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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. 7 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Their country, their Buddha, you would expect Thai's to respect your country, your religion, your ways if they were in your country.


    Sure, I have a view on this, but pointless really, their country, their Buddha, simple really.

    Actually Thailand doesn't own Buddha even tho they may think so.  There are temples and monks in places like Australia and they aren't there under licence from Thailand.

  2. 7 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


    So no American revolution, back to being British for them, no French Revolution, back to living in servitude for them, no Carnation revolution for the Portuguese, back to living in fascism for them, no Tibetan uprising so no Dalai Llama at all as he surely would have been killed, the list is almost endless, if it actually were true what you had said then we would all be living under crazy despots, slaves to another mans slightest whim, thankfully what you said was nonsense, many issues are solved with political violence, it has brought freedom to more people in this world than anything else.


    American Indians scalped their political enemies back in the mid 1700's same time as the U.S revolution so would it still be acceptable for an Aussie to scalp a politician he doesn't agree with.  I don't get your connection between violent activities in the U.S 400 years ago and a person attacking another in Australia today because that person isn't gay and won't support gay marriage.

  3. 5 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


    You have proved my point with this post.  Well done.  As for the Republic bit, where have you been if you are suggesting that Australians favour this similarly to marriage equality which, by the way, is what it is now being promoted as, not gay marriage, so please get the terminology right.  The former is long dead and was defeated by the people.


    Why do you find the need to go into the bullying, name calling mode, there is no need for it.  As I said previously, Australians are becoming fed up with these tactics and if it backfires, I just hope those with these attitudes will learn a lesson.


    That is, be nice. cut out the divisiveness, debate the subject, have decent and respectable opinions, stop the threats, intimidation, bullying and name calling then maybe others will respect your views.  As it is now, highly unlikely.  Please have a nice day. :wai: 



    Totally fed up with the yes campaign bombarding us at every turn, it's like a noose around your neck and you can't escape them.  Yesterday I received a text on my private number, telling me, not asking to say YES and the audacity of asking for donations so they can harass others.  I didn't appreciate it.  Then about an hour ago I had 2 gay guys turn up at my door, my private family residence handing out flyers and asked how I voted.  I said it's none of your business and then they asked do you support SSM, gave them the same response.  They then asked for a donation and when I said no they responded are you homophobic and respect equality?  I said not homophobic and respect equality and going to treat you the same way I treat Mormons who invade my personal space and that is you run now or I let the dog out.  They left but also gave a barrage of abuse as they walked away, some things I can't repeat but along the lines of f $#% €^g lowlife homophobic scum which a pedestrian walking past obviously heard as she had stunned look.  I heard them say to her he's a homophobe and saw them try to engage her, she just walked away.


    I didn't appreciate this aggressive threatening manner they displayed on my own personal property.  I didn't tell them hour I was going to vote because I could read their body language and tone as had a good feeling if I said NO it may have got extremely nasty like it did with Tony Abbott.


    Oh and I don't have a dog.



  4. 19 hours ago, kaorop said:

    its laughable to think one nigerian is the only one involved.....
    and yet we have some here applauding it, i mean really such ignorance is beyond my comprehension

    He wasn't.  This was in the Australian media also and was a part of an Australian Federal Police operation where two were arrested in Australia.  Federal police contacted the Thai police about others involved but apparently the Thai Police only got one of them.

  5. 17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Of course violence shouldn't be condoned except in cases of self defense.

    The sleazy thing that's going on now is that pro NO vote propagandists are trying to trash the YES campaign over the violent action of an isolated private individual. 

    Typical dirty smear campaigning.

    I hope Australians are smart enough to see through that dark game. 


    The yes campaign have been playing some very dirty and vile tactics to try and force people to come over to the gay side.  Taking out a petition to have a doctor de registered, firing people because they support the "no" side, gate crashing church meetings, disrupting rallies, theft of survey papers and physical assaults.  They aren't helping their cause with the attacks and intimidation.


    The whole thing has been a total cluster from the start, $122 million wanted by the government and 100 ' s of millions spent by companies and other bodies across the country to push their personal views and all this for a bloody survey which means nothing.  Should have been a referendum controlled and monitored by the AEC.

  6. 16 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Of course violence shouldn't be condoned except in cases of self defense.

    The sleazy thing that's going on now is that pro NO vote propagandists are trying to trash the YES campaign over the violent action of an isolated private individual. 

    Typical dirty smear campaigning.

    I hope Australians are smart enough to see through that dark game. 


    The yes campaign have been playing some very dirty and vile tactics to try and force people to come over to the gay side.  Taking out a petition to have a doctor de registered, firing people because they support the "no" side, gate crashing church meetings, disrupting rallies, theft of survey papers and physical assaults.  They aren't helping their cause with the attacks and intimidation.


    The whole thing has been a total cluster from the start, $122 million wanted by the government and 100 ' s of millions spent by companies and other bodies across the country to push their personal views and all this for a bloody survey which means nothing.  Should have been a referendum controlled and monitored by the AEC.

  7. 10 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    It's simple.  Just say to the pretty, innocent looking bargirl "Are you HIV honey?".  She will obviously tell you the truth as how could anyone as innocent looking possibly lie!  Or when you have sex with her make sure you are facing North at the time.  That usually works.  Or have sex standing up and hold your breath when you climax.  That always worked for me :smile: 

    Just stay away from prostitutes Is the best prevention.  Never found myself in a position where I had to get a prostitute and I do find them a turnoff anyway

  8. 22 minutes ago, AlexRRR said:


    Crows cant fail to be in and its not even 3/4 time yet...if GWS make the GF do you think they will sell all the tickets to the game mr Nostro Chooks?


    I mean there are only so many Crow fans not enough to fill the MCG, hang on....adopt a team adopt GWS might be the only GF we will be going to in our life time officer...

    Most of the tickets are owned by corporations. The average guy doesn't have a chance for grand final.  It's a day big business make decisions with the game as a backdrop

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

    Yes I was thinking about that when I wrote it.  Before being "married with kids" I used to frequent the bars sometimes and certainly enjoyed the company of the girls.  I was trying to make the point (somewhat cack handedly) that for many ex-pats life in Thailand is not about the sex industry and many are there for other reasons.


    I think my "brain" inference was misplaced and I apologise for that.

    12 years in thailand and I've never experienced the sex industry and living in Chiangmai wouldn't know where to find it.  I think in Chiangmai it's very underground and I wouldn't know where to find a girl.  Been married to my wife for 16 years and she doesn't know anything about it either.  

  10. On 17/9/2017 at 1:56 PM, AlexRRR said:

    The words out down at Seaford is a 10 year multi million dollar contract is going on the table to keep a former number 1 draft pick with oodles of promise tied up for ever, they dont want someone else to get him as there still expecting him to take over from saint Nick any time soon...someday ....in a far off planet....will be the messiah they have been waiting for....one day....apparently it will be bigger than Buddys and Dustys combined.....

    Never happen Alex

  11.  Most tourists completely understand and just put up with the unsightly trash, he remarked.


    Most tourists were fooled by the glossy brouchers put out by the tourism Authority and having never been to Thailand thought the pure white sands, and pure pristine waters were a beautiful tropical reality.  When they arrive there are no drinks with little umbrellas just a sewage treatment plant beside the city dump.  They saved all year for airfares and hotels and are now stuck.  I think the vendor needs to ask the tourists how they like the beautiful beach and not speak on their behalf.




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