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Everything posted by PumpkinEater

  1. Thanks Dr, But my inquiry is the ACTUAL processing time that it took from submittal of documents to the return of passport… FYI Dr., as I received my initial Non O based on retirement,..the Samui IO told me not to come in more than two weeks before expiration when I asked. Cheers!
  2. Same question but Koh Samui: Anyone done the Non O retirement extension at Koh Samui lately? How long the wait for the processing? (Important since I have a flight to my home country booked two days before my Non O expires) Cheers!
  3. Quick question: My landlord filed the TM 30 for me. I just logged into my own TM 30 (web site) and it is not updated from years ago address. i tried to update the address but it will not allow me to do so. As I have a copy of the Landlords TM 30 am I good to go? Why wont my TM 30 update? BTW I received a new Non O last month with immigration police visit to my villa. Cheers!
  4. Heavy traffic unless your arrival is weekend or on a holiday… If you have a flight ticket flying out of DMK you can board the free shuttle bus direct to DMK. With traffic 2 hours plus. Without traffic :50 minute ride. I would plan conservatively 1.5 hours for immigration and baggage…then downstairs to the airport rail link all the way to Phaya Thai station..:40/ Take BTS from Phaya Thai to Mo Chit/ Take airport bus A1/A2 direct to DMK, thus cutting out most traffic. or: Get to Krung Thep (Bang Sue) and take rail link direct to DMK. Long story short ….be at DMK by 1030 or 1100. Cheers!
  5. I just did my TR extension in Koh Samui. They allowed me to do it up to one month early but no earlier. I had a previous experience of IO telling me no earlier than two week before expiration UNLESS you can show a ticket out…but this was for a NON O extension. Mayb give the IO that you are dealing with a jingle and ask?… But expect changes at all times, depending on who you talk to and the mood that day. Cheers
  6. Check out Robert Sultan’s You Tube vid called “Your absolute guide to obtaining a tourist visa”. A very good vid that will answer all of your questions. Cheers!
  7. I just flew from YYZ to BKK via NRT with a Tourist Visa. Air Canada check in counter did not see that I had a return ticket and queried me. I showed her my “onward ticket” to Malaysia from my Ipad…only then she was satisfied. Airlines DO ASK with a TR!
  8. Thankyou Brit, So…I will come in on my Tourist Visa, obtain a Non O (90 day), apply for the extension via the 65k monthly method with twelve monthly deposits. Must I show 800k at the extension application date to qualify for monthly method? My understanding was that if you do not have USA consulate statement, you must go a full year…but I hope I am wrong on this…? Cheers
  9. Hello Mr. ubon, Now I am confused…. Previously you mentioned that a person would have to obtain and hold the Non O for a full year with the 800k (3 mo.)/400k remainder of the year BEFORE a person is permitted to convert to the 65k monthly method. But your above answer you say that a person only needs the Non O for 90 days and then can convert (extension) to the monthly method?…. Please clarify as I too would like to obtain the extension via the 65k method ASAP. BTW I can prove that my Social Security is transferring the monies to K Bank with the SS statement, as well as a K Bank statement. Immigration should accept this IMHO (As our consulate does not participate now). Cheers!
  10. Hello Mr. ubon, Now I am confused…. Previously you mentioned that a person would have to obtain and hold the Non O for a full year with the 800k (3 mo.)/400k remainder of the year BEFORE a person is permitted to convert to the 65k monthly method. But your above answer you say that a person only needs the Non O for 90 days and then can convert (extension) to the monthly method?…. Please clarify as I too would like to obtain the extension via the 65k method ASAP. BTW I can prove that my Social Security is transferring the monies to K Bank with the SS statement, as well as a K Bank statement. Immigration should accept this IMHO (As our consulate does not participate now). Cheers!
  11. Transitioning to the income method seems complex. Why in the world does immigration requires 800k in the account after a statement showing at least 12 months of 65k deposits into a Thai bank account in beyond me. Also I can provide my Social Security (USA) statement printout showing my income for the past 2 years… And how does immigration know that you want the income method when 800k is in the account? There is no box to check on any form for this. Please summation…. First 3 months apply NON O need the 800k PLUS 12 months 65k statement Upon extension (after 3rd month) need 800k PLUS 65k After 3 months can reduce to 400k When can the account ONLY show monthly deposits for the monthly income method (No 800 or 400 requirement)? I may try to get a statement from the Social Security office in the Philippines stating that my SS is being deposited into my K bank account monthly….we’ll see. Cheers!
  12. I too will enter TH from the USA visa exempt, or Tourist Visa due to the now onerous restrictions of obtaining a Non O within the USA (primarily Insurance cost). Since I will soon have the required 12 month deposits into K Bank, what will I need at immigration for the “pension method” for the Non O within Thailand? Is the first Non O applied for a 90 day (then extend), or a full year stamp? Cheers
  13. I too found that E Visa site is requesting documents and information that is NOT required normally. Previous years when applying for a Non O, just mailed in the required documents w passport no problem, but e visa is a mess and I will be forced to enter visa exempt. Also insurance companies for the NON O (retirement) now require a full year payment like a OA even to get the initial 90 day approval. They now call it “long stay insurance”. And do not issue 90 day based on Non O. EVisa needs to reflect actual requirements for the particular visa requested and NOT MORE!
  14. Good stuff… Here is one for you guys: 1. I started my USA Social Security first direct deposits to TH K Bank March 2022. My plan is to eventually use that method for obtaining a Non O at immigration in TH. 2. As I am now in the USA and spend the summer, I will need a method to “burn” 6 months while my Direct Deposit method seasons to the twelve month Imm. requirement. 3. I will return Sept 28th, I guess that I could do the Tourist visa+30 days (=90) + border run Visa Exempt + 30 days (=60) for the total of 150 days…then again visa exempt for 180 days needed to apply for the Non O next March…? 4. If so, will I need at least 15 days left on my permission of stay in March to apply for the Non O (single entry)? Note: Twelve DD happens March 3rd 2023. 5. Since I will have the seasoned twelve month…800k NOT required for the Non O application via the seasoned Direct Deposit method? I will total up the costs involved (TV/travel for Border run/insurance req.) so see if it is feasible. Otherwise this year I may spend the money use the agent to cut all the BS until my Bank DIrect Deposit’s season. Cheers!
  15. Ubon, To clarify question 2: One of my options (While in the USA) is to obtain a new Non O (albeit expensive w insurance requirement) as my current Non O will expire while away in the USA. So to be clear, after I return with the NEW 90 day Non O…there is no requirement for seasoned (two month) 800k to do the first extension? Only 800k the day of application? And once again on the 90 day Non O that I come in with, I must apply for the one year extension how far in advance? Cheers!
  16. Subject: Seasoning of 800K funds in my Thai bank. Please explain WHEN seasoning is required for a NON O Visa. 1. If I enter Visa Exempt or Tourist Visa, I only need the 800K in my bank on the day I apply for the Non O (within Thailand)? 1a. The Non O is only good for 90 days? Then I have to return to IO for the extension to one year? At that point the 800K need to be seasoned two months prior? 1b. I Cannot get the NON O ONE YEAR off of a TV or Visa exempt entry? 2. Enter Thailand with a new 90 day NON O…extension to One year Non O requires 800K seasoning? Thanks!
  17. As my annual USA trip is coming up, I tried to convert THai Baht to USD (carry with me) but seems that it was not possible since the banks on Samui at least do not deal in USD anymore since Covid fear… So I wired the funds from my K bank normally to my bank in the USA, for minimal fee. I had a Dee money account but when I did a “test run” on a small amount transfer to the US, I received a TAX statement on the transfer. I called Dee Money and asked why a tax statement and if the transfer is reported to the IRS in the States with no satisfactory response, so I cancelled the Dee money account. Beware… Cheers!
  18. Yea Ubon…. I clicked on your link which goes to the header page that I need, but then a further click always takes me back to the NON O (family)…with no avenue for the “old” NON O based retirement. Also while checking insurance costs on the 90 day NON O, AXA quoted that I would have to pay the “newly designated LONG STAY VISA price for one year (2400 USD), then after 90 days I could get pro rated money refunded (65%). Still way more than I used to pay. While they made it easier for tourist, a traveler retiree’s life just got more costly! The last couple years I used AXA/TUNE Insurance, and the 270 day price was 600 USD. I smell rats at work… So mayb entering TR is the way to go with the “new” long term insurance schemes. The TR insurance 1500thb… Thanks
  19. Hello Kids, I just made the sad discovery that the US DC embassy no longer issues a NON O (90 day) for retirement with this new E VISA system in place (no TH family). Since I travel back to the USA May and return in Oct, I was hoping to grab the 90 day NON O in the US and extend it when back in Thailand, since my current NON O expires June 23 2022. Questions: 1. With my Visa expiring when back in the USA…I guess the cheapest alternative is to return on a TR Tourist Visa (60 day)? 2. Can I get a new NON O when back in TH off of the TR with funds in the bank? Do the funds need seasoning (2 mo?) 3. Can an agent convert from Tourist Visa to NON O? Can I convert myself at IO? Any suggestions appreciated! Cheers! No I do not want to go NON OA from USA.
  20. I ordered a new Chase card eight weeks ago. As they would not sent overseas with expedited service, they sent it regular mail. I am still waiting! ????
  21. My B visa was cancelled previously… but what I did may be outdated (yes it was covid times). 1. You will need an entry stamp whether you fly in and out or whatever. I went to SIN in the morning and back the same afternoon to obtain a stamp (Get the single entry permit at the dep. airport). Do this BEFORE your B Visa is cancelled 2. Go with your company to the BOI to cancel the B Visa. They will then give you a stamp with up to 7-10 days to leave the country after you cancel. 3. Go direct to CW immigration and apply for a NON O IF you are over 50 and meet the requirements. IF Under 50: Do what Ubon Joe says….good ruck ????
  22. Help the Ukrainian folks for sure…but the Russians?! Cmon! They can surely catch a flight back to Moscow through Qatar or Dubai onward…
  23. I too would love to convert to the monthly deposit method, but looking at Koh Samui immigration requirement is that 65k needed 12 months prior…with. Letter from the embassy. Anyone gone through the process of acquiring that letter? Im considering letting my non O expire in June since I will be in the States for the Summer months, and applying for a new 90 day Non O (since the covid insurance costs will be reduced to a 90 day term vs. a 270 day term)…then apply for the extension in TH 2 weeks prior to expiration. Sound feasible?
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