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Everything posted by shunter

  1. Methinks Thailand should host a worldwide village idiots convention, right up Srettha's street
  2. All comes down to politicians " sugar daddies choir singing that Abba song. Money money money, it's the Rich Mans Tool."
  3. Possibly granting power of attorney to a person in the UK might be one way to deal with the issue, Said could person could then either authorise a bank to bank transfer of funds electronically or withdraw cash and transfer via Western Union (expensive) or a similar service it to the Thai recipient.
  4. I don't believe it. A member of the RTP acting in a devious non honest fashion. What is the world coming to I ask.
  5. Surely the onus is on you to learn the basic and thus the important Thai words concerning the delights of the Muay Thai instructions which you are engaging in.
  6. Looks like a plaintive plea from an impoverished farang digital nomad seeking free internet services who is working on line but no doubt on a tourist or Mua Thai visa.
  7. A more welcome and indeed positive action would be the unfreezing of state pensions paid to UK pensioners in Thailand and elsewhere, time this UK state sanctioned theft from pensioners was stopped.
  8. Should have been dressed in Bavarian summer costume, dirndl dresses, or possibly lederhosen no problems then.
  9. At 78 years of age I have successfully avoided cannabis, judge not others as you judge yourself... Try having a dig around the assorted influencer sites.
  10. Far too many loud-mouthed farangs boast about their cannabis knockout labs and others brag about their growing, selling, and exporting of cannabis backed it is claimed by an international merchant bank on TikTok. It does not sit well with those in power, nor competitors either. How long before such farangs will be removed by fair or foul actions?
  11. Meanwhile there are no restriction's on the jetsam and flotsam washing up on the UK beaches etc. and being housed, fed, and financed by the taxpayer, Yet those who were born in the UK irrespective of ethnic origin are discriminated against.
  12. In truth its all about preparatory moves to become the next government regime. new wine old skins...
  13. I suppose the bonus is, or was, that the image wasn't a meeting of soi dogs and their customary brown nosing introductory habits. Total insult to the people of Thailand who did not elect this corrupt fiefdom administration...
  14. More chance of successfully herding cats than restoring public trust in the corrupt uneducated oafs that are the biggest crime family to none in Thailand...
  15. Perhaps time to borrow and revive that old Chinese custom of ''Death by a thousand cuts'' for these two pieces of human excrement. A wonderful experience for them to experience the pain and suffering that they inflicted upon defenceless toddlers...
  16. The truth is that the words, ''scams and frauds'' are but euphemism veils to cover the real reason(s) the truth(s). The fear of assorted entities and people being exposed for their corrupt practices and their distortion of the truth for their own ends etc.
  17. Wonderful display of equality and democracy from and for the self entitled few.
  18. ''Beware'' of these rail links and their future usage. Remember a certain German Chappie constructed a network of autobahns so as to ease access to Europe in the last century (1930s.) Certainly improved access to many countries on the said Chappies whirlwind European tour. ''Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.'' or in this current time , ''Beware of Chinese government that comes bearing gifts''
  19. A sad comment of the stage of evolution these human(?) beings seem to have reached.
  20. Who would vote for a character who claims his father was, ''A Royal Sergeant Major, '' Seems said character is on but a nodding acquaintance with reality and the truth. Brags about a big American car but drives an ancient pickup...
  21. So Thailand it seems may well be welcoming a new ''Mr.Toad'' to take the driving seat. But remember Mr. Toad had to dress up as a laundry lady to escape justice after his car crash. Next time it may well a financial and economy crash, new car, same driver. Somethings never change...
  22. It would be a wise man or woman who maybe or is involved in these machinations to remember, ''As ye sow, so shall you reap.'' All actions have consequences.
  23. Probably a reconnaissance mission so as to plan another campaign to invade Phuket and claim it is actually Russian territory as the majority population of Phuket are it seems transient Russians, the rest of the static mob are it seems indeed a majority of Russians...
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