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  1. AND, why only the Capitol when some states have the same law and ALL states should have that law and while they are fixing that transexual problem, how about stopping transgender males from competing in women's sports? some think this is an equality issue but ignore the rights of "straight" people who don't want to be in a bathroom with someone of the opposite sex nor being in a dressing room with someone of the opposite sex. I have two daughters and would not put up with transexual males joining my kids in any of those situations. They agree that if it did come to pass, they would give up sports but if the schools allowed transexuals to use the ladies room, we would change schools.
  2. We regularly use the dental clinic at Bangkok Hospital, Chiang Mai - not overly expensive, easy to get in.
  3. those "permanent" staff are according to the Project 2025 are targets for being fired unless they are known Trump fans.
  4. The US rebuilt Japan and Germany after WWII, not only rebuilt but enabled them to become world economic successes.
  5. watching the unfavorable return of the rocket this morning, knowing Trump had joined Musk there for this test, I wondered what their comments on that was. Hopefully Musk's mission in politics will be as successful as TESLA.
  6. Well no matter how low they go, those of us that only have US civil service retirement or those with LTR might not ever have assessable income so wouldn't have to file tax forms nor get a tax number unless the revenue department makes EVERY adult tax resident obtain a tax id number which has been alluded to by the RD folks and this would entail a change in the RD rule #1 for obtaining a tax id number. Doesn't mean those of us in this category would ever have to pay taxes but they could demand that we get a tax ID number so we would be on file as to "why" we don't have to file. Just more paperwork for "nothing". Just like a possibility of cancelling the royal decree on tax exempt for LTR holders - would that mean a change in the law or just an adjustment within the RD? It still would not affect me unless they decide to withdraw from the treaty on DTA's which could always happen too but that surely would need Parlaimentary approval. But TIT and seeing how concerned they are about the trade agreements with the US and China while possibly joining BRICS next year. Anyway, the other survey that indicates more than half the expats "claim" that they will not file any tax forms for 2024. We'll see....
  7. sorta like Gabbard - a Putin lover even making it on Russian news media at times and now she will be in control of the intel agencies - you can bet the 5 eye countries will certainly be checking what they share with her folks - could be dangerous for some of their sources for sure!
  8. No, I agree as that has already been "vetted" and approved. I read on the forum that someone has seen the "new" tax form but in Thai only and are awaiting that in English. I guess if there are any further changes for expats then maybe some guidance will come shortly but having to make any new rules, like making all tax residents get a tax ID whether they will ever have assessable income such as my situation so will never have to file a tax form in Thailand, any new rules might not be passed in time so.. who knows remains the case.
  9. too true, we each have our opinion which is natural but too many folks on this forum don't accept that if it is different from theirs and they gladly it seems want to let the world know. I am not a Trumper but yes, I was a former civil servent and recognize the bloated government bureaucracy of the US and the waste. I am not sure that all will be good in the new administration..I have read the Project 2025 plan to shrink the govt, get rid of abuse of positions, etc and like you say, who can argue with that! It would be nice thougjh if the elected officials in the Congress could think more about the citizens and the nation than they do about getting re-elected. They remind me of the traditional used car salesperson who changes his spiel on selling a car based on the person to whom he is speaking and could really care less about the truth. I think that the conservative move being sought through the project 2025 might be good if carried out honestly...the key to government but which I find lacking just about everywhere.
  10. I got an email today from my stateside bank, that advised me to consider transferring funds via Wise as it was cheaper than the wire transfer of that bank. I am going to check it out today but I don't mind the wire transfer cost as for 5 years I have been doing it through that bank and never had a problem and transfer was by the next working day. I just thought it was strange that my bank would lose that transfer money and recommend Wise. My funds go to Bangkok Bank - I originally had a joint (w/wife) account from the main office in Bangrak, BKK, but moved to CM and eventually the immigration folks advised that I had to have an account solely in my name so I opened one in a CM branch but for my yearly total, that CM branch does two letters but the main branch in Bangrak does the yearly deposits letter for immigration and yes, it takes 3-7 days to get such letter from Bangrak - I was doing the monthly deposit for my retirement O so needed that yearly letter from Bangrak.,
  11. Yessir, guess we won't have any more definite ideas of what is to come until the court decision on the PM and party now in charge. If they drop them and a new election is to be held, then we know that things will all be put on hold for a while.
  12. still, seed oils are unhealth..yes lard is from fat while cottonseed oil was the first used for shortening.
  13. I too am a US govt sponsored Health insurer - but, my premium is about 1000 a month as I have family coverage...in a couple of years daughter will pass the age/student so will change my coverage to one plus one which is a lot cheaper. But, I read regularly that many call the benefits I receive "cadillac coverage" in that hospitals and doctors in the US charge way too much for the service. Medicines researched and manufactured in the US are usually cheaper if one can purchase overseas (though they can't do it cheaply in the US...my wife's oncologist found this out. Anyway, like jas007, the benefits are worth it even though as a family we spend very little, me - nothing ever in my life! but first wife died of breast cancer - so it did care for her. I don't plan on making any changes though this coming year was a super increase in the premiums. one third of COLA recieved, taken by the increase in insurance.
  14. totally agree. I have read portions of the Projec 2025 - it is not a new proposal but one started 50 years ago by the Republicans to try to move the government back to a conservative state. I agree that there is way too much waste, fraud, over manned and useless offices that would be better served (for the citizens) if the individual states took on those positions. But, those people put in charge via the cabinet position must be well versed in the mission of said activity, but realize that currently the positions seemed to be given to those who actively supported Trump. If the Congress goes along and all these folks are approved for their assignment, then IMHO we the citizens are &^*%$$$, possibly for the foreseeable future. But, I hope all is not in vain and that most of the problem areas are fixed as they are really out of control at this time IMHO. Good luck to all and enjoy cooler weather maybe but TIT so...
  15. Well, I communicate regularly with my family and friends in different areas of the US. Cost of living is way beyond almost all middle income folks except those near the top of that level. There doesn't seem to be any lowering of that COL in the immediate future as it seems many middle class folks may be out of a government job. Of course some of this depends on exactly where you plan to reside if you do want to stay full time in the US. But, in any case I wish you the best of luck and think you might want to extend your current visa just in case you decide you must return too instead of having to start over again. MHO anyway.

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