Under the FACTA exchange of banking data is actually very litle information only the aggregate bank account money fo the year, acct # etc but in reality, the local bank already has most of that info anyway, except for the additional amount that is different from the total that I remitted to Thailand. (gotten from the local Thai bank). I had to provide them with my ss# when Iopened the local acct and they see the money from my state side bank every month. I only have my US govt pension as an income so doesn't supposedly count as assessable income since it can only be taxed by the US govt. As for the lesser amount that I remit, all that is exempt by the LTR so again isn't acounted as assessable since it supposedly cannot be taxed by the Revenue Dept (YET anyway). Just saying that unless the RD does come out publicly and state that ALL expats/foreigners (adults) have to get a Tax ID and file then I won't. If the RD contacts me about the remittance source, I can provide govt documents showing my income is solely the civil service pension and that I have an LTR but they should really be active in contact with the BOI and Immigraton. Have a great day!