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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. 19 minutes ago, z42 said:

    As despicable as the courts and the current junta are, people are seemingly overlooking the fact that on the charge of negligence she is guilty as sin. The scheme was awash with corruption (as proved in the auditing of the rice warehouses and ridiculous amounts of money swallowed up by it).

    Several agencies including the NACC informed YS of endemic corruption, she did nothing drastic, and even reportedly threatened the accuser. She also reportedly never attended any meetings as chair of the sceheme committee, and by any standards that doesn't look good.

    I am under the impression that the supreme court is the highest court in Thailand. And those found guilty surely should have to serve whatever sentences are given, the notion of seeking bail after being found guilty and setenced (even sometimes to death) is completely absurd and immoral. Jail isn't, and certainly never should be viewed merely as a dank hellhole to ship misbehaving poor people and scapegoats off to.

    I can't quite grasp how people think Yingluck should get off scot free just because a disgraceful junta is holding the reins of power currently

    She will rot in a tiny rat and cockroache infested cell with 30 other prisoners for a few years waiting for farangs to come and unblock the toilet. 

  2. Well she is definately stitched up.  Verdict decided before charges laid and avenues of appeal conveniently blocked.  Prayuth had better hope he wins the election because I can see the next government rewriting the constitution, changing legislation to suit their cause as the Junta have done and Prayuth being shackled and paid back in full with interest.  Then we will have another coup and go around again.  Thai politics seems to be nothing but personal egos and vendettas. 

  3. This has been a personal vendetta by Prayuth from the start.  P.M's around the world make bad political decisions all the time but don't face prison.  I know of of a certain guy who made a political decision which resulted in the deaths of innocent people in Aust.  No charges, just put down as a bad decision.

  4. 32 minutes ago, tomta said:

    Not to me. They inspired nose-pulling, ear-pinching and general violence amongst my siblings and me after every show. And I think the Prayuth comparison is apt. The Three Stooges had brutal bullying dominance hierarchies combined with submissive cowardly giving in to the most powerful chimp. Mo (I see him as Prayuth) was usually on top but never completely secure. Sometime Larry and Curly would combine and give him what for. But usually Larry, the intellectual of the trio,  would get the position of second underling so he could at least exert power on Curly. I see Larry as Suthep and the Democrats and Curly as the UDD

    Like this ear pulling.  Members of his entourage found it hilarious.



  5. 5 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    Good measures being implemented.  Everyone knows they just want to cause trouble so nip it in the bud before they get a chance.

    I believe it's better to control the red shirts than allow violence.

    What about the every day people, why should they have the boot of the junta ground into their face and treated like pure scum when the Bangkok people are awarded freedoms and can go about their business.  Not everyone outside of Bangkok are reds and when over 95% of the entire population support and admire prayuth and the junta why treat them like garbage.

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