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Everything posted by rasg

  1. Presumably to Guitar God's doctor? They are welcome to each other. 😀
  2. Presumably to your that Russai is the largest country in the world? Have Ukraine invaded Siberia? 😃
  3. Hilarious!
  4. You have repeated this foolish question three times now. The first answer of mine was correct. You are delusional.
  5. You'll find out soon enough.
  6. You are extremely foolish if you think that's true. Leave the MSM alone and you might find out the truth. Zelensky met with Trump at Maralago the other day to discuss peace terms.
  7. Now who's being delusional!
  8. Hillary lost because they didn’t cheat enough. Even the bookies thought she'd won until she didn't.
  9. She doesn't actually have any unless shagging is regarded as an achievement.
  10. Who do you think is running the show? It's certainly not Biden.
  11. She is President in all but name right now. Biden's dementia has made him unable to have a coherent thought for the last three years.
  12. Tee hee. She could do it now. She doesn’t have to wait until January. If she was going to do anything positive she could have been doing iot for over three years but she hasn't. She is a communist. Pure and simple.
  13. More of the same but she is hoping that nobody notices it.
  14. Just waiting for it to be fixed.
  15. You obviously have heard any of Trumps latest speeches. When he has removed all of the leftie dross from positions of power he will govern for everybody. The P Diddy trial is going to have huge knock on results. Eric Adams, the New York mayor has been arrested in the last day or two so it's all coming together in time for the election.
  16. The Dems thought Clinton was going to win so they could continue their 16 plan to destroy the USA. Trump won because the Dems didn’t cheat enough which is why the cheating on 2020 was off the charts. Runbeck the ballot printers and USPS were in on the scam too.
  17. It's not luck this time. There are plans in place to stop it happening IF it happens at all.
  18. Not me. Just to add some levity, the Cookie poll looks like fun and Trump is winning by a big margin. The poll has predicted every election since 1984. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=401833606282674
  19. If she wins she will destroy the country even more than she has over the last 3+ years. It's no problem as she is simply not going to win.
  20. I doubt it was a stupid error for no reason. The person who made the "error" knew exactly what they were doing. They are allowing illegals to have driving licenses so they can swing the vote. How many illegals now? It's millions.
  21. If you believe that you will believe anything.
  22. They had plenty of proof but in each case the mainly Soros backed judges and courts wouldn't hear the evidence for lack of standing. They used the excuse of Covid to relax the rules on signature matching on the mail in votes and $420 million of Zuckerberg's cash to stick unattended ballot drop boxes all over the place. They mailed ballots to EVERYBODY in the swing states whether they asked for them or not. You are going to be soooo disappointed in November when Trump wins in a landslide IF there is an election at all. They still have to pay for the fraud that took place in 2020. The P Diddy trial is going to have a huge bearing on what happens. Four or five officials in New York have announced their retirement in the last day or two and there will be huge ramnifications for Hollywood too.The fall out will be huge and that's before Epstein's black book is released. It is all connected. What is going to happen has been planned for many, many years.
  23. I hate to disappoint you but he will. The so-called polls are being deliberately massaged so the steal is back on.
  24. Drooling retard is right but cackling retard is more accurate. The polls are totally inaccurate so they can steal the vote again. This time it won’t work.
  25. She's been insider trading for years. Just one of the things that will bring her down.
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