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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. 3 hours ago, hobz said:

    He will get away.

    Victims family will get some money but will also live under threats for the rest of their lives.

    The police that did not arrest the offender until pressured by the grandmom will also not be held accountable for their gross incompetence.

    This is thailand.

    Anything less than a conviction of Life in prison the world will never recognize Thailand more than third world country. Lets see how well they do..

  2. 4 hours ago, Amras said:

    Agreed. Geez I haven't been reading a lot of comments lately, but damn. Most ThaiVisa posters are still the same. High mighty sitting behind their computer. 


    It's 0.2grams for personal use. Hardly worth 15 years in prison. A significant fine maybe, community service (which would be good in Thailand) but not jail. 

    While other's drive unlicensed or drunk and kill 1 or multiple people in car accidents walk away with no more than a sorry, it's pathetic really. 


    She's not a dealer, she's not selling. 

    Remember the only difference between Alcohol and other 'hard' drugs is one is illegal the other isn't. The all ruin a heap of lives, cause violence, dependency and so on. Except 'weed', you'd be hard pressed to find the same amount of negative social consequences of that plant. (Note I don't do any 'drugs' and rarely drink, but I also believe in the choice for other people to do and deal with, the consequences of their own choices). 


    Asia and their war on drugs....while running people over in the street is more acceptable. I'll never understand it....

    Or two years for stabbing the dog who attacked his daughter. Strange. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    There is a potential trap for Trump if he does indeed succeed to lower unemployment much further:

    Inflation will continue to increase and put pressure for higher labor wages - something Republicans resist.



    Notice the decline has been since President Obama. Lets see what it is after the next four years. Glad to see that he is leaving one thing alone choosing not to meddle.

  4. I helped out a neighbourhood stray dog when I moved in to my place in August. The medicine and food lent him to move in to my driveway. But the horrendous amount of  ticks, fleas and countless parasites was so bad my fiance blocked the entrance in fears of my children's health. The dog situation is a problem here and seems unnoticed 

  5. 25 minutes ago, swbaggies said:

    I have a dog who is always leashes when I walk him and is never allowed outside the yard alone. .  Soi dogs are a menace. I have to walk with a stick because of the little shits s running loose whilst thais laugh as they growl and snarl at my dog and try to bite . . . My dog is a bull terrier and could handle himself,  trained and obidedient but would I want him to be bitten by these mutts no. So if they come close they get whacked .  So your comment about it being the human fault is right except you have the wrong culprits,  it's the locals and foreigners who have allowed the problems of soi dogs to exist. . . . Not the walkers,  joggers,  bike users or responsible dog walkers. 

    Thank's for the correct posting. That person is in denial or has another sort of problem.

  6. 12 hours ago, schlog said:

    4 times in 1 month. You should ask yourself what's wrong with you and why this happened!

    Only response I can offer is I exercise daily. More than that ask the dogs. I blame the owners for not being responsible having there dog on public property attacking passer by's. Protecting masters property is fine, going after cycle's the get what they deserve. None of them do it again I assure you.

  7. 10 hours ago, paulbj2 said:

    I am assuming that you are talking ONLY about the USA.There are lots of nationalities on this forum so it's probably best to be specific about which country's services you are citing. 


    The Social Security where I was living until recently, Luxembourg, do pay all overseas costs up to the maximum fees applicable in the "home" country. I was twice treated in hospital here in Thailand, whilst on holiday and the Luxembourg Social Security paid the bills in full. I believe the same applies in Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and doubtless many other European countries.

    Good point that i needed to specify USA.Personally I maintain a supplement insurance along with Medicare but need to return if it becomes necessary.

  8. On 25/02/2017 at 2:34 PM, brianwl said:

    "Get treated first and worry later. Life and death should have no price tag."

    This advice is old as time and DOES NOT WORK.


    If you go for medical care, they will treat the immediate emergency, but if you have no resources to pay for it, you get no follow up treatment.  Or, you get all your money taken away and can't leave the country until the bill is paid.


    The Governments of the countries we come from need to work with the Thai Government to ensure medical bills for those using Government insurance like Social Security or Veterans Venefits (in the case of the US) are paid promptly.

    Confusing to me anyone speculating Social Security pays overseas costs? No Medicare or Social Security pays overseas costs. Period.

  9. 3 hours ago, kamahele said:

    Lack of details? Trump supporters don't need details, it's all about the anger for them, not the truth. I'm all for increasing opportunities for the American work force but the limited details that Mr. Trump and his staff provide are usually either wrong or have been proven unworkable. 

    He has zero clue. He states the obvious hopes of many but that is all he accomplishes .  Supporters will not re-elect him either.

  10. 4 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

    Would you pick California Oranges for 3.50 an hour with no Medical benefits.

    Probably not, but immigrants will.

    That is where all the jobs went, because Americans have become Fat and Lazy.

    My first job in 1960 at age 14 was picking Tobacco by hand 12 hours a day for 30 dollars a week if I was lucky.


    First moved to CA in 62. No one other than the Hispanics lasted a week ever in the fields. Second year there I had a Summer job punching the cut cards for the workers. Truth hurts.

  11. Thanks johng as I have wondered the same question. Yes I do believe that these virus are not same as in the USA. I had one in eighteen years back in CA. I have had four here each taking forever to leave. 1 from last February from motorcycling in the rain. 2 last April from airports, 3 from my 4 year old day care and again 4 year old but exasperated by NYE 2017 drinking excessively. I'm in my late 60's and believe old age is contributing. Liked the responses.


  12. 19 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

    Like I stated already it never ceases me how people can argue  in support of illegals. Any hillbilly from Oaklahoma could  do the work they do for cheap. Americans can lift things carry things and sweep floors. This work being done by illegals can be done by any healthy person. Get rid of them and employers would be forced to hire Americans to do work in their own country..Or would doing the right thing cut into profits of the greedy employer.

    The reality is the Americans will never do the shitty work that the illegals do. Go there and you can see for yourself. Lived in CA 50 years and know reality. You somehow are not at all aware.

  13. Just now, yogi100 said:


    Well you should allow more Muslims into the country to even things up a bit, they can buy their AK47s when they arrive. Islamic terrorist have killed many more Europeans that right wing nut jobs have even if you include Breivik in the equation. You've not given old Abdul a chance to show you what he can really do yet. The USA is meant to be the land of opportunity is it not?


    The liberals should put pressure on the government for more immigration.


    Insist on an open door immigration policy so that the right wing nut jobs don't get things all their own way. Or are American liberals too  'racist' to let their voices be heard.

    BS name calling is for true losers. Keep up your attacks as your credibility is not going well.

  14. 9 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

    It seems totally ridiculous that Trump is not being allowed to do the things that his promises to perform were the ones that got him into the White House ! Never in the history of American politics has an incoming president had to put up with so much bulls**t, especially from the outgoing poor loser. Sad !

    Dam that America follows it's on Constitution.

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