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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. 2 hours ago, The manic said:

    But should not be in any country. It's just another form of the oppression if women by the Patriarchy and male dominated religion. Prostitution should not be confused with exploitation .

    There are a lot of women's groups in Australia who will tell you that men make women into prostitutes and abuse them.  Women never want to have their bodies abused but it is men who convince them to choose the path

  2. 4 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    This piece of news was reported on few oversea TV channels and was unflattering. It makes Thailand looks like a banana state like those we often see in Africa. The news include his other shenanigans like shooting reporters that criticize him. If I was Thai, I cringed and ask myself how I deserved such a low intelligence and mental unstable leader.

    Yep reported the ear pulling, banana skin throwing and the threats to execute reporters and now this cardbord cut out on Australian news.  He was being laughed at and ridiculed but he brings it on himself.

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