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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. 16 hours ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    Seems like the ongoing obvious signs of aging are not going to result in Democrats as a whole acknowledging a younger candidate is appropriate so we all watch on and wonder if either he can pull it together for an election, or if there is a bigger stumble and he'll either accept or be forced to accept, that he has to pass the baton to someone else.

    Definitely his election to lose but no other candidate has a true chance. Relax and await election day like Biden supporters will.

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  2. https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls

    Poll Map - Electoral College
    Biden vs. TrumpBiden vs. DeSantisBiden vs. PenceBiden vs. SununuHarris vs. TrumpHarris vs. DeSantisNewsom vs. TrumpNewsom vs. DeSantis
    Biden vs. Trump
    Democrats: 302
    Republicans: 234


    270 to Win 
                     Biden Ahead by 5%+, or No Polls but Safe D
    Biden Leads by Less Than 5%
    No Polls, Competitive
    Trump Leads by Less Than 5%
    Trump Ahead by 5%+, or No Polls but Safe R


    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, rice555 said:

    What does Fox have to do with this story?

    Not sure if you are sincere in the question for sure! Only Fox News took an ending to an interview and posted Biden wandered off the set. (not actually happened). Total everyday Fox slanting actual facts. Excellent interview and some here found what they called softball. Again same as Fox just slanted.

    If you want the truth decide yourself! 


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  4. On 6/24/2023 at 3:27 PM, Tropicalevo said:

    How about a largish floor standing fan to blow the smoke/smell away from your balcony?

    I use to have a teenager girl smoke tobacco on a balcony. (15 yo) Mother not caring. So did indeed I went an had a huge fan blow it back into her face. It worked! 2 feet away lol 

  5. 2 hours ago, xylophone said:

    But what it does make him is a person totally unfit to be in any sort of office of influence/power, or to lead a country like the USA – – see my previous post which begins with this paragraph: –


     "As a president, Trump misled Americans about economic indicators, about a hurricane, about climate change and about his past actions and meetings with foreign leaders. While leading the nation through the pandemic he underplayed the severity of coronavirus while endorsing fake cures".


    I guess his supporters will stick with him no matter how bad he is! A cult perhaps?

    Your post shows you have a gift of summarizing this man's faults to perfection.

    I had a gut feeling when he Birthered the President of the United States. 

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  6. 18 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

    Might also depend on who Trump would pick for VP, if he is the nominee. Biden is stuck with Harris, a politcal albatross. Trump could, possibly, pick someone who would elevate the GOP ticket- Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, hell even DeSantis.  

    Gotta face the reality that the odds of Biden (or Trump for that matter) surviving until 2028 are not that great. Consider that the average life expectancy for white folks is abou 76 years old, both are already on borrowed time. And not in the best of health.

    Far better if both parties nominate younger, more energetic, and more survivable candidates. 


    where did you come up with that a VP has ever once helped an election, preytell?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    So you believe he will not Plea and take a deal if offered one?.  If so that makes his defense attorneys being able to make an insanity defense, which of course would also remove him from running.

    Nobody so far has attempted to provide a reasonable defense, zero. Not at all surprised. I think his only hope is for the Judge to disrupt or jurors from a ruby red county are sworn in.

    He should have asked for a plea and admitted guilt and thrown himself to the feet of the DOJ but he has not often shown he is even a little smart,

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  8. 4 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

    Highly doubtful.  Trump and DeSantis do NOT get along, to put it mildly. I cant see Trump doing anything other than going scorched earth and trying to drag DeSantis down with him.  

    I COULD see a plea deal in the future though... no jail time in exchange for probation and dropping out of the race.

    I believe he will agree to a deal where he wears a bracelet while locked in the WH.

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