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About 248900_1469958220

  • Birthday 07/23/1973

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  1. .....this is where you identify as a woman and give her a good, hard slap.
  2. There is a definite soy boy left leaning bias on this forum. whenever I click on this site I smell a sugary 'Vitasoy' kind of smell. I think their wives boyfriends supply them with the stuff.
  3. Are you still rabbiting on about the election Jingthing??? Just when I thought the liberal meltdown may have been waning....its the gift that just keeps on giving!! He isnt even in office yet....I have the popcorn ready. A lot of people are happy to see the back of the Dems...A LOT. Seems you cannot seem to come to terms with this...I am overjoyed you are having a hissy fit...OVER JOYED I said!! keep it up.
  4. Yes, all is settled. Time to move on. Work permit....5 year teachers licence renewal and I will be in a similar position to what I was a few years back........just that bit more secure. Cheers all. I hope this topic will be of use in future to anyone else in my position. Things are not always clear here in Thailand....to put it mildly.
  5. Update.... I was rejected for supporting my child. I was told it had to be a marriage visa, or I needed to divorce my wife and sort out custody issues...so...... 3 days ago I went back to my wife and asked again if she would give me a divorce. I asked if we can do it the easy way, not including lawyers etc. Bear in mind the last time I asked her, about 1 year ago she punched me in the head. This time it was much more subdued. She gave me some stipulations which were actually pretty reasonable. I agreed. Yesterday we went to the Amphur office and got divorced. It cost precisely nothing.... Fast forward to today and I went into immigration and got another 2 month extension based on 'visiting family' I will be going back to extend it for a year next week. I have already spoken (with the help of my lady friend) to someone we are 'friendly' with in immigration. Now that I am divorced and custody is a clear 50/50 there should be no problem. It took panic stations to get me to really try and communicate with my ex. We had been separated for almost 4 years. I want to be back on an 'O' visa and not have my balls to the wall with a NON B, at the whim of a Thai school etc. I have had some employers try to tell me you cannot work with a NON O. I think some like the power having a NON B has over you. I do not want to have to leave the country and be a bloody tourist again just because I am in between jobs....FOOK DAT! I will use the supporting of a Thai child as a reason for this years extension. The money is still in the bank.... I fully intend to marry again....foolhardy? I have known the lady for a decade. She is a salt of the earth type. At some point I will change the reason for extension from supporting a child to marriage... Interesting fact: A man can divorce and get married again immediately in Thailand. A woman has to wait 1 year. For a farang I need some extra paperwork from my embassy....but it wouldn't take too long. The moral to the story???? I dragged my feet for too long. You have to quickly pull out the splinter even though it will hurt. You have to get all your ducks in a row...blah blah blah.
  6. You lefties should just get over it. You have lost. Your ideals have been resoundingly rejected. I am not holding my breath that real change will occure but, with the lefty fags out of office...its a lot more likely.
  7. No he is A NAZI.... and camps WILL be built for black people, gay people and those unfortunate enough to be born with ginger hair.....LOOK OUT!!!!
  8. You still here? Formulated any plans yet from what you learned from the democrats absolute drubbing? Something positive to tell your lefty luvvies? Some kind of considered thoughts?
  9. The cope is real.....This is what I was waiting for. Thankyou for your input.
  10. You are hanging around like a bad smell. You should gracefully accept that the majority of your ( I assume) countrymen...and women...of all creeds and colors voted for Trump. It was not just a win, it was a thumping. Your time would be more constructively spent in discussing with your fellow liberal luvvies what went wrong and how to fix it. You lost. Time for a rethink.
  11. they will all be put in camps right?????
  12. He is looking at that goose cooking in the oven.....looks like its cooked.
  13. Danderman??? How's that prediction looking?

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