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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. You're ignoring the probability that many of those who voted for PTP - particularly in Isaan - thought they were voting for a reformist party who would look after the poor of Thailand. The more compromises they make with the dinosaurs and near-dinosaurs to gain power, the more they betray those voter expectations.
  2. So, never having been to Malaysia, I wonder what happens when I arrive with partner at a hotel, no watch in our possession (we are homosexual not gay). In Thailand (at a hotel where we are not known), Singapore, Cambodia & Vietnam, the routine is much the same: - Ahem cough cough, will that be 1 bed or 2 , Sir? - One thank you, King size. - Very well, Sir. Same in KL?
  3. Yes, from opposition MFP will be in a position of strength and, with the learning curve from the last 3 months, well-placed for the next round next year or following. I'm looking forward to it.
  4. I'm an MFP supporter but I think many of the commentaries here and on other OPs are mistaken in assuming that the processes that would follow an election in The Wunnerful West where NOONE won a majority (ie 50% +1 of the seats in the Lower House) would be much different from here - all parties jostling for position, largest party gets first try, if that doesn't work 2nd party gets a go ... Of course the Senate issue is different here but that's mostly a problem in appointing a PM, not in daily governance. So what happens in The Wunnerful West when it turns out that NOONE can form a majority government? The new Parliament is dissolved and the pollies go back to the electors for a 2nd round of voting. And that is what should happen here now. My main point is that all the stuff about MFP being done down despite them 'winning the election' is nonsense. They won the largest number of seats of any party in the Lower House but not a majority. I hope they'll win a clear majority when the next election is held.
  5. Thanks, have taken a copy for use at an appropriate moment. ????
  6. Yes, not easy for me to stir my b/f into action on this one. The whole issue keeps moving to the right ...
  7. If you compare the tight control exercised in 'Western' democracies over party members of Parliament, it's hard to think that the Thai model - every man (and even an occasional woman) for himself according to short-term convenience - is a model to follow.
  8. The majority of the world's population happens not to include the elderly and the unhealthy. But who cares about them? Clearly not you.
  9. OK, thanks for that. That's useful. I had been waiting patiently for the multi-valents to arrive in Thailand but clearly that's now passé. I guess we can all now await XBB.1.5 some time in the future, probably next year (noting that roll-out in the UK is coming in 'the fall' ie late this year).
  10. Yes, I saw that. But what's happened to the much-trumpeted multi-valents? My recollection is that 6 months ago - in US & Aus at any rate - the multi-valents were all the go. Are they now finished (ie no supply)? or still being worked on? or no good at all?
  11. And in any case, if MFP does vote for Srettha as PM, they should make it clear to PTP that they're expecting some pretty weighty policy quid quo pros down the track, failure of which will have clear consequences at the next election. Question: I assume that any move to 'abolish' MFP would remove only those MFP members who were elected on the party vote (as opposed to individually in each electorate)?
  12. Not clear (at least to me) that what's being recommended in the release is or isn't a multi-variant dose ...
  13. My b/f just wants money. More! more! more! On his birthday I give him a good spanking then we head off to a local restaurant for dinner.
  14. And please don't arrive in a Rolls Royce with the flag flying.
  15. PTP following the Democrats down the gentle slope to the swamp. Very unhealthy down there. Won't last long. Like the Democrats they'll find it difficult to raise enough interest to hold a meeting ...
  16. The slow slide of PTP towards cynicism, corruption & electoral irrelevance is gathering pace.
  17. They may have been but were always (in my understanding) organizationally separate. The Reds were particularly strong in Isaan (not surprisingly given the benefits Thaksin had given to the rural poor), but Isaan split its votes in May last between PTP & MFP.
  18. There were Red Shirt demonstrations against Pheu Thai's moves last week in Chiang Mai. Basically saying: We (Reds) are with MFP. One up for the books.
  19. I'll believe it when I see 1 or 2 million on the streets.
  20. Well, good luck with that. Can't wait for the next election, which may be closer than currently scheduled. That's when the Thai people will show what they're made of, one way or the other.
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