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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. 19 minutes ago, Yann55 said:

    Can someone well versed in law please explain to me (or rather us, as I'm pretty sure I'm not the only here who's totally staggered by this situation) how this 'statute of limitation' thing works ?


    How is it even possible that criminals only have to run and wait for the 'statute of limitations' to save their ass ? I know that it doesn't cover every kind of crime, but how come it does cover this one ? (and yes, I know, there are 3 different charges and only 2 have been wiped 'clean' by now, but the third one - the worst - is also due to be erased later on).


    There is usually a reason why laws exist, so I'm desperately trying to get my head around this one : what purpose does it serve ?


    Please note, I am not calling for typical TVF paranoid rants in response to my question. Enough of those already. I'm just hoping that among the many members of this Forum, one or several understand this weird (to say the least) legal point better than I do and would thus be kind enough to share their knowledge. Thank you in advance.



    The statute of limitations is the time you have to initiate proceedings against a suspect.  In Melbourne Australia we have 12 months to lay a charge for a summary offence or traffic offence, 3 years for a criminal offence, murder etc no statute.  Charges must be filed with the court, service attempted and if not served a warrant issued and filed pending location of the defendant.  Statute of limitations have been met.

  2. 43 minutes ago, ezzra said:

    I don't know about you, but billions or not, having to look around

    you and for years and years having to live in fear of being grabbed

    by a policeman at any time and detained, sent back in cuffs and

    put to trial and sent to jail this is not a life even the most powerfull

    and affluent person are envisioning to themselves....


    I don't think he is looking over his shoulder, corruption has his back.

  3. 9 minutes ago, tomta said:

    Of couse, he's a politician. The army is a highly politicized organization. "politician is a person active in party politics, or a person holding or seeking office in government." (Wikipedia). And most other definitions say the same thing. Anyway, you say he's inept at communicating with the media. This is the least of his faults and he doesn't have to get votes so it's not an impediment. But what he said is absolutely true. He is unaccountable. He can do what he likes. 

    Actually prayuth said himself 2 weeks ago, I'm not a politician, I have no time for such things.

  4. 45 minutes ago, champers said:

    No. He will do a runner. Thaksin and Yingluk will look slow out of the blocks by comparison.


    Didn't he grant himself a full and total amnesty from all prosecution  making himself totally untouchable?  No need to run as no court could touch him.  He is one very very dangerous man if anyone tries to hold him accountable for anything, ultimate power means he controls everything and everyone in the country.

  5. 4 hours ago, maxcorrigan said:

    She would be welcome in the Uk, the Thai Emabasy is London The big cheese in the Embassy is a red supporter and was ensconced apparently by Thaksin, so if the UK asked about YL they would get positive results, pertaining to her asylum application!

    The Thai military could have him removed within the hour and replaced with their own at the drop of a hat.  That would get positive results for the military government.

  6. This is just a show being staged by Prayuth and his fools.  Yesterday they said they won't be cancelling her passport which gives her freedom to move.  They also claim they are hunting her down scouring countries, have they considered that if they cancel her passport it will restrict her?  If she doesn't have a valid travel document then she will be in a country illegally and can be deported to her country of origin.

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