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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Since WWII, the US has more or less been the nation that has taken the lead in promoting democracy, and providing assistance to other nations as a means to project influence, aid, and maintain a world order. Reaching out has been quite successful. Now, Tiny Don is attempting to sabotage all of that, with his inward thinking, his paranoia, his fear, his extreme hatred of all things that are not American, and his loathing. Fortunately,, now that he has been outed as a criminal, his influence is waning, and those within his own party feel emboldened to stand up to his policy of ignorance, hubris, arrogance, and his astounding lack of vision and intelligence. 

    Hope they continue so they gain some credibility. 

    • Like 1
  2. On 8/27/2018 at 10:47 AM, eyecatcher said:

    The three areas mentioned are only 10/15 minutes drive to the moat and traffic is definately not an issue, however its a given that the 4-7pm is going to heavier wherever you live.


    I am in Saraphi and its 5 mins to the makro, home pro, Big c, Tesco.

    Places to eat however I would say are poor and limited after 7pm in all those three areas, but again 10mins in the car and you can be eati g on the river in the centre.


    The beauty of living in that 10-20km zone from the city is that you can relax from the touristy hustles, escape fellow expats and visit the city quickstix if you want.

    Then back to tranquility. As I write now I literally can only hear some birds chirping and my gutters expanding in the heat

    Your post is exactly what I would have provided. Promenada is very close also to Saraphi. Saturday nights walking street is pretty cool too.

    • Like 1
  3. 16 hours ago, EricTh said:



    I didn't know that Americans can show proof of enough money just by getting an affidavit?


    No wonder there are so many (ahem broke) Americans living in Thailand.


    I am glad they plugged the loophole, it's just not fair to other nationalities.


    By signing the affidavit by law your any falsehood could be prosecuted. I was sad that they did not look at my proof statement from the SSA.

    • Like 1
  4. On 8/24/2018 at 4:34 PM, TGIR said:

    There was a time when I enjoyed watching CNN.  My wife and I voted twice for Obama and were so happy he won the first time I actually cried a little bit.  Then along came Trump and we laughed.....I had never held him in anything but contempt.  Boy, was I wrong.  In the past two years we've learned Obama wasn't who we thought he was and Trump exactly the same but for exactly opposite reasons.  Obama, the Clintons and much of Washington were leading us all down the primrose path to Socialism, pure and simple......and we were happily marching along.  If it werent' for Donald Trump and the realization by 63 million Americans that he wasn't a colorful fool, America would be so far down the wong path today it would be impossible to recover.  It may, in fact, actually be too late now.  Today I read that a popular institution of learning has banned "snowballs" on campus because someone might get hurt.........really???? Conservatives are now largely considered heretics in America's Universities and Colleges.  They are being attacked all over the country just for daring to breathe the same air as oh so intelligent liberal zealots.......Antifa, who by all rights should be the scourge of the earth, are largely ignored and allowed to terrorize whomever they choose, seemingly at will.  It looks like this "game" will come down to the fourth quarter......the 2018 election.  If the Republicans can hold on to the House we have a chance......if not, America, you can kiss your ass goodbye.  Rant over.

    You can see by the sorted reactions by many of us  " This Thinking" your screws are loose.

  5. Started at 15 and smoked 23 years believing I was capable if I decided. I first noticed I had both a mental and physical addiction and quitting was nearly impossible. I made myself a deal that I would only smoke while walking during exercise. The ability to smoke and exercise is nearly impossible. Now 31 years smoke free. Amazing how many years the recollection of the addiction lasts

    • Like 1
  6. On 8/7/2018 at 3:00 PM, oldrunner said:

    Berkshire sure sounds British so leave President Trump out of your limited mental capability.

    And just why should he leave out Trump when referring to a man who lies 7.6 times a day?? I applaud any critic of that miserable President.

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Small Joke said:

    When just two very end of the line street dealer guys have 65 MILLION baht worth of drugs on them,  you don't look at the bust as a success,  you look at the entire war as an abject failure. 

    Chances are,  this was not a 'member of the public' tip off. Those dozy buggers wouldn't know how to spot dealers or sniff out drugs if they were up them in a condom. 

    Likely a turf war.  Why whack your enemies and risk retaliation or arrest when You can just snitch,  then the flics will do your dirty work getting rid of the competition for you.  

    That's what's really going on here people... 



    Intersting speculation. Like any evidence of yours

    • Like 1
  8. Living here over two years my weight went from 160 to 177. Wife's attention, great cooking  and over eating is a cause. I moved from SF Bay Area where I was exercising plenty. The weather here let's me even more exercise. Im thinking it is a weight gain mostly natural. Stopped drinking beer now a year back and the belly disappeared.

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