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Everything posted by 248900_1469958220

  1. I have been told that one for the schools I work at, which was opening for Matthayom only on the 16th.......is now no longer opening. <deleted>. Most if not all kids have had the vaccines...the teachers too. When does this end? How many freaking 'boosters' do we need? Is our world going to keep closed until its totally gone? When do we just accept it? The last I looked the official infection mortality rate for kids and people of my age is low...I mean REALLY low.
  2. Where are you getting this info from? I am still in the dark as to what may or may not happen this coming Monday.....
  3. And what of the countless kids here in Thailand that dont have reliable access to internet and/ or reliable devices? What of them Einstein? Australia also has flying doctors....gee, I wish they had them here too, the traffic jams are terrible.....Poor people could all just be airlifted to Bumrungrad hospital. Hang on, I'll get on the Bat phone and see what I can organise.
  4. By the way, I am also REALLY looking forward to the hordes of multi millionaire tourists that arrive very soon....You know, the ones that have NO INTEREST in nightlife whatsoever...they just want to look at temples and learn about basket weaving.....Yeah.....La La land. There are so many smart people here that cant get a break because of the dinosaur systems that are still in place. Please, let me be wrong.
  5. "Is there anyone in this country who can think or decide more than 1 hour ahead?????" Perhaps but none of them are in positions of power. Smart Thai people dont make it to positions of power, because smart people ask questions. People that tow the line and have family connections make it to positions of power....After living here a long time, I have seen no real change yet in Thais being able to face reality or think outside the box. I expect SNAFU for the coming term....I expect people running around like chooks with their heads cut off...again as usual. I expect cases to rise and lockdowns to restart. In short, a dogs breakfast. I sincerely hope I am wrong.
  6. So......if 'Unvaccinated children would still be able to attend school' what does this mean for kids under the age of 12 that have not had the magic vax? There are a hell of a lot that haven't......With new shiny variants including the new 'Delta Plus' will kids ever get back to school? How many boosters will they need to be considered 'fully vaccinated'? I hear they are talking of giving 12 - 15 year old boys another Pfizer shot...backtracking on what they said previously.
  7. One jab for the boys is what I have heard. I would like that confirmed though. Yes, I am concerned about this. My son is 14....right smack bang in the middle of 'potential' problems. He has been home for so bloody long.
  8. I hate to say this....but what about teachers that have not had the jab? I am getting my 2nd in a couple of weeks. I can see there is no choice. I foresee problems for any foreign teacher that tests positive and cannot show proof of double dose. I think you may be left on your own....sad but lets be realistic about all this. I have basic health insurance through my company...its better than nothing.... Man, its going to be very interesting to see what happens in these coming months.... I just heard a bit of a rumor that makes sense. No Prathom level students at school in term 2, only Matthayom which...BINGO have been vaccinated! My timetable is a bit of a split between the two. I could have an interesting timetable coming up. Anyway, again....if you get Covid and are unvaxxed...damn. We live in interesting times...
  9. I decided to take Sinovac. My 2nd dose is in a couple of weeks. I was offered a free jab a few months back from my school but, I wanted to look into it some more. I think this is reasonable. My parents live in Australia which have now recognised this vaccine....they had to with the money spinning Asian international student market. I dont see it being an option NOT to be vaccinated come next month, or whenever in class lessons restart. I like my job. I was reluctant to take the jabs....so shoot me! I did it.
  10. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-10-03/sinovac-covishield-recognition-hopes-for-international-students/100508968
  11. I have had the first shot of a vaccine that is approved by the Thai govt. its the same one most of my workmates had a while back....in 2 weeks I have my 2nd. Based on current info I will be 'fully vaccinated' according to Thai govt.....I dont see the reason for the vitriol. Sure, I have taken time to make up my mind but I have been teaching online for months. Last I heard students cant catch it over the internet.
  12. Through Dept of Foreign Affairs. I applied about 3 days ago...got the message to go and went yesterday. There was hardly anyone there, which surprised me. They gave me a choice of 3 jabs. I was in and out in 45 mins. This was in Pathumtani Province.
  13. No, I am not planning on travelling soon. At some point, like all pandemics in human history, this will end. I am going to bide my time. Australia has just recognised Sinovac. I am doing it to keep up with what will likely happen within 2 months.....Boosters are being debated. It seems they may only be required for a certain percentage. My parents are in Australia. If they have to come here for a visit sometime in the next 2 years because I am not allowed, so be it. This situation is evolving. I am just trying to do what I can in the circumstances.
  14. Well, after A LOT of thought.....some anger....many many questions I freaking bit the bullet. I feel I have no choice. I am NOT happy with the whole virus situation and how its been handled. I think information is being suppressed. I dont think all is rosy with the vaccines....I chose to get Sinovac. The ladies were shocked....They had to check with someone "Farang mai yaak dai Pfizer"!!!! I have my reasons. I have left this decision till now. I have looked into all these vaccines as well as anyone with average/ slightly above average intelligence can ha!! I went with the traditional style vaccine, not new tech mrna. I asked if I can get Sinovac for my second and was told I can. They then asked what I would want for my booster!!! That's a step too far for me to be talking about lady..... All I care about is that, in 2 months or maybe less IF and I mean IF kids go back I will be able to show their little 'fully vaccinated' card...or 'app' or whatever it is. I have thought about all alternatives, believe me. Again, I see no option.... I am not happy. I think boosters are inevitable but again, I am going to put that off as long as I can. The vaccines efficacy, even the bees knees Western vaccines seem to wane within months. Treatments, which should have been pushed for months ago may be available to us all if this actually does make any of us sick...... I will be getting shot number 2 in two weeks......What a world.
  15. I have a friend that teaches at a school in my area. He went to one of the mass vaccinations at a mall organised by the school. According to him a few teachers were sacked for not going. The writing is on the wall. What options do we have? Its a rock and a hard place. Unfortunately, not having a little app on my phone saying I have been jabbed, is going to lead to troubled waters, in the not to distant future. I am reluctantly going to get a jab today...........If we dont what do we do? Get another job? It will be an issue for ALL jobs here. Go to another country? Which? They have us by the balls. Many friends working here in Universities...at schools etc have been hounded into getting a jab. Right now its not 'official' or doesnt seem to be....but does it even have to be? Man, what a world.
  16. So, TOTALLY voluntary?? IF a kid and their parents decide against it...will that child be able to learn AT THE SCHOOL or will they be forced to stay home?? I NEED this question to be answered. Is the govt being deliberately unclear?
  17. So the vaccine is totally voluntary for kids?? IF a kid and their parents choose NOT to get it....will they still be able to go back to the classroom??? This has NOT been made clear. Anyone??
  18. Well, Israel is talking jab number 4.....that would be 4 in one year would it not? These vaccines are really working well.
  19. Get on the vaccine train everyone.....Next stop BOOSTERVILLE!!
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