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Everything posted by 248900_1469958220

  1. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-10-03/sinovac-covishield-recognition-hopes-for-international-students/100508968
  2. I have had the first shot of a vaccine that is approved by the Thai govt. its the same one most of my workmates had a while back....in 2 weeks I have my 2nd. Based on current info I will be 'fully vaccinated' according to Thai govt.....I dont see the reason for the vitriol. Sure, I have taken time to make up my mind but I have been teaching online for months. Last I heard students cant catch it over the internet.
  3. Through Dept of Foreign Affairs. I applied about 3 days ago...got the message to go and went yesterday. There was hardly anyone there, which surprised me. They gave me a choice of 3 jabs. I was in and out in 45 mins. This was in Pathumtani Province.
  4. No, I am not planning on travelling soon. At some point, like all pandemics in human history, this will end. I am going to bide my time. Australia has just recognised Sinovac. I am doing it to keep up with what will likely happen within 2 months.....Boosters are being debated. It seems they may only be required for a certain percentage. My parents are in Australia. If they have to come here for a visit sometime in the next 2 years because I am not allowed, so be it. This situation is evolving. I am just trying to do what I can in the circumstances.
  5. Well, after A LOT of thought.....some anger....many many questions I freaking bit the bullet. I feel I have no choice. I am NOT happy with the whole virus situation and how its been handled. I think information is being suppressed. I dont think all is rosy with the vaccines....I chose to get Sinovac. The ladies were shocked....They had to check with someone "Farang mai yaak dai Pfizer"!!!! I have my reasons. I have left this decision till now. I have looked into all these vaccines as well as anyone with average/ slightly above average intelligence can ha!! I went with the traditional style vaccine, not new tech mrna. I asked if I can get Sinovac for my second and was told I can. They then asked what I would want for my booster!!! That's a step too far for me to be talking about lady..... All I care about is that, in 2 months or maybe less IF and I mean IF kids go back I will be able to show their little 'fully vaccinated' card...or 'app' or whatever it is. I have thought about all alternatives, believe me. Again, I see no option.... I am not happy. I think boosters are inevitable but again, I am going to put that off as long as I can. The vaccines efficacy, even the bees knees Western vaccines seem to wane within months. Treatments, which should have been pushed for months ago may be available to us all if this actually does make any of us sick...... I will be getting shot number 2 in two weeks......What a world.
  6. I have a friend that teaches at a school in my area. He went to one of the mass vaccinations at a mall organised by the school. According to him a few teachers were sacked for not going. The writing is on the wall. What options do we have? Its a rock and a hard place. Unfortunately, not having a little app on my phone saying I have been jabbed, is going to lead to troubled waters, in the not to distant future. I am reluctantly going to get a jab today...........If we dont what do we do? Get another job? It will be an issue for ALL jobs here. Go to another country? Which? They have us by the balls. Many friends working here in Universities...at schools etc have been hounded into getting a jab. Right now its not 'official' or doesnt seem to be....but does it even have to be? Man, what a world.
  7. So, TOTALLY voluntary?? IF a kid and their parents decide against it...will that child be able to learn AT THE SCHOOL or will they be forced to stay home?? I NEED this question to be answered. Is the govt being deliberately unclear?
  8. So the vaccine is totally voluntary for kids?? IF a kid and their parents choose NOT to get it....will they still be able to go back to the classroom??? This has NOT been made clear. Anyone??
  9. Well, Israel is talking jab number 4.....that would be 4 in one year would it not? These vaccines are really working well.
  10. Get on the vaccine train everyone.....Next stop BOOSTERVILLE!!
  11. Again, compare the risk of Covid 19 in children to that of polio. Stop comparing horrible diseases such as Polio to Covid 19. This comparison is just silly now, come on. We now know how the mortality rates are skewed to much older people and people with many comorbidities. IF and I mean IF Covid 19 was anywhere near as dangerous as Polio you would have my agreement. Rushing the vaccines out to older people for Covid 19...maybe. Pushing mandatory vaccination for kids. No.
  12. There is no comparison between the risk to children of Polio and that of Covid 19. This is well established now. The question is, do the benefits of administering this vaccine to kids outweigh the risks. You cannot answer the question about the long term implications of this, no one can. Not ALL scientists are in agreement about this. There are many that warn against it. I am a concerned parent....it reasonable to ask these questions. I find the almost religious zealotry surrounding these vaccines (not saying you) to be disturbing. Many Thai parents simply believe what is presented to them on the 6 o'clock news without question. Many are not aware of conflicting data or conflicting opinion. This seems to be intentional.
  13. What can you tell me about the safety of the vaccines in the long term? I am asking specifically on behalf of kids....the ones that may not be able to give fully informed consent. Can you really tell them you KNOW that it wont have adverse effects? Can you point me to any long term studies?
  14. The risk to children is miniscule. I see what is going to happen. Schools will reopen and say kids that are jabbed can come back...but those that are not cant. Inspite of ALL the evidence that they are not at risk some will be ostracised. This is now getting silly. Adults can get jabbed, teachers...parents...if they get sick from Covid they will be ok, right?? The vaccine stops us getting ill right? So let the kids begin learning again. Dont force them to get jabbed.
  15. Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine approved for at risk children aged 12-15 years. From Monday 9 August, children aged between 12 to 15 years old with either specific medical conditions, who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander or live in a remote community will be able to receive a Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine Now...my son is not 'at risk' ....many many are not.
  16. Any legally minded people out there able to give a good example of such a letter to be translated into Thai? I will give it a go myself. One would need to be careful with the wording and subsequent translation. I mean, contracts are meaningless at the best of times here, BUT if many parents started fronting up to schools with such letters......it could send a message, it would probably make some rather nervous. I wonder if any schools would sign such a letter....Ha!!
  17. Lets see how the cookie crumbles. I understand your point. But if certain schools make up their own little policies........maybe they need to back up their confidence in what they are doing. Lets say the govt is wishy washy in its wording about students...as it seems to be at the moment. IF the school is taking it upon themselves to make the rules......then fine, let them back up their policies. Isnt that fair?
  18. If it is mandatory to go back to school, how about some kind of liability letter that the school needs to sign....If they are so sure about it, let them prove it. We are talking about kids here and a vaccine that has no long term studies. Maybe give us all some confidence......back up your vaccines for kids with something I get YOU, the school to sign. Sound fair?
  19. There are some doctors proposing that 'leaky' vaccines may be driving variants.....I didnt say that by the way. Its within the realms of possibility is it not? Are we even allowed to pose this question now?
  20. The flu jab is not mandatory. I have never had one. I am not 65 + , 30 kg overweight, I dont smoke and never have, I have a few beers with a mate once a week....I dont have fried lard sandwiches with bacon and fat balls for breakfast everyday.......Will they force me to get a booster? Will it be up to me?
  21. Where I teach it was......a joke. I expect the whole house of cards to come tumbling down as usual here. Everything they propose never really works.......The vaccine rollout is no different.
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