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Everything posted by deadbeat

  1. Mandelson, I hope Trump rejects him and tells Starmer to send someone not so cosy with the EU. Send a diplomat not a crawler.
  2. This moron is shutting the barn door after the horses have bolted.
  3. Elections next month. Let's see how well the AFD do after this.
  4. Let's hope Trump rejects him, the look on Starmers face would be priceless.
  5. Is the supplement and vitamin industry completely unregulated in the US? If this is so, BEWARE.
  6. Can't wait to see Starmer getting cosy with Alice.
  7. Only half? And the rest. Totally incompetant and useless. Nobody bothers to report crime any more, too much hassle and nothing ever gets done.
  8. I hope Trump make him crawl. Something he's good at.
  9. Labour received millions from overseas individuals, maybe even Soros, so this will be a tough one for them to square without accusations of hypocricy.
  10. For pete's sake, what's this gonna cost us?
  11. This just shows how weak and feeble Russia actually is. It could'nt defeat its closest neighbour despite having an overwhelming superiority in weapons, men and money. And all the while we have to listen to the bs about how Russia will invade the Baltics or Poland next and what a threat they are. We've heard this for donkeys years yet the reality is that Russia only poses a threat to themselves by thinking that they can recreate the Russian empire.
  12. The last place you go to for unbiased or objective journalism is the BBC. All lies and deception, no hint of the truth.
  13. Wars, 20 million illegals, inflation, cost of living crisis and there is so much more we have to thank you for. Thanks Joey, you did a great job.
  14. I remember reading a restaurant review by this guy many years ago. It was over the top and unnecessarily offensive to the proprieter, full of personal slurs and nothing about the food or premises. Never read another by him, I only read the Guardian anyway because it's free.
  15. Happy wife = happy life. Simple.
  16. I was told by an old timer here that this problem has a simple and inexpensive fix without playing around with your diet. When you want a number two put the bum gun up where the sun dont shine. It'll all come out of you like a waterfall. Leaves your aristotle as clean as a whistle too.
  17. This is the guy who thought Marie Antionette dicovered radium. And that Henry Vll was Henry Vlll's son. At least he is going to be a source of amusement for us all in the coming years.
  18. Everyone knew Biden was not up for it from at least 2020. Clear signs of dementia that wete obvious to anyone. Without a teleprompter he was toast so what made her think that the american public would give him another 4 years?
  19. Unlikely Starmer will fire him as he's the only dei hire on the front bench.
  20. So what, it's warmer. Big deal.
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