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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. You are admitting you are not capable yourself. Dufus answer than/
  2. Trump has a 0.9% lead based on 610 polls .https://elections2024.thehill.com/national/biden-trump-general/
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/news/team-biden-roasts-feeble-confused-204432034.html Keep it coming as I like the aggressive Dark Brandon better.
  4. If he does prevail this November, that will be 16 years in WH as his mark. Smoke that!
  5. Trump v Biden_ who’s ahead in the latest polls_ _ The Economist.html Biden has now taken over the lead in poll.
  6. Not for those who are anti woke. 92 imbd The monk and the gun.
  7. I noticed that the MSM are including a lot less Fox News linking. And now are including more MSM instead. The pedelium still swings true.
  8. Topped off with 91 Federal indictments, that one? Money well spent.
  9. I'm going to go with the simple minded gal and you can go along with the criminal seeking revenge. ok?
  10. Same here starting it just now. Opens with Post Malone in the ring!
  11. The reality is the rats are fleeing is not new. https://www.inquisitr.com/insiders-concerned-as-smaller-but-important-donors-abandon-donald-trumps-campaign-amid-cash-crunch
  12. Warning, not for the squeamish: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/03/19/stormy-daniels-documentary-trump-sot-ebof-vpx.cnn?dicbo=v2-gbu6m1R&hpt=ob_blogfooterold
  13. I told you so, that this is more bad news. Trump raised just 20 million in February. Far shot of Bidens 53 million. Better yet Trump has 33 left and Biden 155!
  14. Susan Rice weighs in on Trump desperation. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/susan-rice-sounds-alarm-donald-083526883.html
  15. A House member offered to hold a vote today to impeach asking if just on Republican would second it! Silence.
  16. Republicans too will bring him down too. Add the to the rest then. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/susan-rice-sounds-alarm-donald-083526883.html
  17. Talk is cheap and you need to act now if your dreams could possibly come true. Step it up and write a check! https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-campaign-pleads-one-million-184041730.html
  18. Can you help out? Times are not as good as 2016 and he could use more of your money. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-campaign-pleads-one-million-184041730.html
  19. Seems you going into this knowing how smashed Trump hopes are. The good news is that MAGA/GOP will deal with their death by never showing up ever again.
  20. Watch the interview by Don Lemon and see if he has any helpful qualities in your interpretation.
  21. Coming from you, honestly I cherish that comment as a true "badge of honor".
  22. Reminds me of a deer who knows he is dead on arrival. One of many opinionated clowns on fox.
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