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Everything posted by jtrump

  1. Funny how you dislike the untruths but you yourself are contributing to the problem. Please state your references, you know scientific articles, that support your claims otherwise they are just your opinions.
  2. Very small sample give <deleted>ty results. Duh
  3. "I find grumpy expats and entitled boomers always criticizing every sh*t even more annoying!" I guess you find yourself annoying as well since you are the one complaining. Both you and the original poster have a serious lack of intelligence. Please seek immediate medical attention. Local traditions is not beating someone for honking a horn.
  4. Please move as far from intelligent people as you can.
  5. You can tell when it is BS because they state no actual facts, no reference to a real scientific study or paper. Just saying it is so, doesn't make it true.
  6. Update, insurance company sent me 3 insurances with their accepted garages. CR Auto Navanakorn looks like an excellent huge shop. Will be going with them if the quote is acceptable.
  7. Strange, I get the opposite, I tell them to leave with the guard as I will be home in a few hours, nope, they won't leave it. I had to drive home (15min) where they were patiently waiting for me to arrive. Excellent service, gave them a tip for waiting.
  8. And look what your vote got us (that is a lie, cheating got him in, not votes), high gas prices, inflation and wars. More national debt, millions of illegals crossing the borders taking Americans jobs. Violence in all Democrat cities. No law, catch and release criminals. Giving thousands of dollars to illegal immigrants while elderly people in America struggle to survive. Chinese blatantly flying spy balloons over America unimpeded. His family raking in millions due to him giving favors to our enemies. What a great job, maybe Kamala Lala Ding Dong can do better. Or hey, let's ruin America like Newsome ruined California.
  9. All, Looking to see if all insurances have the same policy after 7 years. Bought a new Ford Ranger 7 years ago, insured with Ford Ensure Tisco. Been in repair shop a few times, always great service and good deductibles. Now in my 8th year I am told I can no longer take my truck to the Ford place for repairs. I have lived in the Ayutthaya/Bang Pa-In area for 8 years and never seen an autobody shop much less a large one that looks reputable. I asked Tisco to provide me with a list of available places in my area to check out but still no reply after a few days. Anyone else run into this problem? Know if any other insurance that will allow me to take to dealer to repair? My truck is 7 years old but still in immaculate condition and I would like to keep it that way. Not as concerned about cost but about service. Thanks in advance, Jeff
  10. Mindless MAGA crowd, you mean the gutless spineless people who ransacked and destroyed all the Demorat's cities, oh <deleted>e, that was Antifa and BLM crowd, leftist organizations. Oh OK, you are confused.
  11. My apologies but even in your quote, last sentence, is states Congress may vote, nothing about states voting. Another bogus lawsuit. Sad day for America, Xiden's DOJ is weaponized against his political opponents. Banana republic now. Now Florida and other Republican states will remove Xiden from the ballot. What will this accomplish, nothing. Shows how scared the Demorats, always have to resort to cheating one way or another. Demorats lost a lot of voters with this political stunt.
  12. You only read the parts that you want to read. The first line states, which you conveniently omit: Congress CAN, not states. Congress. Will be thrown out like all the other bogus cases against Trump.
  13. Strange as my LINEMan app doesn't have a taxi service. Possibly because of my location in Bang Pa-In. I was looking as taxis are not easy to get here and need to go to airport often.
  14. jtrump

    Covid boosters MIA

    The NIH also told you if you take the vaccine you won't catch Covid and that masks work. Their credibility is gone.
  15. Oh and don't forget the latest that Tucker revealed. He interviewed the head of security for the capital and he said he asked for permission to activate the National Guard and it took 2 hours to get a response of YES. Why 2 hours, did Nancy want the riots to happen? Was she in on it? These are the questions intelligent Americans are asking. Nothing to do with conspiracy theories.
  16. You mean conspiracy theories like the Hunter Biden laptop being Russian Collusion or maybe the so-called vaccines don't prevent you from catching Covid? Tucker has over 2M followers but but you think he is trying to stay relevant, hahaha.
  17. Dude, Provide you with a source for what, the WHO lies. So, let's start again, The newspapers didn't post that Killary would win, 95% sure. WHO didn't state that the vaccine would prevent catching or transmitting the virus, lies. I forgot the good one, Hunter Xiden laptop is Russian Collusion confirmed over 50 national intelligence agency senior officials. Now, the real story is out, over 20M in bribes taken from the Xiden crime family. Yet, you will still state that he was only talking about the weather.
  18. Dude, the guy doesn't know where he is half of the time and you think he can make another term. Glad you want a puppet in control, everyone knows he doesn't run America. He is told what to say, where to sit as he has no clue. The handlers tell him when to take questions. Please let's settle this once and for all, have a debate. But we all know Joe Xiden has dementia. he will never debate as the Demorats won't let him.
  19. Pretty sure Chai Nat's tickets come from their road blocks on highway 32. I used to travel that direction and got caught about 3-4 times on one month. Usually have 15 cars stopped on both sides, so probably 200-300 tickets/day or more coming from that one traffic stop
  20. Probably would have saved his life like it did the rest of the passengers. Can't get thrown out of a vehicle if you have the seat belts on.
  21. Vaccines prevent the contraction of a disease. These clot shots have been proven not to be vaccines. Even Pfizer admitted that natural immunity is 100 times better than the protection given by their clot shots.
  22. Actually, they aren't even vaccines as vaccines prevent the contraction of diseases. FDA changed their long standing definition of the word vaccine to accommodate these so-called vaccines. There is no proven science that even shows they lessen the symptoms.
  23. Reducing the symptoms actually has never been proven. What has been proven are the many people dying from blood clots and pregnant women losing their babies. This junk was never tested for efficacy, that is the first test you do for a vaccine. Pfizer admitted this in court. If efficacy wasn't tested you can bet no side effects were tested either. People need to wake up and understand this was a sham by big pharma to advance the field of mRNA technology and they used the world as their testing grounds.
  24. I doubt that seriously unless they have there own businesses. laborers at our factory start at 300B/day. New engineers, around 15-20k/month. 10+ year engineers, 40-65k/month. Managers, 80K-120K. Unless your friends have their own business or managers, I don't they make anything close to that.
  25. I usually take a meter taxi which cost around 800 baht to Bang Pa-In which is 20 minutes before Ayutthaya. But many will try to charge a set fee. The airport gives you a Taxi Complaint Form at the meter taxi queue. As soon as I get in the taxi, I take photos of his license. If he complains about meter, I show the complaint form and offer a 100B tip. Has always worked for me. You can call my taxi guy also, he lives in Rangsit and speaks OK English and has a nice van. Amnat Taxi 081-491-4377. I usually give him 1000B and he is very happy. Prices may have gone up since Covid, these prices were pre-Covid.
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