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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. Election 2024 updates: Democrats raise $46.7M after Biden exit, Harris steps forward
  2. Covid19 and all! He did say he was going to soon speak. Stay up
  3. Trump if he won will turn 81 Kamala is 59 Reality sucks but who cares.
  4. The Turks were saying (before today) they took action only after realizing thier own ability to win was now evident.
  5. Focus on policy differences. Killing Clinton off, was it, as far as sucess.
  6. When i think of the dead American lost to South Korea and you ba#$TRDS MAGA supporting Trump infuriates me to no end. https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/trump-boasts-friendship-with-kim-jong-un-says-north-korean-leader-misses-him-101721568385942.html
  7. Any one of the republicans can win EXCEPT Trump and maybe Ron Sad
  8. Join me and the maga and have a dance to celebrate our first Americn Woman President!
  9. Biden dropping out of the race is no great tragedy for anyone, he's the oldest U.S. President ever and it's no surprise that at his age he's no longer fit. That's human. That's normal. And Biden has done a yeoman's job in a lifelong political career. He deserves respect and appreciation. And it's not at all equivalent to the sad state of the Republican Party, that has been taken over and utterly corrupted by one madman. Take a bow, Joe. You deserve a hearty round of thanks and appreciation, having done a yeoman's job in politics and survived a term as President with no impeachment. It's OK to be angry about Trump's election in 2016; that need not have happened. Blame Hillary, she deserves it, and gets credit also for other Democratic Party errors and omissions. But now it's 2024, you're the oldest President in U.S. History. And it shows. You are no longer fit. Take some time to smell the roses before you push up daisies. No regrets. Thanks again.
  10. All Americans are fed up with old white men. Demonstrating how both old people struggle. Demand the election turn to the younger politicians as the need to continue the USA as world leaders
  11. Senior Democrat suggests Obama, Clinton host ‘mini primary’ vetting (msn.com)
  12. Infra structure weekly, new health care plan, Mexico will pay for the wall, Covid19 will go away, he promised to eliminate the Federal deficit. He failed on all of these promises
  13. Fact Checking Donald Trump's RNC speech on immigration, the economy and more (msn.com) Could Trump try using the truth to improve himself? Scoundrel.
  14. This is the peaking point the Republicans have after a Convention. Only downhill for them from here.
  15. The Democrates then would run two Swing State Govenors, without baggage. This then is a slam dunk to defeat the X President with the most ever loaded up on baggage.
  16. Newsmax Reporting Biden Will Drop Out Of 2024 Election | Watch (msn.com) I think the MAGA follow this network
  17. There are times putting out the trash is best to just use ignore
  18. Texas gun influencer says he's shocked to see his logo on Trump shooter https://www.yahoo.com/news/texas-gun-influencer-says-hes-214516962.html
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