like considering trans people human beings? Is it considering undocumented immigrants human beings and not "vermin" who need to be put into concentration camps and separated from their children? Please help me understand the meaning of this word, woke. Is it just shorthand for all policies you don't like?
  6. The failed to complete the risk-reward analysis.
  7. What happened to the "rigged" election? Not a word this time. Seems it's only "rigged" when he loses. Be careful what you wish for.
  8. You mean President Vance won. Trump won't last 4 years. Sick old dude, and those who pull the strings want Vance in. Young, smart, and amoral.
  9. That's just half the story. This guy was eating the dogs!
  10. This is like saying the pair consumed a deadly mix of chamomile tea and ketamine.
  11. Dude's tablet is emitting gamma rays.
  12. He's got bigger problems than a lawsuit Thailand. His liver is foie gras.
  13. This guy is 45? I suspect pickle juice.
  14. The court sentences you to drink the victim's man milk until your debt to society has been paid.
  15. Read what I actually wrote. My comments have been about Thailand. I'm not addressing the West's culture wars. The bathroom controversy is irrelevant and ridiculous to me. Thailand has four main genders. Have you been to Thailand?
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Catch_a_Predator
  17. Your reply is a non sequitur, comprised of $5 vocabulary words. I didn't conflate women with kathoeys, and neither do they. Thailand has a very sensible solution: four basic genders. We're not talking about biological sex. Kathoeys don't claim to be women. You are bringing Fox News talking points to this discussion. Why? It doesn't belong here. Nothing I said was particularly virtuous. I am saying Thailand does it right. And by the way, kathoeys use women's restrooms every day, all over the country. Where are the rapes? Where is the outrage? Both are absent. "Mai ben rai" works great for this issue.
  18. So, an entire class of people are no good. You met a creepy one, so they're all creepy. No need to judge each human being individually. Got it. And, let me guess, you are a Trump voter?
  19. I get it. Everyone lies but Trump. He is the only reliable source of truth: not the courts, not any news outlets, not your own eyes, not the victims of his frauds (Trump University), and not his sexual-abuse victims. They're eating the dogs!
  20. The baby pig didn't sexually assault 18 or more women. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/list-trumps-accusers-allegations-sexual-misconduct/story?id=51956410
  21. It always mystifies me to see someone so concerned about sexual assault, yet displaying an avatar like yours. The level of mental compartmentalization required is truly impressive.
  22. There are four acknowledged genders here (male, female, kathoey, and tomboy). Thailand is more socially advanced that the US when it comes to gender identity, and probably many other areas. Live and let live. If trans women did use men's bathrooms, there would be actual assaults against them, not hypothetical assaults involving "fake" kathoeys.
  23. Sound like a delightful seafood restaurant. Better trademark it. Turds and Tampons Sunday buffet!
  24. Getting married means never having to say you're sari.
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