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Posts posted by mfd101

  1. 5 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    If it's going to take 10 years to find out, that means very poor verification would be in place. In other words, it would have already failed. 

    If Kim has learned from his father - and all indications are that he has - then he can play Usofa & others along for quite some years, with promises, 1 step forward, 1 step back, vagueness, some progress, more demands for trade & funds, threats and so on. Given that he now - apparently - has operational nuclear weapons & weaponized missiles, he can draw all this out for a decade at least I should think.


    What, after all, is Usofa's real alternative (putting aside childish trumpetings)? An all-out attack with conventional weapons? or with nukes? I don't think so.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Either Trump is a foolish mouse being played with by a rather unpleasant cat, or he has - mostly despite himself - managed with some basic dealmaking techniques to pull off an amazing coup that noone has managed for the last several decades.


    Either way, Kim is entirely in control of the situation. All initiative now lies with N Korea.


    As to which alternative it is, time will tell, at least 10 years I should think, long after Trump's exit from office.

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  3. 5 hours ago, Expatthailover said:

    That a huge portion of these cuts will go to the big 4 banks who have been ripping the oz public off for years is an utter disgrace.

    These cuts to big business rates have been sold on the premise that businesses will lift wage rates and hire more people is the biggest con perpetrated on the oz public since the stolen generation

    What has just passed thru the Parliament is a bill - now an Act - for cuts in personal income tax.


    The matter of company tax cuts is entirely separate and, at this point, unlikely to procede (unfortunately, in my opinion).

  4. 1 hour ago, maddox41 said:

    I'm Australian and China and chines have been buying up Australia for decades  

    And the Australian government is to blame all the way back to  Gough Whitlam 

    Most universities are funded by Chinese students  most of everythng you buy is chinese made as Whitlam said in the 70 s we don'

    Well, we have plenty of experience. First it was British imperialism, then Yankee imperialism, and now it's the Chinese. I'm confident we can handle them if we have our eyes wide open & our brains switched on. Gently gently catchee cake all round.

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  5. 2 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    Canada has gained its independence from Great Britian 150 years ago, but in all this time it has never learnt to be independant, and especially when it comes to the United States. Canada depends on the United States too much, and I have been saying this all my life. 


    Take Oil for instance. Canada Exports a lot of Oil. But when the Storage Tanks fill up in the United States Canada is forced to sell their Oil at huge discounts. Only to have our Brothers in the States load this Oil onto Tanker Ships and sell it at huge profits. Why?


    It is because in 150 Years, Canada has never built an Oil Pipeline from Alberta to the West Coast ( a mere 1,000 kilometers) or to any Ocean to ship there own Oil to Japan, China, and the Far East..Yet have extensive pipelines throughout the USA and as far as Mexico. 


    Canada has a way over abundance in Natural Gas. For the past 20 years the hottest market out there has been Liquified Natural Gas or also known as LNG. I recall Big Shots from Austraila (Santos) coming to Canada in 1982 and our Gas Plant, to see how it was run, as they didn't have any in Austraila at this time. Now Austraila has some of worlds largest LNG Plants and Exports many Tons on LNG to Japan and other Asian places for huge profits.


    So how many LNG Plants does Canada have now after this 20 year period? Zero! For the same reason is that all there Gas Pipelines goes to the United States and as far as California, but not one to the West Coast and Asian Markets. But in the United States they have many LNG Plants, as they now can take Canadian Natural Gas at a huge discount, Liquify it,  and again send this on a LNG Tanker to sell this at a huge profit on the Open Market. 


    It is because Canada has depended on the United States for most of there trade that they have become very volnerable. Trump may be many things but he is a Business Man First and when it comes to business he is not that stupid. He knows that if they stop buying Canadian Oil or Gas, when they already have enough of there own right now, what are they going to do about that? Do you think he is afraid of hurting somebodies feelings? That Trudeau doesn't like him? He would just laugh about that. As Business is just Business and nothing personal! 


    Canada! You slit your own throat! So maybe grow up after 150 years and be independent! Heaven knows you have most of the worlds natural resources in Canada to do that with. From Oil to Diamonds! From Gold to Wheat! From Telecommunications to Cars! From Baseball to Ice Hockey! And on and on and on! .     

    Yes, I remember arguing with my Canadian cousins back in 2004/2005 at a time the US Congress was placing or threatening to place duties on imports of Canadian timber ('lumber'). I pointed out that the whole world was short of timber - Japan, China, Korea, India, Europe ... - and Canada had it in abundance. So how come the Yanks had them over a barrel instead of the other way round?


    My cousins agreed that Canada had perhaps become complacent & lazy ...

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  6. 1 hour ago, Orton Rd said:

    True, can't imagine crazy Hillary sitting there shaking Kims hand

    The problem with Hilary is that she isn't crazy. And so would not have had the courage or the perspective to make this happen.


    It takes at least 1 crazy to shatter the 60 years of frozen history & start the process of moving forward. Where will it end? Noone knows, but better to start than to do nothing.


    Hilary probably never heard the saying: If I'm not making mistakes, it's because I'm not doing anything.


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    • Haha 1
  7. I think reasonable people might agree that (1) Trudeau is a dork & a lightweight, and (2) Trump is a vile & disgusting human being who might nevertheless, despite himself, produce a few good outcomes simply by destroying the various status quos (economic & strategic).


    On the other hand, George W Bush tried that in the Middle East - let's throw all the pieces up in the air & see where they come down - and that didn't turn out too good.

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