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Everything posted by rasg

  1. That's the most ridiculous thing I have read. You'll find out exactly how much voter fraud took place in 2020 and IS taking place over the coming weeks,
  2. I decided to stay out of this thread because most of what has been said is pure nonsense but I can’t let this one go. Two people died on Jan 6th. Ashlie Babit was shot by a Michael Bird who was under no threat whatsoever. She had at least four riot police behind her and was no threat whatsoever. Roseanne Boyland was beaten to death by the police at the entrance to the tunnel. If you take a look at the latest CCTV from Jan 6th you can see it for yourself.
  3. Hillingdon Council tried to reduce my wife's number of guests to two but as my brother-in-law was in a wheelchair my sister was allowed in as his carer. We would have loved it if she had been allowed six more (sisters and brother in laws) but we took them to dinner instead afterwards. Almost 100 people were there that day becoming citizens at Hillingdon council and if everybody had taken 9 or 10 people the numbers would have been unmanageable and I doubt they have a room large enough.
  4. So you haven’t actually read the article. Is 35 minutes of reading too much for you?
  5. In the paragraph just above "The Architect". I can see that this article will be used against the left in any court cases of voter fraud over the coming months. If you actually read the article you will see that many laws were broken.
  6. Isn't it funny? You are happy that Mark Zuckerberg, Google, YouTube and others were influencing the election in 2020 because it allowed the Dems to win. Zuckerberg to the tune of $420 million to "fortify" the election in the Dem's favour" and also to censor anti Dem voices. By the way. Fortify the election means cheat. It's well documented and Zuckerberg has been trying to cover his backside over the last few weeks by apologising for it. Not only for suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story but also for the $420 million Zuckerbucks scam.
  7. And that's the whole point. You have no idea about what is REALLY going on in your own country because you believe everything that Hillary Clinton tells you. You will find out very shortly.
  8. Tee hee. John Durham is about to get started. He got the evidence that he needed on the Clinton campaign, the Steele dossier etc.
  9. This was on the History Channel in 2009. Haarp History Channel.MP4
  10. https://nypost.com/2024/10/06/us-news/hillary-clinton-warns-that-allowing-free-speech-on-social-media-means-we-lose-control/
  11. Well Hillary has spent the last week explaining that the Libtards want to change the freedom of speech laws with good old fashioned censorship so there is that for starters. They hate the truth which is why they being hit from every angle at the moment AND it's about to get a lot worse for them.
  12. To answer the original question, "Why is the MAGA movement so susceptible to crazy conspiracy theories?" the answer is this. What starts as a conspiracy theory has, almost without exception, turned out to be true. Russia, Russia, Russia was exposed my John Durham as a huge hoax, for example.
  13. Please explain what Trump has done that is treasonous? Whatabout, whatabout.
  14. My thoughts the second I read that sentence.
  15. I hate to think where you get your information from. The Russia, Russia, Russia has been debunked for a long, long time. Did you follow any of the results of the John Durham prosecutions? They are about to come back and bite them.
  16. You will find out very, very soon. You really have no idea what's going on right now.
  17. What's your point? She then went on for years afterwards saying that Trump was an illegitimate President. Just like Trump has said about Biden. In this case Trump has been right. Over the coming weeks you will find out exactly how many votes Biden received in 2020. And the number that Kamala loses by on the 5th November assuming that the election even takes place.
  18. I would if what you said is true. The only thing that is true in what you have said is the the first three words of your first sentence. She is still whining about it in 2024.
  19. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/hillary-clinton-trump-is-an-illegitimate-president/2019/09/26/29195d5a-e099-11e9-b199-f638bf2c340f_story.html
  20. I think you are repeating yourself from last week. It's boring.
  21. That's because Mayorkas is a compulsive liar along with Merrick Garland.
  22. Correct. They are deliberately preventing the volunteers from getting through and threatening them with arrest.
  23. He can't show any proof of climate change, full stop.
  24. It does if you are discerning enough to do some basic research. If the anti Trumpers ignored the MSM they would learn a lot but they are so anti, they can’t bring themselves to do it.
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