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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. 9 hours ago, khunJeroen said:

    For those who think this is world news, in Europe but even in SG where I live, this is not at all in the news and probably nobody even cares. In principle I agree that Thailand should decide in court to be transparent to all parties. In general, imo it shows a lack of diplomacy that the Aussies play it via the media and publicly put Thai government under pressure. In Asia you often achieve the opposite doing so. 




    It was in the Australian media about 3 weeks ago for 1 news bulletin but nothing now.

  2. 7 hours ago, Ulic said:

    Considering the football match was 30 minutes away from the police station and his teammates all said he stuck around with them after the match, he has a solid alibi. I suppose if he went directly from the field to the police station without showering or changing his clothes he could have made it. But with his teammates as witnesses, he has a solid alibi. 

    If it's so solid then he should go back and request a retrial.  Why did he just flee like a guilty person and not produce this so called evidence.

  3. 10 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Well old hippy, you posted a sad emoji on my post, having been detained in a Thai prison, i am fully aware of the conditions.

    This Aussie who  wouldnt provide his full name is full of s++t.

    Please let us know if you have been inside a prison here, and if so what were the conditions like.

    Well according to do gooders in Australia who are trying to get a convicted criminal and soccer player freed they are barbaric and absolutely horrific. Prisoners sleep on bare concrete floors that are covered in urine and excrement without room to move, they are cuffed and shackled 24/7, no fresh water, no medical attention and only afforded 2 small bowls of old rice per day.  

  4. 5 hours ago, Lucius verus said:

    All prisoners are chained and /or shackled in LOS because that's how the system works here.

    Why is everyone jumping up and down in disgust about this one person?.

    The power of social media over the sheep.

    Most Australians couldn't give a toss about this convicted felon.


    PM Morrison is getting ready for a Federal  election and will use tabloid stories like this one to deflect away from domestic issues most of which are bad.

    Agree its only the criminal support groups who are shedding tears

  5. 6 hours ago, z42 said:

    Top marks to tha Aussie pure he might not be the squeakiest of squeaky clean characters domestically, but kicking the diplomatic BS into touch and telling it like he sees it is really admirable in my book.

    The Thais I personally know are sharing the posts highlighting the galling treatment of this man, I hope the pressure isn't taken off them, Thailand holds all the cards here in this case, it is simply up to them to do the right thing. But there is an issue we can't discuss that is surely having a key effect on this case. I hope the Thais are brave enough to seek it out and see it for what it is.

    He isn't an aussie

  6. 8 hours ago, happy chappie said:

    complete idiots and show that they are not fit for the jobs.how this country gets by in this modern world leaves me in amazement.from the top to the bottom the Thais are nothing but incompetent and seem to really be from another planet.the minister is spewing bs about Australia notifying Thailand about him being on the red Interpol list.i question why on earth would they do that and then say they want him back.thais bs and try to save face to cover up their mistakes and anyone with half a brain can read their tiny minds.

    They're soldiers not diplomats 

  7. 19 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

    Doesn't Oz want him back and he wants to go back to Oz?


    Bahrain don't have a good soccer program but the crown prince has deep pockets. 


    sounds a wee bit complicated.

    Why would Australia want him back?  So he plays soccer what benefit is that to Australia.  Soccer is a minor sport in Aust and doesn't even get media coverage and I don’t even think they have a national competition.  

  8. On 2/1/2019 at 7:41 PM, robblok said:

    Great at shooting in his own foot, his chances are getting slimmer by the day. 

    He's chances are very good.  He has the final say as to who will be P.M under the new constitution he established.  If he doesn't like the results he can abolish the government and put in who ever he wants including himself.  He has no problems, he'll be the next P.M

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  9. Well AFLW is underway and they bill it as arch rivals Collingwood & Geelong.  Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this Geelong ' s first game?  They also billed the legends of the game, how does one become a legend after 6 games?  


    Gave it 15 minutes of viewing and pure and absolutely poor skills and rubbish. 


    Why is the AFL spending hundreds of millions on this absolute rubbish?  It's still free admissions and no revenue gained

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