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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. But then the coup would've been a waste of time.  Military toys are far more important than improving living standards, infrastructure, education or health care.  The military are like spoilt little brats and must get everything they want when they want it, just look at the aircraft carrier the wanted so bad, they don't even play with it.

  2. So the head of the tourist police is personally touring the country and completely destroying and putting an end to crime, he's good, very very good.


    Just a question who are these "High Profile" people who have been arrested?  Hear of high profile arrests but never any names or pics.  Well there was Yingluk but that was a real case.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, ripstanley said:




    I found this link using Google




    "I was about 24 kilos I reckon when I decided enough's enough so I jumped one the scales, I was 124, 125,'' Lockett told AFL Footy Show panellist Billy Brownless.

    "I thought that's enough incentive to get something done here.

    There's no eating basically. There's only one way you lose weight and that's not eat at all.

    "I've been off the frothies (beer) too."

    Lockett also rejected suggestions he had become a recluse and said he had simply elected to spend more time with his four children while they were still young.

    Think he's over doing it.  Looks like he just got freed from Changi 

  4. 32 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    Have you seen the video of what the farang did previously, attacked the thai guy and family with a machete, then ran him over. I would have done the same.

    What was the legal justification for the guy belting him was he was speaking to policem?  He definitely wasnt being threatened or acting in self defence.  There was no justification for it.  He acted like and animal and became judge and jury, the police were there and he shouldnt have intervened to dish out his own punishment.  He is guilty of an unprovoked assault at that specific time

  5. The thai should have been immeadiately arrested for this serious assault on an elderly person.  The police did absolutely nothing and displayed the attitude, its just a farang no harm done or law broken.  Soi dogs get more action from police and shows where farangs sit on the scale.  The attacker would be looking at a mandatory 2 years in aust for this unprovoked attack.  Hopefully a simple sorry and a wai to the police wont be his punishment 

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