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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. If your scheduled payment is first week of each month, Wednesday's. Then the first Wednesday is not till the 7th.
  2. I am on EP01 and t is good. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26067432/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_2_tt_1_nm_5_q_wil
  3. If he believes it, then it must be true. Or at least in his own mind anyways. A NZ knows our American youth better than all the rest of the world! LOL
  4. This Criminal record which another poster also mentioned he was binge watching is great. Next ep is Feb 8
  5. Biden is playing with house money and it is enough to carry him into 2025. Going forward lets just keep the petal to the floor. MAGA are losers of a special kind and a few are just now realizing this
  6. I was thinking the same as I realized this could be an October surprise, setup by the Right wing.
  7. Obviously, you have not enjoyed the wonderful parts of living the American dream. Fifty years in California I know just how lucky life can be in the United States, because I have.
  8. Same here, if America decides Trump's leadership skill are what's needed in America, then those voters deserve the eventual outcome.
  9. I read a post declaring Kid Rock's 6 voters will demolish Taylor's!
  10. Perhaps we can convince him to stop his Fox News direct feeds.
  11. Foolish Fox News fan has only Fox News as his go to and believes his repeating has merit. Sad some cannot offer an original thought!
  12. My friends and family are all doing very well in the current economy. I attribute that to them in positions that ensures they are keeping up with the rising cost helped by covid 19 and Russian war. Vacations overseas, new EV's and a general case of living the American dream.
  13. Trump failed to build a wall, let alone the cemented version. Pray tell why you suggest it is the sole solution he accomplished?
  14. You were sked before and still awaiting an answer made by another poster. What did Trump do that you believed helped at the border.
  15. You are entitled to your opinion and we can decide to believe you or the jurors who heard the evidence. Interesting that the Judge had this advice when dismissing them told them " the judge basically gave them this warning:
  16. CNN’s Kaitlan Collins has revealed that former President Donald Trump was secretly behind the Republican National Committee’s plan to name him the presumptive GOP nominee for president, even though he publicly renounced it after it faced widespread backlash
  17. So surprised about your links but sure wish you would share them.
  18. Can I help direct you to his Contribution page, anything you send will help now.?
  19. Let me introduce you to the truth by explaining how to use this thing called Google!
  20. My recent ignore has paid off like I could not imagine. Guess which clown won that contest.
  21. Yes, very much like your wife did. My wife does not watch anything I do.
  22. I too really enjoyed Oppenheimer and you recommended The BeeKeeper.
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