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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. Where in and around pattaya and chonburi can one take his early model for general repair and service please? recommendation will help, Thanks..
  2. Not long ago a have used the word ' tranny' in my post but an over zealot mod was quick to delete it, i guess times have changed or maybe the mods have...
  3. If he only could predict HIS own fortune, he wouldn't be in this business...
  4. What a world we live in now... when a dad have to ask strangers how much pocket money to give to his son, what next? how to feed him, bath him and tuck him into bed? you're his dad for god sake, figure that out by trial and error and not asking strangers for advice...
  5. The usual flim-flam type and a trickster, those type never go far before they get caught...
  6. Garbage, don't hold a candle to Lazada or Shoppee, bought some stuff from them in Australia, low quality and bad merchandise, stick with the locals,,,
  7. I would go for a Big schmuck, has a and international ring to it....
  8. Yes you can, 2-300.000 thb will not buy you much, but good luck to you living in what looks like a dump...
  9. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me." What comes after "Fool me three times, shame on…?"
  10. and how many properties you have bought and sold in this country to say that all you have to do is enter your name at the back of a channot? there are so many variants rules and regulations to follow, for an example: is the condo going to to be solely owned or on a company name? is the title clear or does it has issues with with it such as caviet, liens and mortgages? also, what furniture, chattels and fixtures are part of the property?how about yearly maintenance, own car park or what and so on and on an on that needs to be cleared 100% , legally agreed and signed on it...
  11. First of all, you need/must have a lawyer to see you through the purchase of any property in Thailand just so to make sure that everything will be done right and correct, but by all means don't try to DYI, too many pitfalls, Now, you can use a freelance lace lawyer that will will cost you a lot less than a swankey lawyer office, but 10 k will not get a lawyer worth his/her time and efforts, i would say, depend on the circumstance, location and difficulties of processing the purchase, around 50,000 baht would be a fair fee for a freelance lawyer...
  12. Thailand will welcome for a buck, Thailand motto is: if you have the money, we have the place, we're not into politics, we're into more money...
  13. ezzra

    car electrician

    Looking for a car's electrician in or around Pattaya that know his ways around european cars, nothing serious, my indicators are playing up, sometimes works other time not, much appreciated...
  14. I pay ridiculous fees and prices for a whole range of food items, fresh and cooked, government services fees and penalties, and everyday's expense that would be a steal in many other countries around the world, so what am i t o complain about, indeed, some cheap charlies will always be about even if you give them food item for next to nothing they will still complain, is just human nature...
  15. Just behave properly, respect the people, the law and the culture of the country you're a gust in and don't get hung up on the small things in life while living in a foreign country as it has it's benefits and drawbacks and Thailand has a fairshare of it, but all in all, it's not a bad country to settle in if you follow the above... that's what i have learned in nearly 40 years in living and doing business in this country...
  16. You need to buy an IPTV yearly membership that has like 20-25,000 channels from all over the world at a a cost of as little as 1,500 baht a year and you will have access to any tipe of entertainment you can wish for, I'm sure that some members will recommend a few, or look at Lazada there are plenty of them and the're easy to instal but providing you have good internet speed otherwise you'll get connectivity issues...
  17. Rubbish, I live in the center of pattaya and other than increased traffic from BKK i can't see even close to 10% of that number, butas usual. some journalist was asked to write an article based on predictions and conjectures...
  18. Here's a tip to all those who buy stuff overseas, minimise as possible the use of curriers, stick to post offices where they don't ask to many details of the items sent and in most cases, doesn't indicate the value of the item sent and you can nominate the value yourself something that can't be done with them international carriers...
  19. The term Beauty queen is subject to a lots of interpretation and whose is judging, and beside, beauty is in the eye of beholder, what looks beautiful to some might look just an ordinary to others...
  20. Half the world suffering from mental breakdown in various degrees of severities owing to all sorts of of issues, some hidden some in the open as with this guy, so go figure what this guy problem is...
  21. Go form a has been club with Joe Biden, you'll have a lot to talk about and reminisce about the "good old day"...
  22. As if everything else in this country is hunky dory that this government is wasting to much time and efforts on a trivial matter... but those talking heads has to make a noise about something ' hey look at me, i have an opinion too'...
  23. Don't know... an airline with no way to contact and speak to a human, no phone number, email, no call center only a BOT to address your concerns that in most cases your concerns are not address properly and the BOT shut you down, Back in 2023 my return business class Melbourne-BKK flight was abruptly cancelled and since than I'm trying to talk to someone to see how i can use the 25,000 baht worth of fare left but talking to the BOT is like talking to the wall...
  24. don't know about you guys but with a young firm and pretty girl in my bed i ejaculate like a fire hydrant time and time again... and for those who has issues performing, the problem is in their heads, not with the tools...
  25. When you join the police force you know you become a kind a of a soldier but your enemies are your own people and citizens you have been sworn to guard, serve and protect as a policeman and at time those become your worst enemies...
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