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Everything posted by 248900_1469958220

  1. Ok, so why waste vaccines on people that have already had, and recovered from Covid 19? Why not prioritize the vaccines for poor countries, with poor healthcare systems.....and a LOT of vulnerable people? Why is Brad, the 25 year old personal trainer that had, and recovered from a mild dose of this disease rushing out to get vaccinated??? Can someone answer please. My brain hurts from all the hysteria.
  2. Damn...lucky you. I am looking into purchasing some cuttings to grow. Having a tree outside that i can just pick away at will would be nice.
  3. If you live here in Thailand and speak some Thai ask your friendly motorcycle taxi dude. Its everywhere in central Thailand.....and the Southern provinces I believe. I think up north it doesnt grow as much. I could be wrong about that. Its 100% legal now so asking around for it isnt a problem anymore. I will be purchasing some myself from an old farmer guy I know down the road.
  4. I have had it many times. It is everywhere in my area. At smaller doses...say 1 - 3 leaves its a stimulant, but kind of relaxes you at the same time. At higher doses...say 10 leaves its more like an opiate feeling. It tastes like <deleted>. Many many people in my area eat it. I don't recommend eating too much of it. I will now take it more that it is legal. Its good to take a small dose with coffee.....however, start eating large doses everyday and it could get hard to come off it....
  5. Ok, they help like a medication would. I agree with you. They cannot guarantee the stop of spreading it. Its spreading pretty well thankyou very much. So....if it helps people from going into hospital, old and fat people mostly great! Thailand has now opened up its restaurants to younger, fitter....and quite frankly more handsome unvaxxed people like me.....someone with a very very very small chance of dying from this disease. I will enjoy my Pad Thai right next to you maybe Mr Placeholder. You should feel secure that your vaccine will stop you from getting very sick....Job done i'd say. Now, lets move on, it seems everyone else is.
  6. I am sharing news from pretty reliable sources. I think of it as a bit of pushback to the sunshine and rainbow stories the mainstream has been forcing down our throats about these vaccines, for too long. Its some kind of public service. I am Batman. Thanks
  7. So....threes shots is now 'fully vaccinated'....how long will the world take to catch up to the 'fully vaccinated' dream ? At 8% with 2 jabs here.....could be years. So, lets just keep the world shut? Does this make sense to anyone? https://www.wsj.com/articles/in-israel-being-fully-vaccinated-now-means-three-shots-11630426257
  8. Israel not doing too well in spite of the fact that its one of, if not the most vaccinated in the world... mmmmm....I really hope the boosters work.... https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-hits-new-record-daily-covid-cases-with-testing-high-ahead-of-school-year/
  9. Lets hope they sort out the magnetic contaminants.. https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Coronavirus/COVID-vaccines/1.6m-Moderna-doses-withdrawn-in-Japan-over-contamination
  10. And the Aussies are mass vaccinating 17 year olds.....Priorities are all wrong. Countries with good healthcare systems need to donate their supplies to less fortunate countries. Why does a 20 year old personal trainer get precedence over a 70 year old diabetic??? Does anyone know? This virus has hypnotised many previously intelligent people.....though I do wonder..
  11. If you are vaccinated Danderman, good for you, you are not at risk....They have now SCRAPPED the first of probably many requirements because they are NOT viable. Enjoy your vaccination status if you have had it, wear a special arm band, pink if you like. I may be sitting near you in that restaurant.......smiling, with krapao in my teeth
  12. Vaccinate the old, those who are especially vulnerable.....and keep teens till these vaccines have had AT LEAST a year of observation....Open up the economy again, start taking those early treatments seriously. This virus is NOT going away. If Thailand keeps closed for another 6 months, god help it.
  13. Sure, the logical conclusion I come to when I follow the steps of the path govts seem to be taking. I dont see how it works. I dont see 7.9 billion people EVER being vaccinated...especially with ever evolving variants and the need to pump out boosters.....the logistics of making 7.9 billion boosters and getting them out to that Kazakhstani goat herder are...well...????? The plan aint great is it.
  14. So thats your plan? The world stays closed until 7.9 BILLION people are vaccinated? Have you REALLY thought this through? HAVE ANY OF YOU?
  15. Ok, here's the way it goes. Vaccinated people can still potentially spread Covid 19. They may get less sick. Ok, I will go with that. Vaccinated person goes to country where there are a sub section of the population that are not vaccinated. Vaccinated person is unknowingly carrying Delta variant......Vaccinated person comes into contact with Kazakhstani (unvaxxed) goat herder. Goat herder gets Delta variant from vaxxed person.....Goat herder gives it to his wife and mother...and so on. Unless ABSOLUTELY everyone in the world is vaccinated, which will take years possibly decades, how does this work? Those evil goat herders are making variants 'maaaaaan' though the variant is potentially from a vaccinated person. Tell me this is NOT possible. So, what do we do? Keep the world closed untill everyone...yes, even the goatherder is vaxxed? Tell me the way out.
  16. So, let me get this straight. We are now heading toward not needing one....not two...shots but possible boosters every 5 months??? So, HOW THE HELL does the world catch up with this vaccination program??? The goat herder in Kazakhstan....has he even had his first? I foresee supply issue if they want to totally vaxx the world.....That goat herder is being put at risk right? First world fat people get the jabs....he comes last...... Hows this for an idea? How about starting to take treatments more seriously???? IF Covid is as infectious as they say, the world will get it, we all will, eventually . How about seriously looking at early treatments for the INEVITABLE patients that will KEEP coming over the next few years? That poor Kazakhstani goat herder may not have access to a fancy vaccine that needs to be handled with care....a tablet? Now, that is a different kettle of fish.
  17. Endless boosters......But of course, this is all beyond question. https://nypost.com/2021/08/27/biden-and-fauci-discuss-covid-19-booster-shots-every-5-months/?utm_medium=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPTwitter&utm_campaign=SocialFlow
  18. Very sorry certain studies disturb the little fiefdom in your head. I for one am interested in ALL information about these NEW vaccines. If you only want to read positive news start your own newspaperm sit down with your morning coffee finger the pages. I am happy I have not bothered with Sinovac or Sinopharm.. I am following very closely this ever changing story.
  19. If you are vaccinated but, I am not, what risk do I pose to you? If you are vaccinated BUT are still able to catch and spread the virus to me.....what use is your being vaccinated to me, in relation to stopping the spread to me? The vaccine seems a bit like a treatment, it stops YOU from dying... or getting very sick, or so they say. Ok, I will go with that,. Therefore, I have no problem with you getting a vaccine. If you are vaccinated then great, the vaccines work right? So....whats the problem? Similar levels of virus.....mmmmmmm......sounds 'catching' https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/delta-infection-unvaccinated-and-vaccinated-people-have-similar-levels-of-virus#Delta
  20. So.....92 % of the population are not allowed to eat in restaurants unless they are fully vaccinated or show a negative test within 7 days? Its a good business plan...I like it, a real KICK START to the struggling hospitality industry. These people really know what they are doing. Because Sinopharm is a name you can trust....
  21. I highly doubt that. Where I live its everywhere. I have eaten it before. I was given it ages ago by family. Its pretty mild unless you eat a truck load of it. If you eat a couple of leaves its a bit of a stimulant...but relaxing at the same time. I know many Thai men that eat it. I am glad its legal. Its silly to make criminals of people that eat it. It can be used to wean people off opiates or.....it can be a mild stimulant to have with your morning coffee...not that I would know anything about that of course.
  22. And this lady raises some VERY interesting points I would like you to consider.
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