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Posts posted by mfd101

  1. My b/f and I are off to VN in April. We've done my (Oz) visa thru the tour company we & some Oz friends are using. I just sent them a copy of my p/p & they do the rest. Travelling freely (without tour company) your approach looks right. Just follow the instructions on the internet - if I were you, I would prefer to follow the VN government site rather than the various agents' sites where you will pay a bit more for the privilege ...


    Thai partner no sweat (ASEAN).

  2. 2 hours ago, wonder6281 said:

    I receive my Superannuation pension fortnightly. 


    I make 26 transfers annually. 


    Divided by 12 months gives me my average monthly income. 


    If this fails to meet the new requirements then nothing will and I'm out of here. 


    Some Common sense does reside here I hope. 

    So why can't you organize yourself to do just 12 transfers a year? Is that so hard?

  3. 47 minutes ago, uwe_rayong said:

    That is an important question. 
    If I transfer money I use most times a provider like transferwise.com as it is cheaper, faster and the conversion rate is often also a little bit more.
    The difference is, if I receive a direct deposit from the EU it is declared as a "foreign currency deposit", if the transfer is made by transferwise it looks like a domestic transfer.

    So I doubt that immigration will accept the domestic transfers, as otherwise it would be pointless.

    If they would accept a domestic transfer, I could just give a 3rd person the amount in Thailand to deposit it into my account..????


    So the questionis :

    Does the monthly transfer have to originate from outside of Thailand?




    If you want to use TW for the transfers (as I do), use BKK Bank.

    • Like 1
  4. 48 minutes ago, Poppin said:

    Does anyone know for definite that the 400,000 and 800,000 is still available for long term visa.

    it is just crazy to send your money monthly as it obviously incurs transfer costs and a poor exchange rate from your bank if you have to send the money in Thai Baht.

    would greatly appreciate a definite answer or somewhere to get it

    You DON'T have to send the money in baht. You send it in your home currency & the receiving bank changes it into baht. You just have to make sure that, with moving xrates, you send enough of your home currency to ensure change to 65K+ in Thailand.

  5. 17 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    The new change for Americans, Brits, Aussies and Danes relying on the monthly income method is...


    Before, you had to claim the monthly income, but it didn't have to be imported into Thailand.


    Now, it HAS to be imported into a Thai bank account apparently from a foreign source, and probably be done on an every month basis (pending how the forthcoming translations clarify that matter.)


    That's a not insignificant change, particularly for those who don't need to spend 65K per month every month in Thailand, and/or prefer to keep their funds in higher earning investments in their home countries.


    And that differs from what I said in what way? The basic fact is that all the previous options are still there PLUS a NEW option to meet the circumstances created by the 4 Embassies' change of policy.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    My UK pension is paid WEEKLY.

    So? My Australian federal superannuation is paid fortnightly. What's the problem?


    From last month I now transfer 65K+ once every month via TW to BKKBk account. Otherwise continue my previous practice (because cheaper) of atm withdrawal with Citibank debit card.


    Everyone's running around in circles like headless chooks. Stand back and look at the overall picture. Basically the same options are still there as before. And, in addition, is a new option for those like me lucky enough to have an honest bureaucracy running its embassies.

    • Like 1
  7. 35 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    It's boggling to me that Thai Immigration often fails to provide their own official English translations of their own rules. I mean, apart from the Thai IOs enforcing them, it's the often English speaking or at least understanding foreigners who have to follow them. And that would be made a lot easier and clearer for a lot of folks if Immigration provided their own rules in English!


    I guess that Thailand, like just about every other country in the world, expects that official statements in the official language of Thailand should be sufficient for all purposes. Funny that.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, crazykopite said:

    And with currency fluctuations a daily occurrence it is going to be very difficult to have the exact income every month

    Nowhere does anything say you have to bring in the EXACT 65K each month. You can bring in any figure over that.


    So unless your 'home' currency is fluctuating wildly, bringing in, say, 70K each month should be just fine. If your 'home' currency does drop like a brick, then you will have to bring in more of it each month till it recovers ...

    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 hours ago, elviajero said:

    Legally and officially a Thai is 50 on their 50th birthday too. It is only within Thai society/culture that using the next birthday is a thing. E.g. you will often see an extra candle on a birthday cake.

    I can't speak for Thai culture generally but, in my family of poor uneducated Khmer peasants in south Surin, if you ask someone how old X is, they will not reply, say: "He's 29 and will be 30 in June" What they say is: "30 this year". Which means - and I have confirmed this with them - that X counts as 30 from 1 January in the year of his or her 30th birthday. They say this is because, in the old days, the older brothers and sisters were not registered or were registered years after their birth, so everyone is vague about their 'real' birth date. (In fact, I have become the birthday keeper of the family because I keep their actual/official dates on my computer, including those of my b/f's oldest full-blood sister & brother who were registered on the same day even though born 3 years apart.)


    IN ADDITION they say - and I have seen it in action - that they use this for all official documents.

  10. One aspect of the reentry permit online system is, as I discovered just yesterday as I prepared for 90-day + reentry permit at Kap Choeng next week, that - by devious technical paths I'm not entirely clear on - the TM8 form in my MacBook remains 'live' so to speak on the Thai Immigration system ... Which I discovered when I proofread what I had typed up and printed out, only to discover that the form could not cope with someone born in one country (NZ, in my case) and having a p/p from another (Oz). When I corrected the one, the other automatically uncorrected, and vice versa.


    Clearly designed by someone unable to conceive that one could be a citizen of a country other than one's country of birth. My solution was to leave both spaces blank & then handwrite NZ & Oz in the appropriate spots. Will be interested to see if this attracts attention next week at KC.

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