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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. By going to the khon song ( vehicle registration department in your area) and find someone who would do it for a bit of cash, just ask around hard enough and you'll find someone...
  2. It's just goes to show the level of corruptions that is going on everywhere so bad to be able to cheat their ways to smuggles hi end cars with impunity...
  3. Any group of people, who allows a bunch of terrorists decimate and ruin their lives all the way back to nothing and being afraid to stand up and say enough is enough and voice their objection fearing a deadly reprisal from the terrorists deserves what they get...
  4. Yeah to all of you out there that still are clueless as what Cyanide can do to you if you swallow it, Don't!!!!!
  5. Could the killers might have been a Mossad agents by any chance?...
  6. I fly business with Thai BKK MEL twice a year and i would grade the service as 7.5 out of 10, not good enough for a 100,000+ thb fare...
  7. What is fair here when you're not privy to all those arrangements? all i wanted is for a simple letter to take the reasonable time to arrive and NOT 40 days, and I don't care much how they do it and that's because i pay for a service and i expect to get one...
  8. If you have found one, ask her if she has a friend, one never know, maybe some of those fantastic and unbelievable qualities have rubbed off on the friend...
  9. I have already posted this before, it took Thai post 40 days to post a letter from pattaya to Melbourne, 40 days!!! so nothing surprise me anymore when it come to Thai post...
  10. Here's a good idea if this will continue: Go and lock couple other's bikes with padlocks and than the building management will take it more seriously and install a CCTV overlooking the area..
  11. The item would be more interesting if it read that monk was found a sleep on a beach dressed as a foreigner...
  12. I live in Melbourne Australia and naray a day goes by without a murder of two of some sorts and other serious foul play, so not surprising to see such acts in Pattaya where the place has multitude of nationalities each with their own agendas...
  13. Hopefully, this animal will see many years in jail to contemplate on his brutality and treatment of women, and maybe get some similar treatment from his fellow inmates...
  14. A very intriguing case, a post mortem hopefully will put an end to all of the 'maybe this or maybe that'...
  15. Having said that, there's many kinds of "Innocents" and Thaksin is Thai version of Innocent (you know, wink wink nudge nudge?...
  16. Really? worth killing a person over an odor? i would advise people around you to make sure they bathe before the com close to you....
  17. That would make the ultimate betrayal between a parent and their children, nothing else even come close to it...
  18. If he's 'innocent' they'll have to re-write the definitions on 'innocent' in all the law books around the world...
  19. Go with the F-16 seeing it's usefulness and capabilities track records in several countries around the world...
  20. Could be use as good publicity stunt for a pink Honda Zoomer X motorcycle, labeling it as "the ultimate ride on our machines"...
  21. Lord Acton "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
  22. Still it's a mystery how a real gun got on the set with real bullets in it where all weapons and ammo show be of a prop tryps?...
  23. What are the chances the Ukraine will 'win' this war against the mighty Russian army with China now helping Russia? how many more will have to die and cities put to ruines before they'll get it that Putin will not give up? not that i side with Russia of course...
  24. Some people, (many in fact) can't take No for an answer and complicating their lives by being a pest and ultimately committing crimes and ruining their lives, and all for what?...
  25. Many people can't put a sentence together without using foul language, its make them feel powerful as if this is the best way to put their message to others, sadly, this is happening all over the world already...
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