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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. On 9/13/2018 at 9:24 AM, akampa said:
    Is sedition illegal?
    Sedition is the crime of revolting or inciting revolt against government. However, because of the broad protection of free speech under the first amendment, prosecutions for sedition are rare. ... Governments have made sedition illegal since time immemorial.
    government petty small people.

    Wouldn't a coup fall into the category of sedition or protests like the one held by Suthep?  Looking at the definition of sedition I would say so.  Coup after coup and no one is ever charged but a little person is arrested and charged by those who did the same thing.

  2. 6 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    How many times have we all heard, "you don't understand Thai people?"  If you live in Thailand it is constant. 


    The cartoonist said, "Maybe there’s a different understanding of cartooning in Australia to America,”  Sounds the same as Thailand only he is saying you don't understand Australian people. 


    From the Irish newspapers


    I doubt many Irish observers can have looked at the Serena Williams cartoon without being reminded of our own grim history at the hands of cartoonists of the Victorian era, who depicted us as heavy-browed apes, feckless alcoholics and combative thugs. Those thick-Paddy stereotypes haven’t entirely gone away, either.  


    And from Australia.


    The Australian writer Yassmin Abdel-Magied, who has spoken of her own experiences of racism and sexism in her country, has tweeted in response to the cartoon: “Racism – as in, the structures of society that make it difficult for those who are non-White to be truly and unconditionally ‘Australian’, and that perpetuate systemic inequality in Australia – is so embedded, is such a normal way of ‘doing business’, pointing to it feels facile.


    Wow now you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel referring to Yassmin Abdel-Magied, to support your anti Australia attacks.  Yassmin is a Sudanese immigrant who constantly publically insults whites with vile disgusting quotes the absolute epitome of à "RACIST"  The same woman who made vile disgusting comments about service men and women who gave their lives for the country she received refuge in.  She was removed from her job for her racist rants eventually fleeing the country for the U.K

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  3. 19 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    It is racist.  I have not been hysterical at all.  There is a quote function feel free to use it.  I think the Arabs want to shoot people.  All I said is if you want to draw a racist cartoon expect black folk to call it a racist cartoon.  Does that sound hysterical to you?

    Yes very much so as there is absolutely nothing racist about it.

  4. 30 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    For American blacks I read the media and for the Aussies I read the cartoonist interview and his publisher.  My guess is that America will not let it drop and the cartoonist and publisher will both be fired.  Just a guess. 

    Will never happen, mark knight is a legend and his statue has now grown even higher after being attacked by yanks. Australia is right behind him and we have his back and snowflake Americans will never touch our icon.

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  5. On 9/10/2018 at 7:53 PM, Esso49 said:

    This should be interesting as to how the Thai authorities approach the fact that the Times has published this interview. 

    Well if the police simply classify it as fake news then a lot of people are going to be in a whole pile of trouble.  Wouldn't be surprised if the Thai authorities went after her extradition on charges of spreading fake news and tarnishing the islands image.

  6. 58 minutes ago, pattayadon said:

    Speaking of fake (faux or fox)....  Can someone tell me what's up with the police uniform "wings"?   Are these guys pilots (yeah right)?  They ALL wear them!

    Yes they all wear them, Police,  military, doctors, nurses, teachers anyone who works in the public service and puts on the white uniform wears parachute wings and the greatest chest of fruit salad That a war hero could only dream of.  My 23 year old neighbour is a professor at the Chiangmai University (yes 23) and he has his parachute wings and never jumped he already has 2 and half rows of ribbons and never done military service.

    • Haha 2
  7. On 8/30/2018 at 12:18 PM, lubfishin said:

    You are a direct result of your parents and your environment. Your bad behavior reflects on your parents so everyone has a right to not just call you out but your whole family who was responsible for raising you. You have to learn this bad behavior from someone. You learn right from wrong from your parents correct? But I see the same s*** in every country and it's only getting worse. I believe it has to do with the change in society where spanking a kid is no longer acceptable. I got my ass beat so many times by my parents. I got my ass beat so many times by my principal. My Generation does not do this crap. It is these millennial New Breed people who don't understand consequences for their choices and decisions. They don't understand negative reinforcement. Rant over.


  8. 7 hours ago, ndfdjnd said:

    Where is the spelling mistake?  Take your 'women are weak and we must protect them' bravado back to the 1950's.  They wanted equality and now they have it.  I'll hit a woman in  a range of circumstances, e.g. they're 100kg, 180cm and mean as a honey badger with a toothache.  And that's before we get onto the ladyboys, many of whom no doubt could hand your arse to you sir, and mine too!


    I didn't at any point defend the man in this article attacking a women, if anything I did the opposite but you did not read it properly and/or you made an assumption that was wide of the mark.

    I seriously think you should speak to someone.  I find it very disturbing that a man says he wouldn't hesitate to hit a woman

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