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Everything posted by claffey

  1. Indeed. However this young man was from County Clare which is in Ireland.
  2. There is an Irish charity that helps to repatriate bodies of Irish citizens. Any money left over often goes to the charity which is available for the Irish diaspora across the world. If this case is using the charity that's where the excess funds go. It's a wonderful charity which also highlights the community aspect of Ireland and it's citizens abroad. They often repatriate the bodies of people who have no family too. That's why they need extra funds.
  3. He was from Ireland which is not in the UK.
  4. The evisa is a PDF which you print. It therefore saves pages in your passport.
  5. Just buy a subscription on Skype. You can then cancel it at any time if you no longer need it.
  6. Rules number one upon leaving your own country: Never give your passport to anyone, ever.
  7. Well, Many countries do require you to apply in your country of residence. I didn't say all countries. Vietnam obviously doesn't. Well done. Try applying for a European visa for a Thai,in a country they are not resident in, and get back to me.
  8. It's not just a Thai thing. It's normal that visas are applied for in the country you are resident in. Most countries/ embassies require proof of residence for the country you are living and applying in. I recently applied for, and received a visa for Thailand from the Thai embassy in he country where I reside.
  9. If you bother to look, on something called the internet, you will see that all embassies post detailed travel advisories for every country, including Thailand. So they are doing their jobs!!
  10. The top schools will be using IGCSE and IB, or A level resources. Your claim makes no sense whatsoever. Also, top teachers will only be using text books as reference material. They will be building their own lessons using a plethora of resources. An EP programme school, with lower qualified teachers, less resources and lower standards cannot be compared with the type of school mentioned in this article.
  11. So you started a debate but are not interested about even considering other perspectives if people don't agree with you? How democratic of you. This is an example of Western hypocrisy. Why should Thailand declare for any side in a war on the other side of the world?
  12. The whole deport foreigners idea sounds simple. However they will be locked up indefinitely until they pay for their flights out. Embassies don't simply fork out for deportations. They must be paid for.
  13. Some European countries don't pay any pension to its citizens resident outside the EU. So people from the UK are actually lucky to get anything at all. 14,000 baht is what many Thai families survive on per month so if she has a roof over her head she should be able to survive. Medical costs are probably the main issue at that age. Her son will just have to take care of her. This is normal in Asian society, for kids to take care of parents, so after being here for decades they should understand that.
  14. If you are resident in China you can get an evisa online. It's very easy. I got one recently.
  15. I also recall a thread here recently where Thai police in Pattaya were fining people 500 baht for no IDP.
  16. If you have an accident your insurance could be invalid if you don't have an IDP. Thailand requires one too but most people don't bother. Not worth the risk really as they are easily obtained.
  17. 9 Kids in tents. It was peaceful until the police showed up with riot gear and guns.
  18. Peacefully protesting genocide? I would suggest that Western human rights organizations look towards their own governments before turning their attention to others.
  19. Better to fly to KL. Hotel and flight package with Air Asia is reasonably priced and more comfortable than mini van to Cambodia with all sorts of crazies onboard. Less questions asked on return to airports too.
  20. Isn't it ironic that Amnesty criticises Thailand for locking up students at the same time that the US sends in the police to arrest hundreds of student protesters? Does democracy an Human rights truly exist anywhere?
  21. Had to wait one hour to get through but then they were very helpful. I had to activate 2 new cards first and then set up the app. I had downloaded the Singapore app so obviously wouldn't work. He waited and helped while I downloaded the Thai version. About 6 OTPs needed to verify. He then informed us that new UOB cards will be issued to everyone in a month or two.
  22. There is also an exchange opposite mkt village and then walk towards the Marriott. Although I tried to get some won recently and they had none. If in Bangkok try 'Super Rich' in most malls now. I usually use Falcon on Narathiwas 24.
  23. Lots of people commenting on China's use of Digital payments. However cash is still accepted almost everywhere. They usually have change and don't mind using it. Yes, they prefer we chat or Alipay but the myth that they don't accept cash is plainly wrong. Lots of respect here for the older generation who often pay in cash.
  24. Yes this is at the very end of check in near the tourist customs claim desks and the China Air check in counters. Over 70s and young families can use it. It's free from what I observed.
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