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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. 8 hours ago, AlexRRR said:


    Its been a quite post season other than a mistake in Bali...ho the former Sun K Hunt who is now a Wallaby...not animal but player a 3 code refuge was picked up with white substance found on said person a day or so ago has been charged with drug possession apparently he is inconsolable wonder why? the Big bucks stops right now, the new Ben Cousin, Rugby Union are investigating, Hunt was on top of the world at 31 in his new code will now be sacked and jobless and found hanging around the Gold Coast strip as the local pusher man WILL also sell signed autograph t-shirts of a once illustrious career that drugs took down..


    I must admit i dont have any Bitcoins either i bet WILL has a few stashed under the floor boards of his farm house, 20 gees each there worth...


    Kev Muscat must have got some pics of players in compromising positions the Victory now have stringed 3 wins together, still they look stale thats why i got a netflix account instead, last year of his contract im dam sure the V board are looking at options.


    We notice Chooks has not come to the defence of the Saints new Captain in Jarryn "WHO" Geary cause he's still searching the footy record to see if he is even listed...



    Geary was appointed captain prior to the 2017 season taking over from St Nicholas.  Was picked up at around pick 65 and a rising star nominee.  Finnished 2nd in club best and fairest on a number of occasions. 

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  2. 17 hours ago, steven100 said:

    how can you say Oz is a great place... ?   it's an expensive shit hole as he said.

    Electricity is the most expensive in the world

    Penalty rates were revoked from Sunday workers recently   ??

    Rents are ridiculously high

    Forget the young family affording a house

    Food is sooooooo  expensive ... I see one cup cake $5 at the markets

    Ice is rampant in every country town with schools in Vic it's epidemic ..

    There are so many nutters, young drunks, ice addicts running around late at night in Bris, Syd & Melbourne city.

    Vandals are out of control in Sydney

    Crime rate is up in Mebourne

    I can go on but I think you get the picture ....    Maybe it is nice in Hastings st but get and see the real world and you'll see what I mean.

    OMG.  I agree with you.  You nailed it.  


  3. 4 hours ago, JemJem said:

    Gosh; I am sure that most sensible people do NOT believe that it was solely due to mental illness.


    Islamic extremists have only recently started to use this method to kill people; and gees, what a coincidence : this Muslim guy (and I believe that there has been at least one other case of a Muslim guy hitting people with a vehicle and then being declared mentally ill) has used this method, with the aim of killing people.


    Yes, it is possible that mental illness may have played its part; but the incident's having been totally due to the illness factor and happening without any planning at all ??  Sorry, I am not buying that ! Hey authorities, please don't insult our intelligence and common sense, man.



    He has stated that he isn't happy with the treatment of muslims in Australia

  4. 1 minute ago, simple1 said:

    The first incident resulting in deaths was not an Islamist attack.. Police announcement at time of this post on the OP does indicate an Islamist incident, will the Afghan attacker having a criminal background and an accomplice filming the attack. Thankfully so far no deaths announced, but two victims critically injured.

    The first incident the offender yelled allah Akbar whilst doing burnouts on the intersection of Swanton and Flinders streets before killing people in Burke Street.  Yes this guy today was an Afghan refugee, as was the guy who filmed his actions both muslims.  Well done to Victoria Police and the off duty officer who dragged this piece of excrement from the vehicle and arrested him.  He was injured in the process and taken to hospital.

  5. Poor old Melbourne players (Alex)  The little princesses have gone to the AFLPA complaining training is to hard.  


     Melbourne training camp cancelled after players consult AFLPA



    I hear team mates were kicking a ball after it was bounced on the ground and it's considered dirty and it's not nice to tackle someone if they sweat.


    This sums up Melbourne.






    • Haha 1
  6. Reminds me of a situation we had in a car park, my wife observed a vehicle reversing out of space the vehicle in front of us had just gone past.  Wife puts on indicator waits for vehicle to leave and proceeds to turn into parking bay. The vehicle that was originally ahead of us reverses back and hits our rear quarter panel.  The female driver claimed we hit her

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