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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. Some perceive Asian as an inferior race and themselves as intellectually superior, as well as the reputation of being obedient and or a pleasing and subservient nature, and with the usual younger look and better/ slimmer figures, what more can a man want?...
  2. Legalise the use of recreational cannabis and you'll see how many will make a bee-line to come to Thailand...
  3. This is his method of blending in, like saying: look at me, do i look like a money launderer to to you? question is what will happen to all the moneys out and about if he's deported or jailed?...
  4. If you live in Asia than it goes without saying that the selection is more abandoned and this is mostly what you have to work with right? other than that, it's all comes down to both personalities and a matter of taste, i would say that tolerance and letting things go is the key for good relationship..
  5. Rort the system by all means (like they all do anyway) but don't go all stupid about it and don't go crazy with the numbers, people are not idiots, someone might get unhappy about it...
  6. Local prison and jail houses will just be delighted for a new material to keep the inmate busy i would guess... and the more 'inappropriate the better...
  7. Could it be that the Tiger people keeping this space for yet more advertising as if there isn't enough already...
  8. "Petition to Recriminalize Cannabis Reportedly Signed by Over 100,000 People" If that would read 1 million people, than you have a place to start from, but at a 100k signatures it's a drop in the ocean and meaningless...
  9. Thailand has this reputation among criminals that one can easily stay/hide there and stil do they dirty deeds if they choose to and if got caught, there's a good chance to pay your way free and this is why so many of them are taking residency in places where they can get lost among the many other .foreigners that just looks like them..
  10. What took them so long? it's virtually a licence to print money, legally, just remain to see the stories that will come out from running those places and the people connected to them, I envision a lot of interesting and juice stories to come out from there thick and fast...
  11. One down and only god knows how many more to go hiding in plain sight acting normal just waiting for the opportunity to knock. only a matter of time..
  12. It is after all a country where corruption and under the table cultr is know for and not for nothing, and when you see big police general get caught with some shenanigans of all sorts, what the lowly ranking one will think? if they can do it and get away with it surly us, the little guys can partake too, and none worse than the Immigration department which is a branch of the police...
  13. Pattaya is of those unique places where all sorts from all over the world come to visit owing to it's reputations as a place where you can get everything at a price, a Mecha for all those who are are looking for drugs and vice and as such no wonder that some are paying the price for such indugments...
  14. No, English in not my first language but i do speak 4 other languages, Ok, so do us all a favor and be more succinct as to what 'being around 1500 women' means...
  15. Any precautions to minimise scams and mistakes in these days of proliferations of scams and impersonations fake ID and credentials in a welcome move...
  16. I guessed that being around 1500 women ( you didn't specified what type of women) actually meant being with them for some period of time unless your version of 'being around' means something else completely...
  17. He'll probably come down with some incurable disease or sickness that will make him unfit to stand trial or will go back to where he has been for 17 years...
  18. You see it a lot everywhere where some motorbike taxi in order to cut things short and not go for the u turn or i intersections are riding against the traffic, ( did it couple of times myself for a very short distance though but TIT right and in Rome do as the Romans do)...
  19. Been around 1500 women sound like a lot of work for me, satisfy and caring for them, I'd rather go to work instead...
  20. Some guys will go bonkers knowing their wives being handled by someone else and in his own shop, and in some circles justice comes trough the barrel of a gun...
  21. I can one day, begin to understand what makes this universe of ours works but can't, in a 100 years, figure out how Thai politics works, come to think of it, not even Thai people can...
  22. It was said that while there's only one way to be born, there are a thousand ways to die...
  23. Thailand have been and still is a preferred place to run a scam, fraud and swindle operations from owing to the rife corruptions among those who suppose to guard against such acts, and with the right payola and connections nothing is impossible to perpetuate and get away with in Thailand...
  24. What happened to the list of the current topic that used to be on the right side of the page? they have all gone since this Tiger people took over, please bring this feature back....
  25. But I'm sure she is purrs like a pussycat in bed this wild cutie. my bad that is...
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