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  1. how about a story about thousands of mangled, starving and dead Palestinian children?
  2. oh the poor Jews! they generally support a colonialist, racist, apartheid state, which is killing tens of thousands and yet have to endure an "intense protest." shameful....
  3. "anti Israel bias": what a bunch of b.s.. nowhere in the mainstream media can you find that bias. stop the hasbara deluge!
  4. when will you tire of publishing neocon nonsense? "Russia bad" is one of the biggest scams on the last decade and, BTW, the Dems will still lose....
  5. JT: of all the ridiculous posts/positions on this site, yours are consistently the most outrageous. you have a sophomoric opinion on virtually everything, mainly, it appears, repeating what you hear or read on the mainstream media. yesterday, you discounted the deaths of more than 40000 mostly civilian Palestinians (and now Lebanese) in favor of joining the hasbara chorus emanating from the world's most favored ethnic group, i.e., the Jews, about the terrible impact on said group of what I assume you would call "hate speech" - must be for you easy to forget about thousands of dead babies and ruined families. moreover, your comments on Ukraine rival those of yours on Palestine. perhaps other readers will also soon discount you.
  6. what antisemitic attacks are you referring to? any dead Jews in the u.s., or any seriously injured? Arabs are semites so perhaps you mean the ongoing genocide in Gaza which now seems to be heading to lebanon as well?
  7. does jingthing spend his life watching CNN and MSNBC? surprising to hear this nonsense coming from someone who presumably has the good fortune to live far away from the empire. good luck JT if the woman you support is elected - you will get what you deserve. BTW, her opponent the buffoon is only somewhat better in so far as being less of a war-monger than is she. but whoever wins, the murikans will have no cause for celebration...
  8. so many strongly voiced opinions, so little understanding.... the current war was a predictable reaction to extreme Ukrainian nationalists trying to stamp out any possibility of self-determination by Russian speakers, and by a western empire and its vassals seeking to gain domestic political relevance by propagating the "Russia bad, we good" narrative. after throwing out the communist bastards, russia was poised for friendship and cooperation with the NATO states, but, no, the latter needed Russia to continue to be an enemy. total waste but unfortunately the western "leaders" responsible will probably never pay an appropriate price....
  9. Carlson at least has the capability to think critically and speak substantively without hiding behind the official "narrative." you could use a bit of that instead of spewing nonsense against those with whom you disagree...
  10. the so called "holocaust" is the shield behind which the Jews can continue their genocide against Palestinians, while defending the world's only racist, colonialist, and apartheid state. talking about "holocaust" history in anything but the most reverential terms is clearly not acceptable to most, even to those who claim to support the right of free speech.....
  11. oppose the world's only colonialist, racist, apartheid country and you become a dreaded "anti-semite"...
  12. israel should not be named an "ally" when "parasite" would be a better description. endless u.s. support for that racist, colonialist, and genocidal state has only hurt the Americans, and the pain will worsen going forward...
  13. neocon nonsense from "social media." wake up!
  14. once again the site surprises me when it highlights a minor example of "anti-semitism" while ignoring the ongoing bullying and butchering of Arabs in the Gaza strip and elsewhere in the middle east. hasbara at its finest...
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