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  1. I currently use Youtube and Dailymotion to find good tv series from UK or foreign TV with English subs. This can be old or new series. Can anyone suggest alternative "Free" sites which allow for watching and downloading ?
  2. I thought you had to make a bank deposit for your one year visa renewal and that you are not supposed to withdraw from this account at least 2 months before visa renewal application. When renewing my visa I make a 100 / 200 baht deposit.
  3. OP - an idea but there are originals and copies to be sent including old ones that may not scan well. Will check with DHL.
  4. Thanks I have sent hair products to UK by DHL from Khon Kaen, very good service. Will check next time I go to KK
  5. phone number is 080 664 3405 Sorry cant remember name will ask my friend
  6. OP - Thanks for your comment. That's what I was hoping they would do ( phone contact ).
  7. I have a number of important documents ( about 10 pages ) to send to UK. Due to current labour problems with strikes / proposed strikes in UK and also allowing for Christmas / New Year any suggestions for best way to send documents from here ? Not sure if recipient would be at home during normal delivery times to sign for documents.
  8. Thanks but I live about 50km from Khon Kaen
  9. Originator - Subject closed
  10. I need translation of simple Will ( English to Thai ) and signature. Secondly signature only for 2 other simple documents which are in English. I made a DNR document in English many years ago ( I always carry with me when out ) and lodged with various hospitals in Thailand ( also once in UK ) . There has in the past been cause in Thailand ( and UK ) to present it and my request was acknowledged. Does anyone know if hospitals in Thailand need a special document from my children in UK to release body for cremation locally and does this have to be in Thai language ?
  11. Seen beginning of rainy season, less now little rain. Will try to photo next time I see good specimen Ovoid shape, 1 - 2.5cm, chocolate brown colouring top whiter underneath, smooth top, slightly ribbed underneath, may feel slightly tacky and rubbery on back, movement almost imperceptible, very difficult to push with finger, I think that they leave a brown staining to cement road and in local small keep fit running track ( similar to that of cow / buffalo poo which "yes" sometimes enter park ), have not seen glitter track as with certain snails, have not noticed them in grass or roadside plants. I am sure I will get some hilarious replies but having worked in farming in many countries since the 60's I have only seen this 'insect' here.
  12. Me too. Plus a few normal batteries.
  13. Watching Silent Witness and Black Books
  14. Thanks again for your comments. I have been to a number of funerals at different temples of Thai friends and I have an idea of the various arrangements. Also prices. My partner has finally got some sensible answers from UK Embassy and local govt / police requirements. I have already prepared a folder with various documents. Many years ago I prepared and placed a DNR request at all hospitals I attended. My local govt. hospital when I was in emergency asked me if the DNR, if necessary was still applicable. When I have been in a similar situation in Khon Kaen ( and even on general visits ) have never, except on one occasion following a major stroke with complications ( which I help treat with alternative treatment including for kidney failure ), mentioned the fact that I had placed a DNR with them. Guess its now just a wait and see. My local temples are only 2 - 4km away from my home, closer still if I am in the local hospital ( but 50km if from Khon Kaen ). Not sure about the catering side as I am vegan and some friends are vegetarians. Will ask for at least one dish to be vegi.
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