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Posts posted by mfd101

  1. The depth of venom reserved for the Thaksins always surprises me. We don't live in a perfect world where evil is on one side and perfection is on the other & we just get to choose between them. Actually everything is grey and, in a VERY imperfect culture like Thailand's (or Usofa's), we get to choose between rather poor alternatives.


    Does Thaksin the Elder's get-rich-quick life mean that any person with the name Thaksin shall hereafter be condemned out of hand? Personally, I prefer to judge people on what they do, individually.


    And was Yingluck 'corrupt' in a fingers-in-the-till sense? I doubt it. Why would she bother when she obviously had enough to be going on with? Her policies may have been 'corrupt' in a political sense (eg designed to favour the in-group rather than the out-group) but all politicians do that everywhere in the world. Is that a reason to hound her thru the courts? I think not. On that basis every Thai politician & general since the year Dot would be in prison.


    And the same applies to Prayut & the lads. They do some good things, they do some bad things ... like every government everywhere. Their main sin is the sin against freedom & democracy. And for that they should be defeated soundly in the upcoming (we hope) elections.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, Max66 said:

    They want your money in their bank .  That's it. I have my $$ in stocks ,bonds, CDs and mutual funds invested in my country that earn a hell of alot more than what I get here in a 3rd world thai bank. Im not going to start tearing apart my portfolio for this .

    Bottom line is that they dont want foreighners here..(unless their chinese.) Lol

    I've heard many times, thais dont like foreighners but love the money.


    Fine, so you'll be saying goodbye then, will you?

  3. Well, how to choose between what remains of British neo-imperialism and Spanish revanchism?


    As in the case of the Malvinas woops Falklands, the only modern & democratic way to decide the fate of The Rock is to let its current inhabitants choose. And, as with the south Atlantic, we know in advance what the answer would be.


    But, given the wonders that Brexit is already wreaking on the British economy and society, the answer might possibly be different in both cases in another 10 or 20 years. (Yawn)

    • Confused 1
  4. 46 minutes ago, cheshiremusicman said:

    Seems to me, that the Thai authorities should start to look at a scheme where they look at your track record and start to say 'This person has meet the necessary requirements for the past 5 years', so instead of granting an extension of one year why not make it two, and when you have been here for say 10 years make it a 5 year extension. Surely, if you have been here for that length of time you have proved that you can sustain yourself with your income no matter what it is!

    You're being rational again!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 22 minutes ago, tropo said:

    Really? You are feeling rather confident. Are you going to apply for an extension before the end of this year? I will be getting mine in the first week of January before the Australian Embassy cuts the service on January 7, hoping to use it in late June next year, but not feeling nearly so confident as you. What is the basis of your confidence? Leading people into a false sense of security is worse than scaring them into taking active measures to ensure continuity of annual extensions. Running scared, I have 3 backup measures:


    1. Starting to transfer 65k per month to my Thai account.

    2. Getting the 800k ready to transfer and season for 3 months.

    3. Obtaining my income letter 6 months early, in case they are still accepted.

    Excellent. ✓✓✓ Precisely what EVERYONE should be doing.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
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