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Everything posted by visarunner

  1. Savannakhet has recently becoming stricter and stricter. Not an easy destination anymore.
  2. The first change to Unlimited visa run was 2006, hence afterwards the word "border run or border bounce" became established. "Visa Run" ,nowadays is used for Visa application at a Thai Embassy.
  3. Russians have Unlimited access to Thailand, based on Bilateral Agreement signed 2005.
  4. A couple of month ago I bought a iPhone8 (2nd hand), THB4000, runs iOS 16.3.1. I am a heavy user and no issues, runs smooth.
  5. You are naive. Prepare THB20000 cash (no ATM before Immigration, onward travel ticket and a rental contract will help you at Airport.
  6. and give others a chance to avoid them.
  7. But he still has the "canceled" exit stamp from Cambodia, that tells every Thai IO the story. But should be Ok at Airport.
  8. Agree, they handle other accounts.
  9. The post is already a few days old and might have been solved already. We go often to Ban Laem and we know the procedure there, but something in Op story not add up. There is no reason why the IO would refuse you to exit. You got old passport, new passport and Letter, that is all they need to transfer. On the Cambodian side they put visa in your new passport and let you stamp in n out of Cambodia, then you head back to Thai side. Straight procedure. I only aware that for some tiny country like Maldives the Cambodians have refused the visa, because they have never seen the red Maldive passport.
  10. Yes, a denied entry is still flagged in the system.
  11. Looks like you were denied entry, not a serious problem, but they put a remark in the System. That is the reason you get questioned every time. A Tourist visa really not help. Suggest you enter on visa exempt and have cash ready (appr THB20000), a paid room booking for the entire stay and a paid reconfirmed return or onward flight ticket.
  12. They changed to THB3800, thaivisa remain thb3500 and use VIP van.
  13. Raises more questions than answers. Glad that she is now in better care.
  14. but as he is being transferred to the Operation Centre, more opportunities arise.
  15. Just in the news that they want to scrap ED on 1st October.
  16. It's not the mistake of the animals. Wrong Government policy and the habit of local people treating animals.
  17. Pattaya Service https://visa-run.com/en/
  18. You google, there are Compnaies that do border run.
  19. I would be careful on relying on randon articles, even Thai Embassies are sometimes not up to date and "thaiembassy.com" is a business website and not government. You guys have to understand that the Thai Immigration dislike people that claim to be Tourists, the system is designed to give you a certain timeframe to get your things in order.
  20. Sorry, but this it nonsense. The IO pulled your friend out because he stayed too long in Thailand without a proper visa. And he is no Tourist.
  21. Mae Sai is also a important entry point where many shops are operation. Surprised that that website still in operation.
  22. Most gambler go morning and come (with empty pockets) back in the evening. For Foreigners, have to get Cambodia Visa and stamp in/out. Thai nationals, just stamp out/in at Thai Immigration.
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