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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. That is very confusing! Can you explain who is this "market" please?
  2. All but a guarantee Trump will go against Biden. Even if Biden's approval is at less than the current 43% Trump has 53% of American not ever going to vote him in again. Go figure why Republicans will give this election away?
  3. https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/asa-hutchinson-i-will-prosecute-trump-at-the-debate-whether-he-s-there-or-not-191148613887
  4. Look, when you act like he does no on feels surprised, as though this wasn't all foreseen the day he arrived down the escalator.
  5. 40 unindicted co-conspirators. Tall list.
  6. This is all about justice and accountability. America proving why we support democracy.
  7. Just in 10 indictments! Watched Hannity and on this day I will never forget the joy it brought!
  8. Probably if Hunter agrees to jail time everybody wins. Look drug addiction has three possibilities. Most likely they die from taking hard drugs, Secondly they dry out doing jail time. Lastly they themselves enlist in a recovery program. imho
  9. His explanation. Rep. Greg Steube says if a Republican president is elected in 2024 takes over DOJ and the FBI, he expects Joe Biden to be charged with treason. How are you feeling about Trump winning the Presidency possibility?
  10. Honestly the reality of a Trump supporter is entertaining at best.
  11. Former Trump White House lawyer knocks ‘aspirational’ defense in Jan. 6 case (yahoo.com)
  12. Take the time to also read his other opinions. I don't ever want to be charged with denying anyone reaching for help.
  13. I take exception to that. Many and I mean many of us post links to avoid the "everybody has opinions"!
  14. The judge has set up a Friday 10 am to hear arguments. She knows her responsibility well.
  15. Exactly my take as Trump knows just where he stands and manipulates his loser followers.
  16. I disagree but wish you were right, and I am wrong. Trump supporters will not ever abandon him even if he killed somebody right on the WH stairs.
  17. I saw an interesting point made just now online. That all of the candidate's poll numbers added together do not add up to Trump's total. The only way to shake that up is for all of them to attack him now before it is too late. Additionally, all need to be willing to say they will not vote Trump and will vote Joe instead. Actually that is the only way to untrack a certain nomination win for Donald Trump!
  18. He already said he won't testify at the trial. Wait and see.
  19. Sad times for you, telling me to get out more often. Best rebuttal to the four counts today, perhaps. You do know only a jury will determine what counts as facts. Those presented in the indictment make me want to puke. Trump is a very vile person.
  20. American Heros when USA needed it most.
  21. Nothing US Troops can't handle. pffft
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