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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. Handed the debate trump failed like always. Moderators for CNN’s debate took a hands-off approach, letting lies and half-truths remain unchallenged. Here are the facts on some of the false claims https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/27/fact-check-debate-biden-trump
  2. So right now the point is any other Republican can beat Biden. Only one that could find a way to lose to Biden and that is Trump
  3. Yesterday I was the most popular poster here in the forums. You will never see that day
  4. Wow I think you fit that strange must more than me
  5. Biden is still living proof Trump can easily be defeated.
  6. The election is four months away. Biden is still living proof Trump can easily be defeated.
  7. Incumbent Presidents historically wither in the first debate. Still to come Sentencing, haha
  8. They were responsible for asking good questions but to be fair that was perfect for Trump to take full advantage. Don't answer was fitting as he just spewed lies and nobody cared
  9. Just makes no sense but i an not surprised Is it because you lost the Presidential bet we made where you promised to take on my avatar I havd chosen for you? Was that the meaning?
  10. Not having the modertors fact checking was a huge Trump win.
  11. No one has any beef with the two Democrates Everytime Trump was not answering the questins, not once did they call him out
  12. They did undress Biden is the spin. Let see what Trump does with the opening. I expect he will kill himself for good most likely. Once a loser always a loser
  13. Lies and misrepresentives is all Trump showed when he clearly had a chance to tell any truths
  14. The tax cuts Trump gave to his rich friends is what is important
  15. You have won the prize for the funniest post so far
  16. MAGA whining about the facts, figures Time to tax the rich
  17. I doubt you will accept (his loss) because he is a liar. Good one
  18. But he is spanking Trump, not at all surprised with facts. Trump just moves to more of his lying and not answering
  19. I hope the spin room is about Trump avoiding answering the debate questions.
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