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Posts posted by bunple

  1. "This was the quote in the newspaper article ( The payment would be based on citizenship or residency, with British citizens or anyone who has been living in Britain for a fixed number of years qualifying ) end quote. Which one it will it be? To save the most money it will be Residency just as the Nation health service policy."

    The way I read that statement it was either of the conditions, EITHER a citizen OR a resident.

  2. Try getting off the beaten path if you want to see normal Thai people. Pattaya is the armpit of the universe, Thai people are there only to make money, anyway possible. I was very disillusioned with the place on my last visit.

    And whatever you do, don't rent a jet-ski under any circumstances! These jet-ski operators are the scum of the earth and it is unbelievable that they are still allowed. Pass it along......

    i have rented jet ski's and sport bikes in Pattaya and Phuket more then 20 times with no problems.

    Its funny how some people don't understand that if you wreak somebodys property while you where renting it that you might actually have to pay for the damage. If you don't know how to ride then don't rent.

    Insurance? if i smack up an avis rent a car I pay shit, INSURANCE

  3. "Canadian economists say the first success of Mr Chretien's government was to secure widespread public support for what would be deep and painful spending cuts."

    That'll never happen in the UK with the unions, even now they are queueing up for 5%+ pay increases.

  4. if you cut all ties with the UK for what ever reason (usually tax purposes )then tuff shit if you can't get NHS, keep a permenant UK address pay taxes and when you need NHS don't mention you been living abroad, after all if you pay taxes in the UK then you should be entitled to NHS.

  5. the Sun newspaper are reporting that .... " All three of the taxi drivers targeted had accompanied Bird on holidays to Thailand twice a year. The mass killer was said to have lured them to their fates using his taxi radio - because he was seething after a Thai woman "stung" him for thousands of pounds. "

    There again this could just be the Sun.

    Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/...s#ixzz0pnu4QSJ6


  6. ...and while I'm waiting for the oven to get hot, who are these f@cking people that get on airplanes with sooooooooo much hand luggage that they need 2 or 3 overhead bins, one trip I was on the girl in front had such a heavy case that she couldn't even lift it.

    They should all be made to get on the scales with there "hand" luggage and pay accordingly.

  7. ... too right fat people should pay more, the fuel needed to shift some fat arse 20stone for 12 hours is a lot more than some sleek (like me) well toned 12stone, also while we on the fat crusade I don't see why my jackets, shirts and trousers cost the same when there's only half the material. If somebody wants to consume vast amounts of food then why should i pay for his air fuel and his clothes, next you'll be telling me I have to pay towards his car petrol as well.

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