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Everything posted by PumpkinEater

  1. RIP to the motorbike operator…My greatest fear in the LOS is a road accident, which chances that are good that it will inevitably happen… I almost was “murdered” just the other day: I was at the 7/11 across from the Bangkok hospital on Koh Samui. It was dark and I was just about to pull out onto the highway from behind a parked van (that was blocking my view to the left), as it was clear of traffic to right… Suddenly a very fast moving pickup truck sped past IN MY LANE (ignoring the solid yellow no passing line) at very high speed. If I would have pulled out one second sooner I would have been murdered! I think about how “lucky” I was, but realize that many are murdered daily. As I like to give a remedy to a problem instead of only complaining, maybe a road billboard campaign with visuals teaching about no passing lines, Excess speeding, distractions, and common courtesy may help. Cheers!
  2. God is in His heaven And we all want what's His But power and greed and corruptible seed Seem to be all that there is Bob Dylan
  3. UK Blokes don’t feel bad, as a US Social Security recipient, I am looking forward (NOT!) to my 21% reduction in benefits in 2033. The Government is prepping us through media outlets…but still insist on throwing billions at the corrupt war machine, instead of fixing the SS problem. Corrupted F##Ks! Sad!
  4. Charlie, I too saw a large deduction when I had the SSA direct deposit to my K bank account. Every month I would lose close to $60 USD. This, as I traced the flow…was due to the SSA using banks in the USA to complete the transfer. THEY are the ones skimming the USD before it hits your K bank account. I subsequently switched from that method to my own transfer using WISE. I save roughly $40 USD per month cutting out the middle bank fruadsters! Cheers!
  5. Why in the hell is this “stuff” being shoved down out throats (in the name of progress)? We can’t do anything without staring at our “smartphones” for hours a day… With this digital society…and now especially AI taking over our thoughts and direction of “what is smart” will certainly lead the human race toward its own demise and obliteration!
  6. Charlie D, I have a monthly WISE transfer from my US Bank account (SS) into my K bank account. Kasikorn charges 0. There is a fee WDs from K bank though… Cheers
  7. Have yourself NEUTERED! Return to this forum with the update, after the procedure…
  8. My last monthly transfer with WISE to K bank took 8 seconds. I circle each monthly transfer on my K bank statement (12 month) for immigrations ease of acceptance. Although not required, I also include a MY Social Security statement that shows that I receive a monthly SS pension. In order to minimize the transfer fees from WISE I transfer 68k (65k required) and not the entire SS amount. When I was going through the gauntlet with the direct deposits through the Philippines I was getting raped on the fees! Cheers!
  9. I am with Koh Samui Immigration. They do give “grief” to folks that did not or pley dumb about the need of the TM 30. Therefore as insurance of a smooth process,..I am safe rather than sorry. Another issue is that I will stay in BKK the first night and the hotel may or may not file the TM 30, which would also require an updated TM 30 anyway. Cheers
  10. Dr Jack is on spot. I do this yearly as well when I travel to the USA. Important to have your landlord file the TM30 on your behalf (online) upon your return, and get a copy of it for your record to show immigration on your “personal visit” for your first 90 day (TM47) report. Subsequent 90 day reports can be done online. Cheers
  11. The bridge is a bad idea. The islands roads are not designed to handle the influx of traffic that the bridge would cause. There would be gridlock IMHO. Also the parking in Chewang and Lamai is not available for tourists using the bridge. One of the beauties of traveling to and from Samui is the ferry ride…albeit sometimes a pain in the drain. A better idea would be to use that bridge money and allow the Airport Authority to take control (buyout) the Samui airport from Bangkok Airways and allow competitor airlines to operate, which would drive down the cost of airfares. NO MORE CARS! Cheers!
  12. Stupid folks love a good ongoing “reality show”, so therefore support Trump the great FRAUDSTER!
  13. We depend on Mother Nature (rain) to solve the problem while we slowly DESTROY her! INSANITY!
  14. AQI was in the RED for the entire country this morning! Now in Orange… This problem should be treated as Covid was treated with the upmost seriousness. Unfortunately the Blah blah politicians along with the smoker Thais and Tourists really could care less. We the uncaring people along with our dim witted politicians will certainly be the demise of the human race…slow or fast remains only to be seen. We are hoping for mother nature (rain) to solve our problems as we destroy her! Cheers!
  15. Ok thanks for the terminology understanding :). Just as I thought, let the existing extension void itself or expire, then reapply for the NEW VISA which would be a Non OA (with the insurance requirement?) IF I started in my country…correct? As I already got the reentry permit at the same time as the extension, it is too late this time round… and my thinking is that I will just have to live with that expiration date of May 15. Starting over would be a pain, as there are more hoops to jump through (e.g. Police visit, Housebooks, New pictures, etc.) compared to just living with the date. Cheers!
  16. My Non O does not require the insurance like a Non OA. The insurance that I have is not linked to the VISA…
  17. On a related “expiration date” question: I have a Non O retirement VISA which the extension expires yearly on May 15 each year. As I prefer an earlier expiration date say in April for travels back home, is there a way to have immigration CHANGE a valid Non O expiration date? I tried a “ticket out” method asking to immigration (Samui) to renew my extension earlier than 30 days prior without success. Then as I just recently renewed my normal extension, I asked if they could change my expiration date to April 15th instead, but got a “cannot” from them. Short of letting my Non O expire and starting over which is a real pain in the drain…my question is has anyone successfully changed the expiration date? Cheers!
  18. There are only two airports in Thailand that can accommodate AUTO-Landings. BKK and DMK both have Cat II approaches. Chiang Mai (CNX) has Category 1 approach ILS which is NOT autoland. The minimums are 233ft where you must SEE the runway required criteria, then you disconnect the auto pilot and land manually. In other words, heavy rain or smog can prevent a landing and go around. Cheers!
  19. Answering myself: (NO SHORTCUTS IN SAMUI) The Land Transport Office did NOT recognize my International and USA licenses, even though both had Car and motorcycle endorsements so… I had to do the entire LONG version with videos, written and practical tests. 1 long day 0730-4PM, next day practical. Cheers
  20. I read this “thread” but it is from 2019. As the office just recently underwent a changing of the “boss” I was hoping to hear from someone that tried the process recently. I was told that there were no more “short cuts” and had to endure the entire gauntlet of tests as if a person had no license at all (International and country licenese). The question remains please… Cheers.
  21. Have any folks gone through the process of getting a NEW Thai license at Koh Samui? I have both valid International and a US licenses. I have all the required documents from Immigration and hospital. Is the process at the Samui Land Office the streamlined version with minimal paper/movie requirements…or do they make you complete the entire process which includes the written exams and practical exams? Cheers!
  22. SS transfer to my US bank account and a WISE transfer (>65k) to my K bank is the least expensive and very easy way to go IMHO. Cheers!
  23. My most UNFAVORITE! The ole <deleted> Brit that does vids on the Pattaya girly bars showing the girls and some patrons faces, but NEVER shows his own face online. There should be a requirement by You Tube to show ones face and represent their content to the world, otherwise not be allowed to post. Cheers!
  24. And there you have it, .”Due to losses during the pandemic prices are higher”… The so called “inflation” is nothing more than corporate greed and a recoup plan to make up for the losses during the pandemic, on all sectors. Record profits now being realized by the mass corporate price increases, and these prices will never go down (or only slightly to appease the public).
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