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Posts posted by mfd101

  1. Given the publicity this is getting (putting it in a different category from your common or garden unpunished rich man's criminality), it seems to me that the longer it drags on, the greater the pressure on the government to arrest & prosecute. The thing about the military is that they have, or project, a can-do ethos that is being severely embarrassed at the moment.


    And, while it's a police matter, the PM has made public comments so the problem of face arises ...

  2. Total lack of intellectual curiosity (ie wanting to know something just for the satisfaction of knowing), which includes their own country. Try pointing out to them that they were on the wrong side during WW2 and only changed sides at the last moment with their usual slipperiness ... Wot? Shrug.


    Poor and uneducated people are much the same everywhere in the world: No knowledge or understanding of anything that happens more than 20km away. It's just that there are more of them in Third World countries than in the rich West.


    But take your partner to live in The West for a year or more and they soon wise up (ie get some perspective on Thailand). It's fascinating to watch it happen ...

  3. 2 hours ago, terryw said:

    Anybody who thinks that Vietnam's education system is a good example for Thailand to copy obviously knows nothing about what happens there. Vietnamese perform well in international test comparisons because their education system is based upon teaching for the test. Critical thinking and creativity are not allowed. Also, test results in schools and universities are unreliable because of endemic copying, cheating and corruption.

    'Critical thinking & creativity': and where do these miraculously appear from in the absence of knowledge about anything? If you want to be critical & creative, you have to have something with which to think!

  4. 17 minutes ago, JAG said:

    One does wonder if he" surely understands the feebleness, incompetence and incoherence of the European project", quite why is he so keen to remain part of it?

    Presumably because - as seems to me entirely reasonable - he thinks the project worth fighting for, despite its manifest failures & weaknesses. One can argue that Britain's departure will be the best thing that can happen to the EU: get rid of an obviously unenthusiastic member + force all the remaining members towards major reform.


    In any case, we should have a fair idea of the outcomes on both sides of the Channel by the middle of the next decade ...

  5. 24 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

    Hi.  My chickens have the same problem as yours do... suddenly dying over a few days / hours... over a few weeks... with no real symptoms.... always affects the young birds that are just started laying eggs.. and the young roosters.  I lost a lot of birds last year like that, and the year before.  Keeping fingers crossed this time. 


    They are free range, kept clean, and fed good quality poultry feed, and don't have any standing stagnant water to drink and get sick from.. so its a mystery why they get ill. 


    OP... I think your ducks are just coming up to molting time... this is the time when they stop laying eggs.. nothing to worry about if they still seem healthy otherwise.


    The other thing could be someone or something stealing the eggs.  I had a neighbor climb over our wall, helping himself to the duck eggs at 5.am most mornings.  When asked him about it.. he denied it, blaming the poor Burmese builders down the street... and he was a farang guy!!!! 



    Yes, a mystery. I was worried about avian flu - which could affect humans - but my family perfectly serene on the subject. They think it's just the onset of monsoon, sudden change in weather etc. Interestingly, it affects only the chooks - not the turkeys, ducks or geese.


    Ducks very fat & healthy. Army loves them for eating - they send a truck or motor scooter every few days to buy 1 or 2 or 3 for lunch or dinner. Only egg-stealing problem we've had recently was neighbourhood dogs at night - but that was the goose eggs (and we have only 1 gander & 1 goose so that was a bit of a bummer - but 8 eggs currently being sat on, 4 by the goose, 4 by a chook of which 2 hatched a couple of days ago). We keep them locked up now in small cages so the dogs can't get at them.

  6. We have a mix of Muscovy (Barbary) and Pekin ducks. Not much laying going on at the moment.


    The goose pair keep on laying (but it's a slow process). The turkeys and chooks on the other hand are laying & hatching like it's going out of fashion.


    On past experience most of the chooks will die quite suddenly over several days in mid-year [flu of one kind or another, I assume]. So the sensible thing would be to kill & eat or sell most of the chooks before then each year. However forward planning is not a local strength ...

  7. 2 hours ago, Caps said:

    I think the only thing Juncker is botherd about is whether or not he will have a job in the next few years.  Maybe if he didn't try and rule other sovereign countries by telling them what they can and can not do, then the UK promising country A this, country B that and country C something else might be good for the EU.

    Juncker stated "And we should not allow the Brits to pursue trade deals now with others because they are not allowed to do so." :cheesy: .  I am afraid we will do what we like...the only reason the rule of "you can not do trade deals with anyone else until you are out of the EU" is to try and stop you leaving.  Get over it Juncker 

    Here's what Matthew Parris says in today's Times (as reported in today's 'Australian'): "Remainers and Leavers alike seriously overestimate the capacity of the EU to reach any common negotiating position at all. We talk about what “Brussels” will “offer” as though it had a mind and personality; as though it were capable of willing a particular result. Brexiteers, who have conjured in their imaginations a menacing beast, may be forgiven this mistake. Remainers like me, who surely understand the feebleness, incompetence and incoherence of the European project, with its need to keep everyone on board, should know better."

  8. 1 hour ago, JerryinTH said:


    The scam just works because 99% of the population is plain stupid. The new generation is even worse. 

    Pre-IPO Uber shares? Sign me up! 

    What precedes stupidity of course is greed. Most scams work on the basis that most people are greedy. Then stupidity kicks in.


    There's also a 2nd kind of scam - which I got taken for twice in Cambodia  3 or 4 years ago - which is based on a victim's kindness ...

  9. Kap Choeng experience this morning:

    As foreshadowed in posts 9 & 10 above, I did my 90-day + new p/p transfers at KC this morning. Took some 45 minutes (instead of the usual 5 for 90-day). No problem & no cost.


    I had with me copies of the relevant parts of the old + the info part of the new p/p. I did not have a letter from the Oz Embassy because the Embassy places a special stamp in your old p/p when they cancel it, saying: "This p/p has been cancelled & replaced by p/p no. xyz. Any valid visas in this p/p remain valid." KC didn't ask for a letter & I didn't point out the stamp.


    They took the trouble to show me, very carefully, the new stamps in my new p/p, alongside those in the old, making sure I was happy with what they had transferred.


    Their usual combination of serious work + jokey style. Excellent service. No complaints. 5/5

  10. I'm off to Kap Choeng next Friday for 90-day reporting. I have a beautiful new absolutely virginal Aussie p/p. Until I read above, I was planning to make photocopies in advance of all Thai-relevant entries in the old p/p + the info page of the new one & take them along to request relevant transfers (as per other earlier threads re new p/ps). But this thread suggests I need do nothing other than take myself & 2 p/ps along?

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