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  1. well from what I read, all they can do if you refuse to fill out and forward is to lock out or close your account so you have a choice. Haven't you read about the CRS reporting and exchange of your banking data with your home country?
  2. a US news report this morning said that measurable water levels in Atlanta Ga show that it has increased by 7 inches and much of the southern US is also experiencing increased sea levels. Global warming or the the icebox for seas in the N, Atlantic has weakened too which could be making land areas have higher temperatures as it weakens further. One has to admit that when it rains nowadays almost in any area of the world, it causes flooding not seen in any of our lifetimes due to warmer air holding more moisture. I am no expert and from what I read, I am not sure anyone really has a DEFINITE knowledge of what is happening with the weather/climate. But, as an American, there sure are any spots in the US that I would buy land or rent nor spend any time there.
  3. you must not understand that Trump as a narcissist would never admit to being a "lame" duck as that could mean having a fault to him and he never admits to any fault.
  4. Personally like Nana's breads and many of their other products!
  5. seeing the news this AM frm the US, Trump wants Biden tosign a bill to increase the "debt ceiling" which will then able Trump to cut the income taxes of the RICH upon assuming the office on 20 January. Trump then can make the excuse that the DEMs increased the debt ceiling, not him. Without the increase, the two parties had already come up with an omnibus bill to fund the govt until March and Trump never mentioned this increase of the debt ceiling until yesterday. I don't think Biden will sign such a bill ... going to be some more unhappy folks during the holidays but am sure Presidents Trump/Musk are feeling pretty powerful in steering the govt already before they even take the oaths in January. All Trump/Musk need to do is wait until 20 January, then as president and with a Rep controlled House and Senate ht could then get a bill to sign increasing the debt ceiling so he can then lower the taxes of the rich but then that would be too obvious I guess. From what Ihave read bout our congress, their main job is to work out a bill funding the US govt for the next year...here we are already 3 months into that "next year" and might have to shutdown due to no funding bill!!! Need to fire all of them, come up with term limits and hopefully get some folks more interested in actually doing the job of the congress instead of concentrating on getting re-elected so they can then get rich. My opinion anyway as a conservative Republican and anti-democratic policies.
  6. obviously, this is probably number 3 on the list of excuses for not investigating a crime.
  7. that basically was what I was telling you, just about impossible to change those farmers and mushroom hunters to stop burning.
  8. They too realize the danger and over costs and the PM has even signed an agreement with neighboring countries this year to no avail as it is like many other ignored laws here, especially ones that the govt has ignored as they watched the same crap every year! It is impossible almost to change the minds of ignorant people if they think it will cost them money to change and since most of the illnesses caused by the pollution takes a long time to show the effects. I used to almost be able to see the ground when flying up to NKP from BKK in the 70's ,..,.almost because with all the burning/smoke seeing the ground from the air was impossible!
  9. Having lived and worked in more than 15 countries around the world, as well as living here many times since the 70's, Thailand is a developing country, with many periods of military overthrow of the govt and drops back down. Look at the home debt rate in this country which is increasing almost daily. When the aveage salary is as low as it is here, if it was not in the tropics, folks would most likely not be able to survive IMHO. Most of th money in this country is owned by just a few families. I was giving my opinion based on my life experiences and sorry it doesn't foit with your opinion.
  10. well I thibnk most of those probably voted AGAINST KH! in my opinion of courese
  11. never, ever struck/beat my children - learned from my parents. Discipline does not need to be violent. I learned early in life the difference between bad and good and my parents were never religious. well as for economic basket case, Thailand leads most countries.
  12. IMHO, having raised two daughters, one in the 70-80's, and one 2000 era, and in local and international schools, I have seen where the problem lies - basically parents fail to properly teach and discipline their children. Seems many countries are going the way of the US where the parents think that teachers should be the ones disciplining their kids who at home have total freedom. Much of this probably stems from the mothers having to work and contribute to the household too as cost of living have increased. Lack of respect of discipline by students contributes to the decline in learning also as clearly shown in testing. The US in a typical manner for us Americans, is to throw more money at the problem but just like the other problems, more money doesn't solve the problem and in many cases just makes things worse. Parents and their offspring seem to be a big problem as shown by the changes in the birth rates, as the kids growing up without discipline now do not want kids of their own so girls don't want to get married nor have children with the problems that they face in the world today.. what is the proper solution? I sure can't fix kids other than my own but too many parents just ignore those problems.
  13. well I during my 78 years of life have had numerous vacinations - especially for military and then for career being assigned around the world including underveloped Africa. BUT, the COVID vacinations are an entirely different brand of medicine, from what I have read that actually can alter one's DNA and thus the big problem - especially in the autoimmunity parts of a person's body. I know that it has affected mine, allergies that previously were "ignored" by my system now are affected regularly and it isn't age related. I think there should definitely be a class action suit against the manufacturers (many of whom got rich off this), the pharmas and the govt that "forced" this on the public without knowing all the facts. This is my honest opinion based on experiencing the after effects.
  14. I would think that parents would have an understanding with the school that their child attends - any teacher that strikes a student should be fired immediately, other punishments should be widely disseminated by the govt and schools. My opinion and if I hadn't been well aware and agreed, I would have changed schools for my kids when they were growing up.
  15. yes, every person faces that from the day that they are born! No escape, just like taxes!

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