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  1. does jingthing spend his life watching CNN and MSNBC? surprising to hear this nonsense coming from someone who presumably has the good fortune to live far away from the empire. good luck JT if the woman you support is elected - you will get what you deserve. BTW, her opponent the buffoon is only somewhat better in so far as being less of a war-monger than is she. but whoever wins, the murikans will have no cause for celebration...
  2. so many strongly voiced opinions, so little understanding.... the current war was a predictable reaction to extreme Ukrainian nationalists trying to stamp out any possibility of self-determination by Russian speakers, and by a western empire and its vassals seeking to gain domestic political relevance by propagating the "Russia bad, we good" narrative. after throwing out the communist bastards, russia was poised for friendship and cooperation with the NATO states, but, no, the latter needed Russia to continue to be an enemy. total waste but unfortunately the western "leaders" responsible will probably never pay an appropriate price....
  3. Carlson at least has the capability to think critically and speak substantively without hiding behind the official "narrative." you could use a bit of that instead of spewing nonsense against those with whom you disagree...
  4. the so called "holocaust" is the shield behind which the Jews can continue their genocide against Palestinians, while defending the world's only racist, colonialist, and apartheid state. talking about "holocaust" history in anything but the most reverential terms is clearly not acceptable to most, even to those who claim to support the right of free speech.....
  5. oppose the world's only colonialist, racist, apartheid country and you become a dreaded "anti-semite"...
  6. israel should not be named an "ally" when "parasite" would be a better description. endless u.s. support for that racist, colonialist, and genocidal state has only hurt the Americans, and the pain will worsen going forward...
  7. once again the site surprises me when it highlights a minor example of "anti-semitism" while ignoring the ongoing bullying and butchering of Arabs in the Gaza strip and elsewhere in the middle east. hasbara at its finest...
  8. amazing to read so many ill-informed comments by foreigners living in Thailand. the murikan empire has been on the wrong side ever since the breakup of the USSR. first saying it would not move eastward to threaten the newly freed Russians, then back-tracking and taking every opportunity to threaten and demonize Russia and its leadership. reached a crescendo when buffoon Trump defeated that miserable woman, initiating the blame Russia nonsense which continued to grow during the period of the trump presidency. since then, the narrative has evolved to "Russia bad, empire good." the Russians in ukraine have been treated as second class citizens ever since the empire-promoted 2014 "revolution," when a legitimate and basically neutral ukraine president was deposed in a coup. the Russians in ukraine then made a play for self-determination, which, IMHO, should be a basic human right. however, the ukraine authorities sent their military to smash those Russians living in the Donbass eastern part of the country (BTW, some of those ukrainian solders still identify with the nazi ss galicia division). with the mass of ukie army massing on the edge of the Russian enclave and threatening wider death and destruction and with the empire and its puppets pouring as much fuel on the fire as possible, the Russian president finally said "enough" - basically emulating former president Kennedy's actions in preventing the USSR from weaponizing cuba. V. Putin did not want this war but the empire apparently did. now the world is dealing with a mess created essentially by the bullying, hypocritical, and would-be world dominating empire elites. bottom line is, if you don't kowtow to the empire, you are the enemy.....
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