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Everything posted by rasg

  1. The speaker of the house released a lot of the CCTV from the Capitol that day and if you ever get to see it, you will know that you are totally wrong. J6 was a set up. Pelosi has recently been shown on video saying that it was mainly her fault for refusing Trump's offer of 10,000 of the National Guard.
  2. When the left have got the media and a large part of the court system in its pocket it's fairly easy to get the results you want. You have some surprises coming in the next few months that will turn your brain to mush.
  3. And he is 100% right. Check out Operation Mockingbird though I doubt you'll bother. Does it not strike you as odd that every attack from the media has been coordinated for years and most of their ratings have gone down the toilet in the last few years?
  4. It very valid. The Guardian is a very left wing daily toilet roll. What do you expect them to say? Seriously.
  5. And they didn't do that at the Capitol Building either. Have you actually seen any of the footage?
  6. The MSM fact checking anybody is a joke. You do know they will say anything, truth or not, as they are in the pocket of the Democrats.
  7. Too much CNN, NBC etc. Stop drinking the Koolaid. He never said that.Do you know what Operation Mockingbird is? If you don't you are very misinformed. Look it up.
  8. should educate yourslef Have to seen behind the scenes footage of what happened that day where the police opened the doors of the Capitol building and let people in? The guy with the horns was given a guided tour around the building by more than 10 police officers and then sat in one of the rooms and prayed. He got four years I think. Jan 6th was an entrapment exercise and there were many FBI CHS's (Confidential Human Sources) in the crowd to stir up trouble. You should educate yourself about what really went on.
  9. It's going to get very ugly but not in the way you think. Which crimes are you referring to, by the way? Do you mean the supposed rape of E Jean Carroll where the jury awarded $85 million dollars to a woman who could even remember the year or month that the rape supposedly took place? She'd had made at least six similar allegations too over the years against others. How about the one where Trump house was raided? That case was thrown out. How many non crimes do you think it takes before a rational person would think, "there is something off with all of these allegations"? Some decades old. Why this year just before an election? Use some critical thinking. It will help you no end. I guarantee that each and every one of the cases against Trump will be won on appeal.
  10. Have you actually heard her speak? Harris is embarrassing and totally ill equipped to be POTUS in the same way she has been as Vice President for 3 and a half years.
  11. Oh dear. You expect the truth from the Guardian! 😂😂😂😂😂
  12. The fact that you are getting this information from CNN speaks volumes. You do know that there is a reason Trump calls the main stream media fake is because they are so anti Trump it's embarrassing.
  13. UKVI have a habit of phoning employers and many times to the detriment of a visit visa application...
  14. A classic case of <removed>. (Trump Derangement Syndrome). It's probably incurable.
  15. He doesn't. If you watch any of his speeches he describes it as abhorrent as well as calling out the West for importing illegal immigrants in their millions. Putin loves his country unlike most of the Western leaders.
  16. Yes. To show support, offer more weapons and cash and to keep the war going. There is no excuse for war crimes but you have conveniently forgotten those that had been going on to the Russian speaking people of Donbass since 2014. What a surprise. Maybe you should watch the interview of Putin and Tucker Carlson. Well worth a look if you want to informed.
  17. It's not. It was Boris that went to persuade Zelensky not to stop fighting.
  18. Absolutely. They had an agreement that it would all stop until Boris got involved.
  19. I am not a Putin supporter but I understand why he launched his Special Military Operation. Quite a few of you need to do some research on the subject as you don't have a clue what's actually going on. The movie, Ukraine on Fire is a good place to start. Unlike most on here I look at both sides of the argument and I don't get my information from the Mockingbird MSM. Look at any of Zelensky's speeches and you will see what I mean.
  20. The big fat lie has been the MSM who were dead against what was happening with the US backing a revolution in Ukraine in 2014 and when the war actually started doing a total 180 and started supporting the coke head, Zelensky.
  21. Yes a lot but not from Trump. They had his tax returns that turned out to a be a nothing burger. If they had found ANY dirt on Trump they would have been all over him.
  22. Trump's tax returns were released. Now we want to see Obama's and Hillary's and Pelosi's. The last three increased their personal fortunes to many millions while in office. Trump donated his presidential salary to charity.
  23. Trump's And where did you get that information from? When Truth Social went on the stock exchange his wealth increased by $1.5 billion. Did you know that a day or so before his attempted assassination a company was short selling Trump stock to the tune of 12 million shares. The assassination attempt was not a lone wolf. None of them have ever been lone wolfs.
  24. What you seem to find acceptable is that the US stoked the Maidan uprising in the form of a Colour Revolution. It's not. In the same way they have been doing exactly the same in numerous countries around the world fro many years to put their preferred leaders in place. You would be one of the first to squeal if they did it in the UK.
  25. It wasn't justified at all. The US have been meddling in affairs in other countries where they think it strategically right to do so. That means those where they can make the most money and Ukraine has been the money laundering capital of the world for years. If they poke Russia and provoke a response they are fine with it.
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