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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. I get up early and stretch then mall walk till lunch. Avoid afternoon heat at home mostly. Sunset sometimes will sit outside. At bedtime a fan outside on balcony and second fan for circulation. Air con is in living room and bedrooms when necessary.

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


    The far left are beginning to decline in popularity already. I asked my mom (who is a diehard democrat) who she would vote for out of that bunch? She actually said Trump. lol I think people who aren't on the ground over here are out of touch that believe it or not this latest wave of dems are hated and despised as much as *gasp* Trump. Trump will be re-elected for the second time losing the pop vote but getting the rust belt and everywhere else. 


    Keep living in your bubbles of confirmation bias realms such as this forum or where ever else you go. The media (especially social media) is painting a completely different picture than what the reality on the ground is.


    There isn't the money to pay for healthcare on that level. That's the thing many people would possibly support it but that kind of money doesn't exist. You can have healthcare added or keep your social security. You can't have both. Many younger people are going to finance their own health insurance and retirement fund. You would be batsh!t crazy to think SS will be around if you are 20 years old today. 


    All the billionaires if you took 100% don't equal trillions. Bezos, Buffett, Gates. After that the amounts drop off severely. You would literally not get $500 billion. Here is where my comment on SS comes in. If they print money to do it the USA will be downgraded on its credit rating very quickly. That's already a threat with just the status quo. 


    The dollar would drop sharply. Making the debt harder to service compounded by higher interest rates as we struggle to keep the debt afloat. That would be the end of it. I can tell you any Farang living abroad on a fixed income would be the first to suffer. If you want a very low dollar vote for people likely to print money and spend on fairytales you might regret what you asked for.

    Seems like cryingdick fits you well.

    • Haha 1
  3. 8 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

    Climate change, universal healthcare, stop all airline traffic, give everyone thousands of dollars, blatant socialist programs...more freebies to the masses...the Dems better find some way to dethrone Trump before the 2020 elections...


    Shifty Adam, Dem from California, is the poster boy for everything wrong with American politics. He has no thought or motivation except to get Trump impeached...be careful what you wish for...????

    Fox News told you that I bet. Try visiting MSNBC for a new refreshing outlook

    • Like 2
    • Sad 1
  4. On 3/5/2019 at 11:45 AM, Baerboxer said:


    I'm not American but was appalled at Nixon's disregard and disrespect for the law. 


    But to be fair, Clinton lying to the government and people, and appearing on TV lying, and managing somehow to avoid impeachment (and he would never have considered resigning) was also appalling. 


    It seems American politics are full of liars and cheats - just like most everywhere else!

    Seems you are the one lying: 

    Although proceedings were delayed due to the bombing of Iraq, on the passage of H. Res. 611, Clinton was impeached on December 19, 1998, by the House of Representatives on grounds of perjury to a grand jury (by a 228–206 vote) and obstruction of justice (by a 221–212 vote).

  5. I had an issue where I was quarterly saying my bank to WT @ 45$. My retirement agent said he will not accept next year. I changed SSA to the NY Bangkok effectively March. I transferred my quarterly into the NY account. I will transfer Feb to NY for 20$. I'm done and will need only to have a letter my account exists with Bangkok and bring my passbook  at next annual. Easy Peasy

  6. 28 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

    While I agree with you, I imagine the thinking is that you are showing a regular monthly income stream. The obsession with monthly as opposed to quarterly or whatever seems to stem from the (unwarranted) belief that all sources of retirement income ( which they seem to believe are solely pensions) is received on a monthly basis.


    The embassy letters, at least the American one, was framed in terms of monthly income (even though I admit my calculations involved some averaging on my part).

    The Thai's discovered that the affidavit was never verified at the US Embassy. I was told by the agent two weeks ago many Americans who were lying and had to leave. The 800K in a Thai bank is also being challenged for falsification. Sorry if your not compliant.

    • Confused 1
  7. 3 hours ago, ryldar said:

    So please forgive me but I'm wondering if I show a USA bank statement that shows the equivalent of a Bt30k withdrawal twice a month & a Bangkok Bank statement showing deposits of Bt30k on the same day will that suffice using the combination method ... (Bt200k in BBK account)? Thoughts? I live in Chiang Mai.

    Read my post please. I was at CM two weeks back and they did not review the US bank monthly deposits to my bank in excess of 74K

  8. I had an issue where I had proof I deposited every few month in excess of the 65K. I was told I will no longer be able to prove this way next year. I added a new account with Bangkok and transfer January as well as 4,000 USD additional I change to direct deposit to Bangkok Bank NY, NY USA. All I will need is to bring my passbook and letter from bank saying I am who is on this sole account.

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