Voter registration is spiking, particularly among young adults
name-calling you do that well
you need to accept that people interpret things differently
what is the bit about pcp hurting your feelings?
just giving you an opinion
He was trolling despite it not being how you are interpeting it
Let me guess you're not American
Nobody there believe that BS about being destroyed American life
I tried to be realistic when a question like this is posed
I think postelection has an opportunity to change the divide
The possibility of one winning a landslide
Just total crap
when Trump won 2016, it was obvious he knew what he was doing
when Trump tried to run against Biden, it was obvious we already knew who he was
Even the most extream of the MAGA posters do not feel that violence unprovoked do they support.
The video is trying to exaggerate the extream for Americans right to vote.
Sick post from aljazeera.
Americans ar not cowards and will not enmass react with any kind of bloosdhed
MAGA will cry that they lost because he is certainly lose, trying to blame anything but the truth
I think if you believe that ou are in serious trrouble.
I thank God that your not living is the real America.
Claiming a Harris win means bloodshed sounds like Russian misinformation like I have not seen in any forum yet.