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About 248900_1469958220

  • Birthday 07/23/1973

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  1. Thanks very much all.... Yes, I agree with everyone here. I have postponed my trip. The emergency travel doc is basically to get back to UK....you are right. I am going to get a new passport and visit my parents in Aus in October. I think the risk was way to high after having looked into it Cheers all
  2. Hello all, My i.d page on my UK passport has an ink stain...it covers some of the numbers at the bottom left of the page. This happened recently. I am travelling to Australia to see my parents on the 5th of April.... I am worried I will be rejected...though my passport numer...photo....date of birth etc is all visible. I called the British Embassy in Bangkok. I asked about getting an emergency travel document. I now understand that this will completely cancel my passport.....with my NON immigrant O visa in it!! I dont understand what will happpen. Please help me with my questions: 1) I will leave Thailand with just a travel document. It is not a passport...What happens to my Thai visa? 2) When I enter back into Thailand I wont have a valid passport. So??? 3) what happens to me and my Thai visa status while I wait for a new British passport to be sent?? the guy at the British Embassy told me NOT to cancel the passport till I am sure I know what the Thais expect. My wife is helping me with this...but its all very confusing. Do I take my chances? I REALLY dont want to risk losing the NON immigrant O visa I recently obtained...it was HARD to get. Advice please....it would be much appreciated. ....Ok, seems I cannot get a re entry permit with this document. I am confused.
  3. Which I calculate to be 26 feet and 2 inches....(dont ask me how I know) Very doable.
  4. Let them fester in their polycules, while their wives get blasted out both ends by her boyfriends...friends. I like reading their comments. I dont want it to stop.
  5. Look...you lefty soy boys...you lost...that nappy wearing dementia ridden mumble pumpkin is gone. Much as I am enjoying the meltdowns...Lets give someone who can remember what he did this morning a chance....deal?
  6. Brought to you by Pfizer....
  7. Why dont all you liberal fags that are ranting about this put your boots on and get cracking? Maybe you can turn up to the UK in a boat , with no papers , get a free house and then join Starmers barmy army that he wants to send...How about that?.... P.S : Send pics.
  8. Are you comparing the muslim lady you meet at 7/11 in Thailand to the many military aged men from countries that have Sharia law???....that are flooding Europe? If so that is extremely naive. The muslims here know their place...the same way I do. Thailand is not weak in this sense in the same way Europe seems to be. The muslims here KNOW the Thais wont put up with any Sh%t...and why should they?
  9. Are you comparing the muslim lady you meet at 7/11 in Thailand to the many military aged men from countries that have Sharia law???....that are flooding Europe? If so that is extremely naive. The muslims here know their place...the same way I do. Thailand is not weak in this sense in the same way Europe seems to be. The muslims here KNOW the Thais wont put up with any Sh%t...and why should they?
  10. I think we can be friends...where exactly in 'Fagsville' are you located?
  11. The left were a bunch of retards..this is why, like him or not we have Trump. Biden was a disaster and Harris was insufferable. Its a total mess. Lets see what he can do...one good thing is we wont have LGBTQ non issues shoved down our throats for a few years.
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