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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. 4 hours ago, tryasimight said:

    I don't doubt what you say, My experience is that the Thais that I know decline beef generally. I've pressured the wife as to why...she says a cow is too big an animal (?) or that she can eat beef if its only a little bit mixed with something else.

    Personally I think it is a quasi religious hangover thing from the indian religious roots. No big deal to me.

    Crazy part is I just had a great feed of steak and kidney stew in Myanmar.... arguably the only true Buddhist country left. (according to the locals anyway)

    They won't touch lamb either, I can't even eat it when the wife is around because she says it stinks.  When she is away I pig out.

  2. 3 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    No longer live in MLB, but did live in South Yarra. So you've saying government reports of deportations and Deputy Commissioner Shane Patton statements are untrue?

    South Yarra, very nice area and expensive high class, you must have done well for yourself.  Knew Shane when he worked in the Latrobe  Valley area and Heyfield.   Shot up the ranks in the last few years.  Shane plays the company line and a good copper.  Two were fronted for deportation but are still before the appeals court.

  3. 12 hours ago, simple1 said:

    Yeah a gang of approx 150 member were allegedly dominating Melbourne - what a bunch of Melbournian losers. However, gang now mainly disbanded, members deported etc...



    And what part of Melbourne are you living in?  I've arrested the same guys 6 times in the last 14 months for violent home invasions, car thefts etc and put them before the courts just to be bailed out.  Over 200 prior offences, not Australian citizens and still on the streets.  Can assure you they haven't been deported and still running with the same Sudanese gangs.

  4. 1 hour ago, simple1 said:

    Hanson had to obtain security clearance for the her stunt, not as though she waked into the Chamber without being identified. Polls differ between States & National elections, last I read was her support was sinking & was being undermined by the other far right Senator - Bernardi

    The way things are going Hanson might be P.M soon with all the senators dropping like flies with their dual citizenship.  Australia might be having a clean out and putting people in power who actually want to be Australian like Pauline and not hold 50/50 card.  These dual citizens have stuffed the country.

  5. Born and raised in Melbourne.  The place is going down the toilet fast, Sudanese gangs are running rampant entering businesses and homes smashing property and taking what ever they want.  Terrorising and robbing computers on public transport and citizens living in fear.  House prices going through the roof with large overseas investors buying up everything they can get, homelessness on the rise, unemployment and cost of living skyrocketing, beggers on every street corner.  As a Melbournian it's definitely far from the most livable city 7 consecutive years running.

  6. 1 hour ago, gamini said:

    sad to see hateful racists on this forum.

    Racist?????  Since when has islam been a race, it's no more a race than the Church of England, Buddhism or being a Jehovah Witness.  Australia is also a free country and people can wear what they like and if Pauline wanted to wear the burka to work she is free to do so.  I thought it complimented her.

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