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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. The majority (70%) of agricultural workers were foreign born. https://www.ncfh.org/facts-about-agricultural-workers-fact-sheet.html
  2. Feels a lot like your getting the big boot, sort of?
  3. I don't know about that. My family in USA are very prosperous. Vacations world wide, new EV cars, improved property value. In general very much enjoying earned wealth themselves. But your insight comes from where exactly? Please justify yourself dismal outlook. Try doing it without parroting Fox News. Add the outlook from consumer confidence. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/consumer-confidence-surges-to-the-highest-level-in-two-years/ar-BB1hv7UM
  4. The value there is terrific and I am going there often. Looking at any additional recommendations. I realize the huge difference in prices.
  5. Can anyone add to a suggested BBQ buffet's that have Sunday Roasts? I noticed one ad at the entrance to Aufder location.
  6. The movie I had recommended shocked me too as I did not know how bad some of the Belgium citizens treated Jews. Netflix dark ww ll thriller, Will
  7. Thanks and here is latest for January 2024 https://www.conference-board.org/topics/consumer-confidence
  8. ep 03 starting as I had at first given up on it. His post.
  9. Trump not wanting jail time has only one choice as I see it. October surprise, he drops out and supports Haley. She beats Biden. She stops all federal charges against Trump. Leaving Trump to plead guilty in Georgia for a plea deal. Trump's hidden plan.
  10. I've been going for a long time and the Saraphi and the new location are the same looking photos.
  11. He answered you in his post Did you just not see it or understand it?
  12. My brother whom I am sure voted Trump says Ron is a sham artist.
  13. Prepare for a very long illness as Biden has no chance of losing to Trump.
  14. Sick and should be reported for that post.
  15. Well, sorry buddy but you can keep crying all day long and us Americans can get a good laugh. Trump recently won second worse President ever in America. Buchanan won worst. Also getting the most votes in comparison to the last sitting President has exactly ZERO value. We Americans get to choose for ourselves every four years. We don't need you to tell us good from the bad! Probably you do have something to offer in another county. Insulting our President makes you look silly.
  16. Wow, that is totally delusional. Are you scared of Joe Biden and hoping he decides to quit the race he already won once before? Wake up and smell the roses!
  17. Did you think that promoting yourself as a deemed duly elected monitor could be acceptable? Deam on! LOL
  18. Sad days ahead for you as we that support Biden like our chances as Trump loses support daily. Biden woped his butt last time and Trump has not added a single voter, imho.
  19. Did you spend the day at a dispensary or an all nightery, as this is pure off the top crazy.
  20. "Clear and simple" Not what magadonian's comprehend. Prefer lies, chaos and confusing instead.
  21. Well, the truth is you probably have Trump as your choice. I understand why you say anyone else. The only one that is a sure loser is Trump. Sad day's ahead for the Republican party. Probably right about now I expect a pout or the start of a cry.
  22. If your scheduled payment is first week of each month, Wednesday's. Then the first Wednesday is not till the 7th.
  23. I am on EP01 and t is good. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26067432/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_2_tt_1_nm_5_q_wil
  24. If he believes it, then it must be true. Or at least in his own mind anyways. A NZ knows our American youth better than all the rest of the world! LOL
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