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Posts posted by bunple

  1. Its only a matter of time before they are caught. Thats the way police work occurs everywhere in the world. Leads develop over time and are investigated. Guys brag to their buddies or girlfriends and when the friendships or relationships end then those secrets are exposed. Meanwhile, the police are collecting and processing evidence and keeping and exploring all avenues.

    I do hope you are being sarcastic because otherwise you are just being plain dumb. The fact this happened at all quite possibly indicates the perp's feel safe as they are well connected. I notice the police have not yet even mentioned the local rumors of a drunk Thai youth harassing the girl a few hours earlier and that the UK boy helped to get rid of him. If this is true then there is a chance the locals in the bar will know who he is, or if he is not local then at least where he was staying. This would have been a massive loss of face and more than enough for many Thai's to flip out.

    TIT. As with so many murders before they have no intention of finding out that it was a Thai. Sadly I have a feeling this will remain unsolved.

    RIP and condolences to the families of the victims.

  2. All women are prostitutes, it's only the price the varies.

    Prostitution has many degrees, sex before marriage can be a prostitution of morals.

    Let me think what I would prefer. A girl in farangland of about 40 years of age, maybe had say 10 different men. A couple of long term relationships so they banged nearly every night which I would suggest is probably the same, if not more, than the amount of shags a bar girl has.

    She'd be looking a bit frayed around the edges, not a real pleasure to wake up with in the morning. Will expect to be wined and dined on a regular basis. Will expect expensive gifts and regular shopping expeditions. We will have an extremely expensive marriage. She will take leave from work to have kids then whine and moan because money is tight and the lifestyle has to suffer. We will divorce and she will have custody of any children, most of the assets. I will be living in a rundown studio appartment with the ass out of my pants for about 16 years because I have to pay an enormous amount of child support which is determined on a percentage of my gross wage (not after expenses and tax etc).

    She will find a new man, go back to work, so have two incomes plus my payments to live a quite nice life. I will meet a new woman who won't be too pleased that a lot of my money goes to my ex so will not be too keen to get into a relationship (yes money can be the deal breaker).


    I can go to Thailand, find a young nubile nymph that makes me happy, asks for very little, I can wake with a smile on my face every morning. I can feel young again. She is low maintenance, doesn't drink, smoke or go out to clubs and is easily pleased (must be to be with me). If she tires of me and leaves I can just go find another.

    No prizes for guessing which I would chose. And for those that think I am jaded, no I've never been married and I have no kids. I've just seen my friends go through hell in farangland and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Give me a Thai girl any day. Bar girls are fine, that is only their job, it's the person inside that counts.

    yes, yes, yes, 100% on the money, well said.

  3. That's terrible news.

    Changing things like this is just going to make LOS like the dreary old west though, with it's nanny state mentality. It's these unnecessary dangers that make the place so colourful isn't it.

    ..are you for real, colourful, electrocuted in the shower you call that colourful <deleted>.

  4. Not what you want to hear but don't let her become involved with others in the Uk.

    Virtually every single relatioship goes down the pan when they start gambling,drinking eating and mixing with each other.

    First hand experience but numerous others in same boat where I come from.

    I second that..

  5. I hate to say it but ......

    Thailand considers all foreigners visitors, here on sufferance.


    We foreigners, in turn, must view all relationships with Thai people as temporary.

    I love my wife and kids, but if I get chucked out, or can't fulfill the visa extension requirement one year, I will have to leave the wife and children. It appears to be what the Thai government wants, who am I to argue with a government.

    Are you serious? I can`t believe some of these posts.

    How can you be so complacent?

    They or whoever would have to kill me first before seperating me from my missis and the kids, they are my whole world.

    Wherever I go, my family go, there is no question about it.

    ..well said.

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