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Everything posted by deadbeat

  1. Apparently there are still 9 thai hostages somewhere underground in Gaza. Not a peep from the gov about these poor souls. In fact the thai gov voted in favor of palestinian representation at the UN, all while this is still going on.
  2. GBH is a step down from attempted murder. Best place for him.
  3. GBH is a step down from attempted murder. Best place for him.
  4. Has anyone successfully grown pigeon peas here? I grew some from seed but none got past 10 cms or so. Is the direct sun too much for them? Native to Mexico and India so I would have thought they would be ok but maybe Thai sun is to much for them. I have some seedlings now at 10-12 cms but will plant them in a shady spot and see how they do. Any informed advice welcome. Cheers
  5. Just an update on my renewal issues and some new info. Another stressful day on Friday. Had to go to main branch in the city to get the letter that stated 12 monthly payments into my account from overseas. Why this could not be done at my branch is a mystery. Back to immi and then told they will not accept the letter because" the money came from myself" My letter stated that the money had come from my personal account. They want it to come from a pension or a company or something like that. The letter that someone posted on the previous post was fine because it didn't show where the money had come from, only that it had been deposited on a certain day. As this was deadline day for me had to sort it asap, not cheap but the least expensive option. So, the lesson is to make sure the letter, if doing the 12 monthly way, either states that it came from a remote source or does not state it at all and only that the money was deposited. To cap all this, after running around the city for a couple of hours, get a screw in the back tyre and had to slither to the shop to get that sorted. Thank the Lord I only have to deal with this once a year.
  6. Update. Thanks for all the replies. Chiang Mai, K-bank, 65k amonth and been using this agent for several years. Knows the ropes. I use her because I cant be arsed to wait in the immi office, in and out in 10 mins, job done and she gets hers. Thanks for the tenplate, may try and use that but bank may not play ball. I will know by Friday what the score is, update then.
  7. It's that time of year so went to the bank for the immigration letter. They copied out my statement in full, gave me a letter and off I went to my agent. "This no good, have to get letter with the 12 deposits on it". Back to the bank, "cannot do" only can give you 3 months for 500b. Call the agent and give the girl the phone. "Cannot, only 3 months" "What! This no good. Immigration want 12 months on a letter stating amount transferred and the dates. Must be all 12 months. "Cannot, cannot" Back to the agent and leave everything with her. Sounds like its gonna cost. I paid the 800k last year and before that covid but back in 2019 and beyond never had this problem, same bank. Agents talking about a template that other agents use, we'll see. Spent 4 hours on the bike today, tooing and frowing, now hot and bothered. Anyone else had this problem? My bank is a major branch in a mall so has many falang, cant believe it's only me.
  8. Biggest one I saw was about a foot long, I disturbed it from some leaves and luckily it ran up the tree. I dont doubt that had this stung me I would have died. I heard a story that this happened to someone who was sleeping on the ground and got bit, he died shortly afterwards. As you say, anaphalactic shock.
  9. Another Biden war we have to deal with that could have been prevented. Thanks Joey, you're doin a geat job.
  10. I use these interlocking bricks, a bit heavy but easy to erect, dismantle, extend, etc. You can rebar them for added strength but I have never needed to.
  11. Has anyone considered building a natural pool or actually done so? I like the idea of not having any chemicals to deal with and the lower costs but do these pools carry their own set of problems in the Thai climate? I have been reading about the N. Fowleri bug which is quite alarming but wondered if there were other factors to consider. Any input or further info welcome.
  12. Oh, what a web we weave, when at first we do decieve. Top marks for creativity.
  13. Not such a smart idea to attack Israel, was it? Reap what you sow.
  14. Spend a trillion on defense but then get a yellow president, kinda cancels it out.
  15. Tee shirt n' shorts when its hot, tee shirt, shorts an a jacket when its cold. LoL
  16. Lazada has everything.
  17. The tories are likely to raise the threshold as part of their election manifesto, not a given that they will get in tho. It has been said before, the only people who pay inheritance tax are those who trust their families less than the govt. Nuff said.
  18. Just renewed mine. I signed one document and my agent did the rest. Had a new one in 6 weeks. B10,000 all in. Painless. Money well spent.
  19. Hi Encid Thank you for the info, very reassuring. That is what I want to build but with a bigger fireplace. Good to know the bricks and cement are available but my flue is going to be a long one as it needs to clear an overhanging roof. Maybe 3 metres and tieing the 2 ovens flues together may be tricky but not thought that thru as yet. Do you know if a flue like that would be available to purchase and where I could get one? Cheers
  20. Hi There I want to build/have built a fireplace with pizza oven above on my terrace. Seen a lot of stuff on youtube so have got a good idea of how its done. Have'nt looked into getting firebricks, flues, cement as yet but wondered if any of you guys have ever done this, either here or in the old country? My builder is reluctant to do this having never done it before. If I can find a competant tradesman with experience then I would hire him however if not will have to do this myself. Any advice, tips or direction would be very welcome. Cheers
  21. Vladimir putin is a political genius.
  22. This is the Smita year, hang on to your hats. It kicks off on 25 sep. Dont say you weren't told.
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